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Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Introduction

This paper proposes two new range factories:

  1. views::repeat, which is an infinite range that produces the same value repeatedly; and

  2. views::repeat_n, which is a finite range of a specified size that produces the same value repeatedly.

2. Changelog

2.1. R0

Initial revision.

3. Motivation


4. Design

This paper proposes the following additions to the Ranges library:

  1. A new view type, repeat_view, a view which repeatedly produces the same value, based on the design of iota_view.

  2. A new customization point object, views::repeat, which returns a repeat_view, based on the design of views::iota.

  3. An extension for the semantics of views::take and views::drop, to make them return bounded repeat_view when passed a repeat_view.

[P2214R1] suggests that repeat and repeat_n could be implemented in terms of generate and generate_n, however it also points out that the implementation of generate in range-v3 contains a data race. To avoid this issue, this paper defines repeat_view and repeat_n_view similarly to how iota_view is defined, which avoids the data race in generate. (The data race manifests in the implementation of generate filling its value cache inside a const function. There’s a number of ways to resolve this issue, but the author would rather not make solving it a prerequisite for views::repeat.)

4.1. repeat_view

repeat_view is a class template that’s parametrized on the type of the value it produces, and an additional parameter which controls whether it is bounded or not. This view is a common range and a sized range when bounded. It is always a random access range.

4.2. views::repeat

views::repeat is a customization point object which returns an unbounded repeat_view when passed just a value, and a bounded repeat_view when passed a value and a bound.

4.3. Move-only types and borrowed range

Currently, there is no support for move-only types to be stored inside views; as is, this impacts views::single (which requires the value type to be copyable), and the transform_view family of adaptors (which requires the transform function to be copyable). The author proposes that this paper follow the requirements in the other adaptors, but also separately proposes to relax these requirements for both the existing adaptors and for the proposed views::repeat in P2494.

This paper also proposes that iterators to repeat_views do not store copies of the values. There’s several reasons for this. For one, unlike the case of iota_view, all the iterators to a repeat_view always refer to the same value; copying the values all over to produce the same one from every iterator does not seem ideal. For another, if the iterators stored copies, the relaxation of the concept requirements mentioned above would not be possible. Finally, there is a precedent for this behavior: repeat_view in Range-v3 does not copy the values into iterators, even though it still requires that the values be copyable.

This, however, means that repeat_view is not a borrowed range. This is a tradeoff, but the author believes that it is a worthy one.

4.4. Category

repeat_view is always random access, because the variables being incremented while iterating are always integers or integer-like classes.

4.5. Other properties

repeat_view is sized when a bound other than unreachable_sentinel_t is provided.

repeat_view is common when it is sized.

4.6. views::take and views::drop changes

views::take and views::drop are specialized for a sized iota_view, in which case they return an iota_view back. They require that the iota_view be sized, because the bound type for iota_view can be an arbitrary type, so it is possible to have an iota_view that is random access and finite, but for which there exists no way to obtain the size. In such a case, if we attempted to blindly increment the iterators by the value of the second argument of either take or drop, we could inadvertently reach an iterator that seems valid, but is in fact past the end of the range.

For repeat_view, this situation is much clearer: the value is never modified, and the bound is either unreachable_sentinel_t, or an integer like type. In both cases we know that we can reuse the value, and set the bound to the appropriate value. Therefore, this paper proposes to extend the specializations of views::take and views::drop for repeat_view, without requiring that it must be sized.

5. Implementation experience

Range-v3 implements both the bounded and the unbounded variants of repeat, but exposes them as separate functions and types. The author believes that this facility should instead follow the design of views::iota. The two versions of views::repeat in Range-v3 differ only by the existence of the size field in the view itself, by the existence of the size function, and by the variant of the view_facade base class they inherit from.

6. Wording

6.1. Addition to <ranges>

Add the following to 24.2 [range.syn], Header <ranges> synopsis:

namespace std::ranges {
  // ...

  namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified iota = unspecified; }

  // [range.repeat], repeat view
  template<copy_constructible W, semiregular Bound = unreachable_sentinel_t>
  class repeat_view;

  namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified repeat = unspecified; }

  // [range.istream], istream view

  // ...

6.2. Repeat view [range.repeat]

Add a new section, Repeat view [range.repeat], after Iota view [range.iota].

6.2.1. Overview [range.repeat.overview]

  1. repeat_view generates a sequence of elements by repeatedly producing the same value.

  2. The name views::repeat denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). Given subexpressions E and F, the expressions views::repeat(E) and views::repeat(E, F) are expression-equivalent to repeat_view(E) and repeat_view(E, F), respectively.

  3. [ Example:

        for (int i : views::repeat(17, 4))
          cout << i << ' '; // prints: 17 17 17 17
    -- end example ]

6.2.2. Class template repeat_view [range.repeat.view]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<copy_constructible W, semiregular Bound = unreachable_sentinel_t>
    requires is-integer-like<Bound> || same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>
  class repeat_view : public view_interface<repeat_view<W, Bound>> {
    // [range.repeat.iterator], class range_view::iterator
    struct iterator;

    movable-box<W> value_ = W(); // exposition only, see [range.move.wrap]
    Bound bound_ = Bound(); // exposition only

    repeat_view() requires default_initializable<W> = default;

    template<semiregular Bnd>
    constexpr explicit repeat_view(const repeat_view<V, Bnd> & r,
      type_identity_t<Bound> bound = Bound());
    template<semiregular Bnd>
    constexpr explicit repeat_view(repeat_view<V, Bnd> && r,
      type_identity_t<Bound> bound = Bound());
    constexpr explicit repeat_view(const W & value, Bound bound = Bound());
    constexpr explicit repeat_view(W && value, Bound bound = Bound());
    template<class... Args>
      requires constructible_from<W, Args...>
    constexpr explicit repeat_view(in_place_t, Args &&... args);
    template<class... Args>
      requires constructible_from<W, Args...>
    constexpr repeat_view(in_place_t, Bound bound, Args &&... args);

    constexpr iterator begin() const;
    constexpr iterator end() const requires !same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>;
    constexpr unreachable_sentinel_t end() const;

    constexpr auto size() requires !same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>;
template<semiregular Bnd>
constexpr explicit repeat_view(const repeat_view<V, Bnd> & r,
  type_identity_t<Bound> bound = Bound());
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with r.value_ and bound_ with bound.

template<semiregular Bnd>
constexpr explicit repeat_view(repeat_view<V, Bnd> && r,
  type_identity_t<Bound> bound = Bound());
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with std::move(r.value_) and bound_ with bound.

constexpr explicit repeat_view(const W & value, Bound bound = Bound());
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with value and bound_ with bound.

constexpr explicit repeat_view(W && value, Bound bound = Bound());
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with std::move(value) and bound_ with bound.

template<typename... Args>
  requires constructible_from<W, Args...>
constexpr explicit repeat_view(in_place_t, Args &&... args);
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with std::forward<Args>(args)....

template<typename... Args>
  requires constructible_from<W, Args...>
constexpr repeat_view(in_place_t, Bound bound, Args &&... args);
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with std::forward<Args>(args)... and bound_ with bound.

constexpr iterator begin() const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return iterator{&value_};

constexpr iterator end() const requires !same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return iterator{&value, bound_};

constexpr unreachable_sentinel_t end() const;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return unreachable_sentinel;

constexpr auto size() requires !same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return bound_;

6.2.3. Class template repeat_view::iterator [range.repeat.iterator]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<copyable W, semireular Bound = unreachable_sentinel_t>
    requires is-integer-like<Bound> || same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>
  class repeat_view<W, Bound>::iterator {
    using index_type = // exposition only
      conditional_t<same_as<Bound, unreachable_sentinel_t>,
    const W * value_; // exposition only
    index_type current_ = index_type(); // exposition only

    using iterator_concept = random_access_iterator_tag;
    using iterator_catetogy = random_access_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = W;
    using reference = const W &;
    using difference = see below;

    iterator() requires default_initializable<W> = default;

    constexpr explicit iterator(const W * value, index_type b = index_type());

    constexpr const W & operator*() const noexcept;

    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr iterator operator++(int);

    constexpr iterator& operator--();
    constexpr iterator operator--(int);

    constexpr iterator& operator+=(difference_type n);
    constexpr iterator& operator-=(difference_type n);
    constexpr const W & operator[](difference_type n) const noexcept;

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);

    friend constexpr bool operator<(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
    friend constexpr bool operator>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
    friend constexpr bool operator<=(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
    friend constexpr bool operator>=(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
    friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);

    friend constexpr iterator operator+(iterator i, difference_type n);
    friend constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type n, iterator i);

    friend constexpr iterator operator-(iterator i, difference_type n);
    friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
constexpr explicit iterator(const W * value, index_type b = index_type());
  1. Effects: Initializes value_ with value and bound_ with b.

constexpr const W & operator*() const noexcept;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return *value_;

constexpr iterator& operator++();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

return *this;
constexpr iterator operator++(int);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr iterator& operator--();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

return *this;
constexpr iterator operator--(int);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr iterator& operator+=(difference_type n);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

current_ += n;
return *this;
constexpr iterator& operator-=(difference_type n);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

current_ -= n;
return *this;
constexpr const W & operator[](difference_type n) const noexcept;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return *value_;

friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current_ == y.current_;

friend constexpr bool operator<(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current_ < y.current_;

friend constexpr bool operator>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current_ > y.current_;

friend constexpr bool operator<=(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current_ <= y.current_;

friend constexpr bool operator>=(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current_ >= y.current_;

friend constexpr auto operator<=>(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to x.current <=> y.current_;

friend constexpr iterator operator+(iterator i, difference_type n);
friend constexpr iterator operator+(difference_type n, iterator i);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return iterator{i.value_, i.current_ + n};

friend constexpr iterator operator-(iterator i, difference_type n);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return iterator{i.value_, i.current_ - n};

friend constexpr difference_type operator-(const iterator& x, const iterator& y);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to return x.current_ - y.current_;

6.3. Take view [range.take]

6.3.1. Overview [range.take.overview]

Modify Overview [range.take.overview] paragraph 2 as follows:

2​. The name views::take denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_cvref_t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_difference_t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_to<D>, views::take(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views::take(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

  1. If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)), except that the evaluations of E and F are indeterminately sequenced.

  2. Otherwise, if T models random_access_range and sized_range and is a specialization of span ([views.span]), basic_string_view ([string.view]), or ranges::subrange ([range.subrange]), then U(ranges::begin(E), ranges::begin(E) + std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F)), except that E is evaluated only once, where U is a type determined as follows:

    1. if T is a specialization of span, then U is span<typename T::element_type>;

    2. otherwise, if T is a specialization of basic_string_view, then U is T;

    3. otherwise, T is a specialization of ranges::subrange, and U is ranges::subrange<iterator_t<T>>;

  3. Otherwise, if T is a specialization of ranges::iota_view ([range.iota.view]) that models random_access_range and sized_range, then ranges::iota_view(*ranges::begin(E), *(ranges::begin(E) + std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F))), except that E is evaluated only once;

  1. Otherwise, if T is a specialization of ranges::repeat_view ([range.repeat.view]):

    1. if T models sized_range, then ranges::repeat_view<range_value_t<T>, D>(std::forward<decltype(E)>(E), std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F)), except that E is evaluated only once;

    2. otherwise, ranges::repeat_view<range_value_t<T>, D>(E, F);

  1. Otherwise, ranges::take_view(E, F).

6.4. Drop view [range.drop]

6.4.1. Overview [range.drop.overview]

Modify Overview [range.drop.overview] paragraph 2 as follows:

2​. The name views::drop denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_cvref_t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_difference_t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_to<D>, views::drop(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views::drop(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

  1. If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)), except that the evaluations of E and F are indeterminately sequenced.

  2. Otherwise, if T models random_access_range and sized_range and is

    1. a specialization of span ([views.span]),

    2. a specialization of basic_string_view ([string.view]),

    3. a specialization of ranges::iota_view ([range.iota.view]), or

    4. a specialization of ranges::subrange ([range.subrange]) where T::StoreSize is false,

    then U(ranges::begin(E) + std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F), ranges::end(E)), except that E is evaluated only once, where U is span<typename T::element_type> if T is a specialization of span and T otherwise.

  3. Otherwise, if T is a specialization of ranges::subrange ([range.subrange]) that models random_access_range and sized_range, then T(ranges::begin(E) + std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F), ranges::end(E), to-unsigned-like(ranges::distance(E) - std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F))), except that E and F are each evaluated only once.

  1. Otherwise, if T is a specialization of ranges::repeat_view ([range.repeat.view]):

    1. if T models sized_range, then ranges::repeat_view<range_value_t<T>, D>(std::forward<decltype(E)>(E), ranges::distance(E) - std::min<D>(ranges::distance(E), F));

    2. otherwise, E.

  1. Otherwise, ranges::drop_view(E, F).

6.5. Feature-test macro


Informative References

Barry Revzin, Conor Hoekstra, Tim Song. A Plan for C++23 Ranges. 14 September 2021. URL: https://wg21.link/p2214r1