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Extending associative containers with the remaining heterogeneous overloads

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


The authors propose heterogeneous overloads for the remaining member functions in ordered and unordered associative containers.

1. Motivation

[N3657] and [P0919R0] introduced heterogeneous lookup support for ordered and unordered associative containers in C++ Standard Library. [P2077R2] proposed heterogeneous erasure overloads. As a result, a temporary key object is not created when a different (but comparable) type is provided as a key to the member function. But there are still no heterogeneous overloads for methods such as insert_or_assign, operator[] and others.

Consider the following example:

void foo(std::map<std::string, int, std::less<void>>& m) {
    const char* lookup_str = "Lookup_str";
    auto it = m.find(lookup_str); // matches to template overload
    // ...
    auto result = m.insert_or_assign(lookup_str, 1); // no heterogeneous alternative

Function foo accepts a reference to the std::map<std::string, int> object. A comparator for the map is std::less<void>, which provides is_transparent valid qualified-id, so the std::map allows using heterogeneous overloads with Key template parameter for lookup functions, such as find, upped_bound, equal_range, etc.

In the example above, the m.find(lookup_str) call does not create a temporary object of the std::string to perform a lookup. But the m.insert_or_assign(lookup_str, 1) call causes implicit conversion from const char* to std::string even if the insertion will not take place. The allocation and construction (as well as subsequent destruction and deallocation) of the temporary object of std::string or any custom object might be quite expensive and reduce the program performance.

All the proposed APIs in this paper allow to avoid mentioned performance penalty.

2. Prior work

Heterogeneous lookup overloads for ordered and unordered associative containers were added into C++ standard. For example:

template <typename K>
iterator find(const K& x);

The corresponding overloads were added for count, contains, equal_range, lower_bound and upper_bound member functions.

[P2077R2] proposed heterogeneous erasure overloads for ordered and unordered associative containers:

template <typename K>
size_type erase(K&& x);

template <typename K>
node_type extract(K&& x);


where Compare is a type of comparator passed to an ordered container, Hash and Pred are types of hash function and key equality predicate passed to an unordered container respectively.

3. Proposal overview

We propose to add heterogeneous overloads for the following member functions:

3.1. try_emplace

We propose the following API (std::map and std::unordered_map):

template <typename K, typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args);

template <typename K, typename... Args>
iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& k, Args&&... args);

Effects: If the map already contains an element whose key compares equivalent with k, there is no effect. Otherwise, inserts an object of type value_type constructed with std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(k)), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...).


  1. For ordered associative containers: qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type For unordered associative containers: qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types

  2. std::is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> and std::is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> are both false.

Constraint 2 is introduced to maintain backward compatibility and makes homogeneous overload to be called when K&& is convertible to const_iterator or to iterator.

3.2. insert_or_assign

We propose the following API (std::map and std::unordered_map):

template <typename K, typename M>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, M&& obj);

template <typename K, typename M>
iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& k, M&& obj);

Effects: If the map already contains an element e whose key compares equivalent with k, assigns std::forward<M>(obj) to e.second. Otherwise, inserts an object of type value_type constructed with std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<M>(obj).


Backward compatibility problem in case of K&& convertibility to iterator or const_iterator will not take place because the number of arguments is fixed - call with three arguments would always consider the overloads with hint only.

3.3. operator[]

We propose the following API (std::map and std::unordered_map):

template <typename K>
mapped_type& operator[](K&& k);

Effects: Equivalent to: return try_emplace(std::forward<K>(k)).first->second.


3.4. at

We propose the following API (std::map and std::unordered_map):

template <typename K>
mapped_type& at(const K& k);

template <typename K>
const mapped_type& at(const K& k) const;

Returns: A reference to the mapped_type corresponding to k in *this.

Throws: An exception object of type std::out_of_range if no such element is present.


3.5. bucket

We propose the following API (std::unordered_map, std::unordered_multimap, std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset):

template <typename K>
size_type bucket(const K& k) const;

Returns: The index of the bucket in which elements with keys compared equivalent with k would be found, if any such element existed.


3.6. insert

We considered to add heterogeneous overloads of insert for all associative containers, but found the applicability only for std::set and std::unordered_set with the following API:

template <typename K>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(K&& k);

template <typename K>
iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& k);

Effects: If the set already contains an element which compares equivalent with k, there is no effect. Otherwise, inserts an object constructed with std::forward<K>(k) into the set.


  1. For ordered associative containers: qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type For unordered associative containers: qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types

  2. std::is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> and std::is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> are both false.

Adding heterogeneous insert overload makes no sense for associative containers with non-unique keys (std::multimap, std::multiset, std::unordered_multimap and std::unordered_multiset) because the insertion will be successful in any case and the key would be always constructed. All additional overheads introduced by insert can be mitigated by using emplace.

For std::map and std::unordered_map, heterogeneous insertion also makes no sense since heterogeneous try_emplace covers the relevant use cases.

3.7. Design decisions

3.7.1. Constructibility constraints

We do not introduce the following constraint: std::is_constructible_v<value_type, K&&, Arguments> for try_emplace, insert_or_assign, operator[] and insert member functions.

The only use-case when the homogeneous overload of the corresponding member function should be selected is the case when K&& is convertible to key_type, but key_type is not constructible from K&&. We decided not to consider such a use case as important to maintain.

The condition std::is_constructible_v<value_type, K&&, Arguments> is considered as a precondition for the corresponding member function.

3.7.2. Insertion of implicitly convertible types

The proposed heterogeneous overloads for the insertion (such as std::set::insert) can result in adding heterogeneous keys that are only explicitly convertible to key_type.

Consider the following example:

std::set<std::shared_ptr<int>, std::owner_less<>> s;
std::weak_ptr<int> w = /*...*/;


The constructor of std::shared_ptr from the std::weak_ptr is explicit, so this code is currently ill-formed and the user should choose how to get std::shared_ptr from w. If the heterogeneous overload for std::set::insert would be added, the code above would become well-formed because implicit conversion is not required anymore and the insertion will happen via explicit conversion under the hood. If w is expired, the insertion will throw std::bad_weak_ptr.

We investigated adding constraints for heterogeneous overloads of the insertion methods so that they only participate in overload resolution if K&& is both implicitly and explicitly convertible to key_type, but it prohibits the use-case which is useful and common from authors perspective:

std::set<std::string, TransparentCharCompare> s;
std::string_view sv = /*...*/;


The constructor of std::string from the std::string_view is explicit, so if heterogeneous overloads would be constrained as described above, the previous example would become ill-formed that forces the user to explicitly convert sv to std::string, which adds overhead (see § 3.9 Performance evaluation for more details).

Moreover, we found that the library already contains such precedences. First, we can compare the behavior of std::vector::insert and std::vector::emplace:

std::shared_ptr<int> sptr = /*...*/;
std::weak_ptr<int> wptr = sptr;

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<int>> v;
v.push_back(sptr); // OK
v.push_back(wptr); // Fail due to implicit conversion
v.emplace_back(wptr); // OK, insertion via explicit conversion

Another example is one of the overloads of std::map::insert:

template <class P>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(P&& x);

This overload is equivalent to emplace(std::forward<P>(x)). Hence, insert(value_type&&) and insert(P&&) are overloads with different semantics and the availability of such an overload results in the behavior described above. Consider:

std::shared_ptr<int> sptr;
std::weak_ptr<int> wptr;

std::pair<std::shared_ptr<int>, int> p1 = std::make_pair(sptr, 1); // OK
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<int>, int> p2 = std::make_pair(wptr, 1); // Fail

std::map<std::shared_ptr<int>, int, std::owner_less<>> m;
m.insert(std::make_pair(sptr, 1)); // OK
m.insert(std::make_pair(wptr, 1)); // Also OK, equivalent to emplace

Based on the described scenarios we came to the following conclusions:

3.7.3. Conversion and comparison consistency

The conversion from the heterogeneous key to key_type should be consistent with the heterogeneous lookup.

Consider the following example where inconsistency leads to unexpected result:

struct HeterogeneousKey {
  int value;
  operator int() const { return -value; }

struct Compare {
  using is_transparent = void;

  bool operator()(int lhs, int rhs) const {
    return lhs < rhs;
  bool operator()(int lhs, HeterogeneousKey rhs) const {
    return lhs < rhs.value;
  bool operator()(HeterogeneousKey lhs, int rhs) const {
    return lhs.value < rhs;

int main() {
  std::set<int, Compare> s = {1, -2};

In this case, HeterogeneousKey{2} will be compared with elements in the set as 2, but would be inserted as -2 and it results in broken std::set structure due to equivalent elements in the container.

Based on that, we need a precondition for heterogeneous insertion methods that the conversion from the heterogeneous key into key_type should produce an object that can be found with the heterogeneous lookup with the same heterogeneous key.

The example above also could result in breaking change. Currently the conversion from HeterogeneousKey to int is done before the insertion, so the value would be inserted only if the set does not contain elements that homogeneously compares equivalent to the converted value. If the heterogeneous overload for insert would be added, the conversion would be done after the lookup phase inside the insert and the value would be inserted only if the set does not contain any elements that are heterogeneously compare equivalent to the HeterogeneousKey.

But we believe that the most common use-case for both heterogeneous lookup and insertion is the case when key_type and heterogeneous key represents the same thing like for std::string and std::string_view, which gives correct and unambiguous conversion from the heterogeneous key to key_type. Inconsistency of comparison and conversion today

We would like to highlight weird behavior when heterogeneous comparison and conversion are inconsistent even without this proposal being accepted. Consider the following example:

struct HalfIs {
  int value;

  operator int() const { return value * 2; }

struct Compare {
  using is_transparent = void;

  bool operator()(int x, int y) const { return x < y; }
  bool operator()(int x, HalfIs y) const { return x < y / 2; }
  bool operator()(HalfIs x, int y) const { return x / 2 < y; }

int main() {
  std::set<int, Compare> s = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6};
  if (s.contains(HalfIs{2})) {
    bool result = s.insert(HalfIs{2}).second;
    assert(result == false); // Fails
    assert(s.size() == 5); // Fails

In the example above heterogeneous lookup could potentially find two values (because of dividing by 2 in heterogeneous comparator overload) while HalfIs::operator int always produces the single value. s.contains(HalfIs{2}) returns true because the element 5 compares equivalent with the value HalfIs{2} but if we try to add the same object into the container using s.insert(HalfIs{2}) - the insertion will be successful due to conversion HalfIs{2} -> 4.

We think that such a behavior is questionable - why are we able to insert the element into the set if it already contains the equivalent one?

3.7.4. Use-cases with multiple matches

The design of heterogeneous lookup and erasure allows the unique-key associative containers to hold unique elements in terms of homogeneous comparisons, but potentially non-unique with heterogeneous comparisons:

struct Employee {
  // First component of the pair is the lastname,
  // the second is the firstname
  std::pair<std::string, std::string> fullname;

  Employee(const std::string& firstname, const std::string& lastname)
    : fullname(lastname, firstname) {}

  std::string firstname() const { return fullname.second; }
  std::string lastname() const { return fullname.first; }

struct Compare {
  using is_transparent = void;

  // Homogeneous comparison - compares both firstname and lastname
  bool operator()(const Employee& lhs, const Employee& rhs) const {
    return lhs.fullname < rhs.fullname;

  // Heterogeneous comparisons - compare lastname and Employees lastname
  bool operator()(const Employee& lhs, const std::string& rhs) const {
    return lhs.lastname() < rhs;

  // Reversed heterogeneous comparison
  bool operator()(const std::string& lhs, const Employee& rhs) const {
    return lhs < rhs.lastname();

int main() {
  std::set<Employee, Compare> s = {{"John", "Smith"},
                                   {"Oliver", "Twist"},
                                   {"William", "Smith"}};

  // Below std::distance(r.first, r.second) == 2
  auto r = s.equal_range("Smith");

This code creates a std::set of employees that contains unique elements with homogeneous Employee-Employee comparison - combinations of the firstname and the lastname are unique. But with heterogeneous Employee-lastname comparison the set may contain multiple matches of the employees with the same lastname. It allows the user to find all Smiths in a set using single equal_range("Smith") call. The returned range will contain both John Smith and William Smith.

The reasonable question here is how should the heterogeneous insertion methods behave if multiple match occurred? In particular, iterator to which element should be returned? Or how many elements should be modified by calling insert_or_assign?

In general case we cannot not imagine how to write consistent conversion operator with the heterogeneous comparator that produces multiple match. If this scenario is possible then the answers could be that the returned iterator from the insertion should be defined in a consistent way with heterogeneous find where, in case of multiple matches, it returns the iterator to any matched element. Similarly, the insert_or_assign assigns to any matched element.

Below we provide the ruminations why consistent conversion operator for heterogeneous key in the use-case with multiple match for unique-key containers is hardly possible.

To use heterogeneous insertion for the example above, we need to define the conversion from std::string to Employee to be able to emplace the value into the set:

struct Employee {
  // ...
  Employee(const std::string& lname);
  // ...

It’s unclear how this constructor with one string (e.g., representing last name) would restore both first and last names. Thus, such construction does not seem meaningful. We think that for the use-case similar to above, such a conversion is considered as an attempts to restore the element using one of its properties with no attention to other properties. Similar examples are restoring the information about the car knowing that its color is red or restoring the integer using its hashcode.

One can argue that such a conversion can use a single string representing both first and last names, e.g. "James Brown" and fill the fullname by parsing the string. But that leads to the problem described in § 3.7.4 Use-cases with multiple matches section. Heterogeneous comparison should be written consistently to use the same parsing pattern, not just a single lastname because otherwise, it (as it’s written in the example) would compare last name with the string representing the full name, which leads to unpredictable results.

To conclude. We believe that there are three possible scenarios on the user side:

3.7.5. at method design rationale

Despite that at method is put together with operator[] to "Element access" section in C++ standard, semantically it is much closer to find method because it does not make an insertion in case of element absence. Thus, we would like to specify at in terms of find. We also would like to add a precondition for at method that implies the same preconditions that find implicitly has.

In case of multiple match this method should return the reference to the same element as heterogeneous find.

3.7.6. Convertibility constraints for insert

For insert method of ordered and unordered set we propose additional constraint to prevent ambiguity between heterogeneous overload and the overload accepting the pair of iterators:

std::set<int> s1 = { ... };
std::set<int> s2 = { ... };

// Insert elements from s2 to s1
s1.insert(s2.cbegin(), s2.cend());

Call to insert with two std::set<int>::const_iterator objects is ambiguous for the following overloads:

template <typename InputIt>
void insert(InputIt first, InputIt last); // Existing overload (1)


template <typename K>
iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& x); // Proposed overload (2)

To resolve the problem described above we introduce std::is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> == false and std::is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> == false constraints for heterogeneous insert overload.

The behavior remains untouched when arguments are iterator or const_iterator (in any combinations).

3.8. Proposed API summary

The proposed heterogeneous overloads for various methods are summarized in the table below:

Member function std::set std::multiset std::map std::multimap std::unordered_set std::unordered_multiset std::unordered_map std::unordered_multimap
try_emplace Not available Not available K&& Not available Not available Not available K&& Not available
insert_or_assign Not available Not available K&& Not available Not available Not available K&& Not available
operator[] Not available Not available K&& Not available Not available Not available K&& Not available
at Not available Not available const K& Not available Not available Not available const K& Not available
bucket Not available Not available Not available Not available const K& const K& const K& const K&
insert K&& Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable K&& Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

3.9. Performance evaluation

Our case study with the open-source pmemkv project confirms the importance of the case with std::string and std::string_view (see § 3.7.2 Insertion of implicitly convertible types for more details).

pmemkv is an embedded key/value data storage for persistent memory that provides several storage engines optimized for different use cases. We analyzed vsmap engine that is built on std::map data structure with libmemkind::pmem::allocator allocator for persistent memory from the memkind library. std::basic_string with the libmemkind::pmem::allocator is used as a key and value type.

using storage_type = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
using key_type = storage_type;
using mapped_type = storage_type;
using map_allocator_type = libmemkind::pmem::allocator<std::pair<const key_type,
using map_type = std::map<key_type, mapped_type, std::less<void>,

Initial implementation of the vsmap::put method was the following:

status vsmap::put(std::string_view key, std::string_view value)
  auto res = pmem_kv_container.try_emplace(key_type(key, kv_allocator), value);

  if (!res.second) {
    auto it = res.first;
    it->second.assign(value.data(), value.size());

  return status::OK;

It explicitly creates a temporary object of key_type when the try_emplace method is called.

For performance evaluation, we extended LLVM Standard Library with the heterogeneous overload for the try_emplace method of std::map. With such overload the vsmap::put method does not need to create a temporary object of key_type:

status vsmap::put(std::string_view key, std::string_view value)
  auto res = pmem_kv_container.try_emplace(key, value);

  if (!res.second) {
    auto it = res.first;
    it->second.assign(value.data(), value.size());

  return status::OK;

For benchmarking we used the pmemkv utility and run the fillrandom benchmark on a prefilled storage (it means that the vsmap::put method updates existing element rather than inserting the new one). We executed the test with different key sizes (16, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 bytes) and measured the throughput as operations per second.

The chart below shows performance increases relative to the initial implementation:

4. Formal wording

Below, substitute the � character with a number the editor finds appropriate for the table, paragraph, section or sub-section.

4.1. Modify class template map synopsis [map.overview]

// [map.access], element access
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& x);
mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& x);

template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& x);

mapped_type&         at(const key_type& x);
const mapped_type&   at(const key_type& x) const;

template<class K> mapped_type&       at(const K& x);
template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& x) const;


template<class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(const key_type& k, Args&&... args);
template<class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type&& k, Args&&.. args);

template<class K, class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, const key_type& k, Args&&... args);
template<class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class K, class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(const key_type& k, M&& obj);
template<class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type&& k, M&& obj);

template<class K, class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, M&& obj);

template<class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, const key_type& k, M&& obj);
template<class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, M&& obj);

template<class K, class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& k, M&& obj);

4.2. Modify [map.access]

  mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& x);
    Effects: Equivalent to: return try_emplace(std::move(x)).first->second;
  template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& x);
    Constraints: The qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid
and denotes a type.
    Effects: Equivalent to: return try_emplace(std::forward<K>(x)).first->second;
  mapped_type&       at(const key_type& x);
  const mapped_type& at(const key_type& x) const;
    Complexity: Logarithmic.
  template<class K> mapped_type&       at(const K& x);
  template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& x) const;
    Constraints: The qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid
and denotes a type. 
    Preconditions: The expression find(x) is well-formed and has well-defined behavior.
    Returns: A reference to find(x)->second.
    Throws: An exception object of type out_of_range if find(x) == end() is true.
    Complexity: Logarithmic.

4.3. Modify [map.modifiers]

  template<class... Args>
    pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type&& k, Args&&... args);
  template<class... Args>
    iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, Args&&... args);
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.
  template<class K, class... Args>
    pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args);
  template<class K, class... Args>
    iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& k, Args&&... args);
    Constraints: The qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type.
For the first overload, is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> and is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator>
are both false.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into map from
piecewise_construct, forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(k)), forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...).
    Effects: If the map already contains an element whose key is equivalent to k,
there is no effect. Otherwise, let r be equal_range(k). Constructs an object u of
type value_type with piecewise_construct, forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(k)),
forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...). If equal_range(u.first) == r is false,
the behavior is undefined. Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair is true
if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator points to the map element
whose key is equivalent to k.
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.

  template<class M>
    pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type&& k, M&& obj);
  template<class M>
    iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, M&& obj);
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.
  template<class K, class M>
    pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, M&& obj);
  template<class K, class M>
    iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& k, M&& obj);
    Constraints: The qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid
and denotes a type.
    Mandates: is_assignable_v<mapped_type&, M&&> is true.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into map
from std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<M>(obj).
    Effects: If the map already contains an element e whose key is
equivalent to k, assigns std::forward<M>(obj) to e.second.
Otherwise, let r be equal_range(k). Constructs an object u of
type value_type with std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<M>(obj).
If equal_range(u.first) == r is false, the behavior is undefined.
Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair
is true if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator
points to the map element whose key is equivalent to k.
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.

4.4. Modify class template set synopsis [set.overview]

pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& x);
pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& x);

template<class K> pair<iterator, bool> insert(K&& x);

iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type& x);
iterator insert(const_iterator hint, value_type&& x);

template<class K> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& x);

4.5. Add paragraph Modifiers into [set.overview]

Erasure        [set.erasure]


Modifiers      [set.modifiers]
  template<class K> pair<iterator, bool> insert(K&& x);
  template<class K> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& x);
    Constraints: The qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid
and denotes a type. For the second overload, is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> and
is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> are both false.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into set from std::forward<K>(x).
    Effects: If the set already contains an element that is equivalent to x,
there is no effect. Otherwise, let r be equal_range(x). Constructs an object u of
type value_type with std::forward<K>(x).
If equal_range(u) == r is false, the behavior is undefined. Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair
is true if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator
points to the set element that is equivalent to x.
    Complexity: Logarithmic.

4.6. Modify [tab.container.hash.req]

Table �: Unordered associative container requirements (in addition to container) [tab:container.hash.req]
Expression Return type Assertion/ note
pre- / post-condition
b.bucket(k) size_type Preconditions: b.bucket_-
count() > 0
Returns: The index of the
bucket in which elements
with keys equivalent to k
would be found, if any such
element existed.
Postconditions: The return
value shall be in the range
[0, b.bucket_count()).
a_tran.bucket(ke) size_type Preconditions: a_tran.bucket-
count() > 0
Returns: The index of the
bucket in which elements
with keys equivalent to ke
would be found, if any such
element existed.
Postconditions: The return
value shall be in the range
[0, a_tran.bucket_count()).

4.7. Modify paragraph � in [unord.req.general]

The member function templates find, count, equal_range, and contains , and bucket shall not participate in overload resolution unless the qualified-ids Pred::is_transparent and Hash::is_transparent are both valid and denote types (�).

4.8. Modify class template unordered_map synopsis [unord.map.overview]

template<class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(const key_type& k, Args&&... args);
template<class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class K, class... Args>
  pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, const key_type& k, Args&&... args);
template<class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class K, class... Args>
  iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& k, Args&&... args);

template<class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(const key_type& k, M&& obj);
template<class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type&& k, M&& obj);

template<class K, class M>
  pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, M&& obj);

template<class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, const key_type& k, M&& obj);
template<class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, M&& obj);

template<class K, class M>
  iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& k, M&& obj);


// [unord.map.elem], element access
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& k);
mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& k);

template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& k);

mapped_type& at(const key_type& k);
const mapped_type& at(const key_type& k) const;

template<class K> mapped_type& at(const K& k);
template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& k) const;


size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const;
size_type bucket(const key_type& k) const;

template<class K> size_type bucket(const K& k) const;

4.9. Modify [unord.map.access]

  mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& k);
    Effects: Equivalent to: return try_emplace(std::move(k)).first->second;
  template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& k);
    Constraints: The qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and
Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types.
    Effects: Equivalent to: return try_emplace(std::forward<K>(k)).first->second;
  mapped_type&       at(const key_type& k);
  const mapped_type& at(const key_type& k) const;
    Throws: An exception object of type out_of_range if no such element is present.
  template<class K> mapped_type&       at(const K& k);
  template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& k) const;
    Constraints: The qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and
Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types.
    Preconditions: The expression find(k) is well-formed and has well-defined behavior.
    Returns: A reference to find(k)->second.
    Throws: An exception object of type out_of_range if find(k) == end() is true.

4.10. Modify [unord.map.modifiers]

  template<class... Args>
    pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type&& k, Args&&... args);
  template<class... Args>
    iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, Args&&... args);
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.
  template<class K, class... Args>
    pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(K&& k, Args&&... args);
  template<class K, class... Args>
    iterator try_emplace(const_iterator hint, K&& k, Args&&... args);
    Constraints: The qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and
denote types. For the first overload, is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator> and
is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> are both false.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into unordered_map from
piecewise_construct, forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(k)), forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...).
    Effects: If the map already contains an element whose key is equivalent to k,
there is no effect. Otherwise, let h be hash_function()(k). Constructs an object u of type value_type
with piecewise_construct, forward_as_tuple(std::forward<K>(k)), forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...).
If hash_function()(u.first) != h || contains(u.first) is true, the behavior is undefined.
Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair is true
if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator points to the map element
whose key is equivalent to k.
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.

  template<class M>
    pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type&& k, M&& obj);
  template<class M>
    iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, key_type&& k, M&& obj);
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.
  template<class K, class M>
    pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K&& k, M&& obj);
  template<class K, class M>
    iterator insert_or_assign(const_iterator hint, K&& k, M&& obj);
    Constraints: The qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are
valid and denote types.
    Mandates: is_assignable_v<mapped_type&, M&&> is true.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into unordered_map
from std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<M>(obj).
    Effects: If the map already contains an element e whose key is
equivalent to k, assigns std::forward<M>(obj) to e.second.
Otherwise, let h be hash_function()(k). Constructs an object u of type value_type
with std::forward<K>(k), std::forward<M>(obj)). If hash_function()(u.first) != h || contains(u.first) is true,
the behavior is undefined. Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair
is true if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator
points to the map element whose key is equivalent to k.
    Complexity: The same as emplace and emplace_hint, respectively.

4.11. Modify class template unordered_multimap synopsis [unord.multimap.overview]

size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const;
size_type bucket(const key_type& k) const;

template<class K> size_type bucket(const K& k) const;

4.12. Modify class template unordered_set synopsis [unord.set.overview]

pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type&& obj);

template<class K> pair<iterator, bool> insert(K&& obj);

iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type& obj);
iterator insert(const_iterator hint, value_type&& obj);

template<class K> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& obj);


size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const;
size_type bucket(const key_type& k) const;

template<class K> size_type bucket(const K& k) const;

4.13. Add paragraph Modifiers into [unord.set.overview]

Erasure        [unord.set.erasure]


Modifiers      [unord.set.modifiers]
  template<class K> pair<iterator, bool> insert(K&& obj);
  template<class K> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, K&& obj);
    Constraints: The qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent
are valid and denote types. For the second overload, is_convertible_v<K&&, const_iterator>
and is_convertible_v<K&&, iterator> are both false.
    Preconditions: value_type is Cpp17EmplaceConstructible into unordered_set
from std::forward<K>(obj).
    Effects: If the set already contains an element that is equivalent to obj,
there is no effect. Otherwise, let h be hash_function()(obj). Constructs an object u of type
value_type with std::forward<K>(obj). If hash_function()(u) != h || contains(u) is true,
the behavior is undefined. Inserts u into *this.
    Returns: For the first overload, the bool component of the returned pair
is true if and only if the insertion took place. The returned iterator
points to the set element that is equivalent to obj.
    Complexity: Average case constant, worst case linear.

4.14. Modify class template unordered_multiset synopsis [unord.multiset.overview]

size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const;
size_type bucket(const key_type& k) const;

template<class K> size_type bucket(const K& k) const;

4.15. Add feature test macro to [version.syn]

#define __cpp_lib_associative_heterogeneous_erasure    20����L
   // also in <map>, <set>, <unordered_map>, <unordered_set>

#define __cpp_lib_associative_heterogeneous_insertion  20����L
   // also in <map>, <set>, <unordered_map>, <unordered_set>

#define __cpp_lib_assume_aligned                       20����L  // also in memory>


5. Revision history

5.1. R4 ➡ R5

5.2. R3 ➡ R4

5.3. R2 ➡ R3

5.4. R1 ➡ R2

5.5. R0 ➡ R1

6. Acknowledgments

Special thanks to Tim Song for many findings during the paper review that eventually improved the quality of the proposal.

Thanks to Christian Mazakas for finding the ambiguity issue for existing and proposed insert overloads.


Informative References

J. Wakely, S. Lavavej, J. Muñoz. Adding heterogeneous comparison lookup to associative containers (rev 4). 19 March 2013. URL: https://wg21.link/n3657
Mateusz Pusz. Heterogeneous lookup for unordered containers. 8 February 2018. URL: https://wg21.link/p0919r0
Konstantin Boyarinov, Sergey Vinogradov; Ruslan Arutyunyan. Heterogeneous erasure overloads for associative containers. 15 December 2020. URL: https://wg21.link/p2077r2