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deduction guides and deducing this
Section: [func.wrap.func.con], [futures.task.members] Status: C++23 Submitter: Barry Revzin Opened: 2021-10-09 Last modified: 2023-11-22
Priority: 2
View all other issues in [func.wrap.func.con].
View all issues with C++23 status.
With the adoption of deducing this
(P0847), we can now create
types whose call operator is an explicit object member function, which means that decltype(&F::operator())
could have pointer-to-function type rather than pointer-to-member-function type. This means that the deduction
guides for std::function
( [func.wrap.func.con]) and std::packaged_task
( [futures.task.members]) will simply fail:
struct F { int operator()(this const F&) { return 42; } }; std::function g = F{}; // error: decltype(&F::operator()) is not of the form R(G::*)(A...) cv &opt noexceptopt
We should update the deduction guides to keep them in line with the core language.
[2021-10-14; Reflector poll]
Set priority to 2 after reflector poll.
Previous resolution [SUPERSEDED]:
This wording is relative to N4892.
Modify [func.wrap.func.con] as indicated:
template<class F> function(F) -> function<see below>;-16- Constraints:
is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand anddecltype(&F::operator())
is either of the formR(G::*)(A...) cv &opt noexceptopt
or of the formR(*)(G cv &opt, A...) noexceptopt
for aclasstypeG
.-17- Remarks: The deduced type is
.Modify [futures.task.members] as indicated:
template<class F> packaged_task(F) -> packaged_task<see below>;-7- Constraints:
is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand anddecltype(&F::operator())
is either of the formR(G::*)(A...) cv &opt noexceptopt
or of the formR(*)(G cv &opt, A...) noexceptopt
for aclasstypeG
.-8- Remarks: The deduced type is
[2021-10-17; Improved wording based on Tim Song's suggestion]
[2022-07-01; Reflector poll]
Set status to Tentatively Ready after nine votes in favour during reflector poll.
[2022-07-15; LWG telecon: move to Ready]
[2022-07-25 Approved at July 2022 virtual plenary. Status changed: Ready → WP.]
Proposed resolution:
This wording is relative to N4892.
Modify [func.wrap.func.con] as indicated:
template<class F> function(F) -> function<see below>;-16- Constraints:
is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand anddecltype(&F::operator())
is either of the formR(G::*)(A...) cv &opt noexceptopt
or of the formR(*)(G, A...) noexceptopt
for aclasstypeG
.-17- Remarks: The deduced type is
Modify [futures.task.members] as indicated:
template<class F> packaged_task(F) -> packaged_task<see below>;-7- Constraints:
is well-formed when treated as an unevaluated operand anddecltype(&F::operator())
is either of the formR(G::*)(A...) cv &opt noexceptopt
or of the formR(*)(G, A...) noexceptopt
for aclasstypeG
.-8- Remarks: The deduced type is