Relocating prvalues

Draft Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


This paper proposes several mechanisms to enable real relocation in C++. We cover several topics, such as trivial relocatibility, container optimizations, supports for relocate-only types, library changes and the impact of the existing code base.

1. Introduction

C++11 introduced rvalue-references, move constructor and move-assignment operators. While these have improved C++ in many ways, there is still one operation that is unsupported: relocation. By "relocation", we mean the operation to construct a new object while simultaneously destructing the source object. Some other proposals look at this as "move + destruct", while we see this as a unique, different, and optionally better optimized operation.

This new operation brings several benefits, namely in terms of performance and code correctness. This proposal has its own take on trivial relocatibility (which allows to optimize the relocation operation into a simple memcpy). It also supports relocate-only types (such as gsl::not_null<std::unique_ptr<int>>) and enables to relocate constant objects.

The proposal brings:

The proposal does not introduce a new value type; instead relocation will happen from prvalues.

2. Motivation

C++ lacks the support for relocate-only types. Let’s us consider the gsl::not_null<std::unique_ptr<T>> case for a moment. gsl::not_null inhibits the move constructor, as a moved-from pointer would be null and break the class invariant. In turn std::unique_ptr inhibits the copy constructor because of its ownership policy. Hence this type is non-copyable and non-movable. Those objects are legitimate for they provide code correctness.

Unfortunately those objects are quite impractical to handle in C++: they cannot be moved around in the program memory (passed down to function, stored and removed from containers, etc...), while in practice there is no good reason to prevent that. With the relocation semantics in mind this would be allowed: each time the gsl::not_null<std::unique_ptr<T>> is moved in memory, it simultaneously destroys the previous instance (in practice, this simply means the memory occupied by the source object just becomes uninitialized, and in particular, the source object’s destructor is not called).

Another place where C++ falls short is with constant objects. As of today, constant objects cannot be moved in C++ as the move constructor cannot steal the resources of a constant object. As such, never-modified objects that end their life by being moved (e.g. via std::move, or implicitly by return-value optimization where complete elision is not viable) cannot be marked as const. This is a missed opportunity and it leads to poorer code. The proposed relocation semantics solves this problem: constant objects can be relocated, they are just destroyed when done so.

As we will see other proposals about relocation provide little support for relocate-only types, and even less for constant objects. They only partly improve their support in a limited way.

Finally, relocation and especially trivial relocation will bring performance boosts in many situations. Other proposals make a fine work at enumerating all the gains from trivial relocation (see in particular [D1144R6]). To summarize, the performance gains are mainly in containers (std::vector::resize and the likes) and code size gains from functions that use std::swap.

3. Nomenclature

We refer to the Terms and definitions of the C++ Standard, and to nomenclature introduced therein, in particular the object model. In addition, we define:

3.1. Source and target objects

Relocation is the act of constructing a new instance while ending the lifetime of an existing one. This allows destructively stealing its resources, if any.

The new instance is called the target object. The existing instance whose lifetime is ended and whose resources are stolen is called the source object.

3.2. Destructed state

An object is to be in a destructed state if its lifetime has ended because:

It is a programming error to call the destructor of an object if it is already in a destructed state. As described in [basic.life], this has undefined behavior unless the object type is trivial, in which case its destructor or pseudo-destructor is a no-op.

3.3. Unowned parameter

An object is said to be an unowned parameter with regards to a function f if the object is a parameter of the function, passed by value, but the function f does not have control over its lifetime.

The lifetime of function parameters is implementation-defined in C++, but it is of most importance with relocation. Depending on the function call convention or ABI, the function may or may not be in charge of the lifetime of its parameters.

We denote two main parameter passing conventions:

Depending on the ABI choice, the convention can be per parameter, or apply to all the function parameters. Other conventions may exist, and they are still compatible with this proposal.

For instance, in a function with caller-destroy convention, all its value parameters are unowned parameters. Likewise, with callee-destroy, none of its parameters are unowned parameters.

4. Comparison with existing proposals

This proposal introduces the reloc keyword, which allows users to explicitly and safely relocate local variables in their code base.

This proposal is also one of the few (with [P0308R0]), to tackle the case of relocate-only types. The reloc keyword thus becomes necessary to safely pass around such objects in user code.

Also, all these proposals (but [P0308R0]) aim to optimize the move and destruct operations into a single memcpy. But there are places where this optimization could not happen, and we are left with a suboptimized move and destruct. The relocation constructor that we propose offers a customization point, and especially allow for a more optimized relocation technique than move and destruct.

4.1. D1144R6: Object relocation in terms of move plus destroy by Arthur O’Dwyer

[D1144R6] puts the focus on trivially relocatable types, and offers ways to mark a type as trivially relocatable.

The current proposal has its own take on trivial relocatability that does not rely on a class attribute. Instead the trivial relocatability trait flows naturally from the new relocation constructor that we introduce. In short: if a class type has a relocation constructor that is (explicitly) declared as defaulted or is implicitly defined and not defaulted as deleted, and all of its subobjects are trivially relocatable (or fully trivial), then the type is trivially relocatable.

This approach is not prone to errors when compared to a class attribute, which could be mistakenly overriden by some users on classes that are not trivially relocatable.

Also, [D1144R6] does not account for relocate-only types. To some extend, trivially relocatable types have minimal support as they could be trivially relocated in the places where "move plus destroy" can be optimized. However:

In this proposal we reuse [D1144R6]'s std::relocate function, except that we name it std::destroy_relocate.

4.2. P0023R0: Relocator: Efficiently moving objects by Denis Bider

The Relocator introduced in [P0023R0] is similar to the proposed relocation constructor. However P0023R0’s Relocator is not viewed as a constructor. Instead, it is a special function that can be invoked in lieu of move plus destroy where possible.

However this brings again suboptimal support for relocate-only types. Indeed [P0023R0] does not force relocation to happen in all cases, and falls back to move+destroy paradigm when relocation cannot happen.

A typical example is when relocating a function parameter:

void sink(T);
void foo(T x) { sink(x); }

Here, under the terms of [P0023R0], relocation may not happen because of ABI constraints (if x is an unowned parameter). This will cause foo to fallback to a move+deferred detroy paradigm.

This proposal has another take on this issue: if T is relocate-only, then any function that takes a T parameter by value is required to have an ABI that allows it to relocate its input parameter (e.g. callee-destroy ABI).

This proposal also introduces the reloc keyword that is here to trigger the relocation, and protect against the reuse of the relocated object. The solution then becomes:

void sink(T);
void foo(T x) { sink(reloc x); /* x can no longer be used. */ }

Moreover, the proposed syntax for invoking [P0023R0]'s relocator is low-level and prone to error:

T x;
alignas(T) char buf[sizeof(T)];
T* y = new (buf) >>T(x);

Here the lifetime of x has been ended as if by a destructor call, but the language is not aware of this, so firstly the user may erreoneously refer to x as if it was within its lifetime, and secondly if an object is not recreated in x by the time the block exits, the behavior is undefined by [basic.life]/9. Likewise, the language is not aware of the existence of *y so will not call its destructor; the behavior is then possibly undefined under [basic.life]/5. In contrast, the present proposal would write the above as:

T x;
T y = reloc x;

Here the use of the reloc keyword ensures that the language is aware that the lifetime of x has finished, so the destructor only of y is called at scope exit.

4.3. N4158: Destructive Move by Pablo Halpern

[N4158] proposes a customizable function std::uninitialized_destructive_move, that is somewhat similar to the relocation constructor, but is a pure library solution.

It has several drawbacks :

4.4. P1029R3: move = bitcopies by Niall Douglas

[P1029R3] enables a special bitcopies move constructor for types that are trivially relocatable.

Like the other proposals [P1029R3] does not provide support for relocate-only types (it suffers from the same drawbacks as [D1144R6] in that regard).

4.5. P0308R0: Valueless Variants Considered Harmful by Peter Dimov

We only consider the "pilfering" proposition from [P0308R0]. P0308R0’s pilfering shares some similarities with the current proposal, as it is an attempt to support relocate-only types as a pure library solution.

We believe a language solution is best suited here:

5. Proposed language changes

5.1. reloc operator

This paper suggests to introduce a new keyword, named reloc. reloc acts as a unary operator that can be applied to named, local, complete objects (in other words: function-local non-static variables and, with some restrictions, function parameters and identifiers introduced through the syntax of structured binding declarations).

reloc obj does the following:

5.1.1. reloc to perfectly forward all value categories

reloc can be used on ref-qualified objects to enable perfect forwarding. If the source object is ref-qualified, then it performs the following cast: static_cast<decltype(obj)>(obj).

This makes reloc the one operator to use to perfectly forward lvalues, xvalues and prvalues. It also prevents from use-after-move and use-after-relocation errors.

5.1.2. reloc returns a temporary

The main use case of reloc is to change the value category of an object to a prvalue. This happens by creating a temporary from the given source object, when the source object is not ref-qualified.

This temporary may or may not be materialized, depending on the context of the expression.

If materialized, then the temporary is initialized as follows:

If the temporary is not materialized and that the source object is not an unowned parameter, then the destructor of the source object is called at the end of the full-expression evaluation, at the same time as temporary objects are destroyed. See Discarded reloc expressions for more details on unmaterialized temporaries from reloc statements.

Note that an object passed to reloc is guaranteed to be either in a destructed state at the end of the expression evaluation if it is not an unowned parameter, or else in a "pending-destruction" state.

5.1.3. Illegal uses of reloc

A reloc statement is ill-formed if any of the following conditions is met:

For instance:

void foo(std::string str);
std::string get_string();
std::pair<std::string, std::string> get_strings();

std::string gStr = "static string";

void bar(void)
	std::string str = "test string";
	foo(reloc str); // OK: relocation will happen given that std::string has a reloc ctor
	foo(reloc gStr); // ill-formed: gStr does not have local storage

	std::pair p{std::string{}, std::string{}};
	foo(reloc p.first); // ill-formed: p.first is not a complete object, and not the name of variable

	foo(reloc get_string()); // ill-formed: not the name of variable
	foo(reloc get_strings().first); // ill-formed: not a complete object, and not the name of variable

void foobar(const std::string& str)
	foo(reloc str); // OK: str is passed by reference.
	// Note that the lifetime of the referent of str is unaffected.
void foobar(std::string* str)
	foo(reloc *str); // ill-formed: *str is not the name of variable
void foobar2(std::string* str)
	foobar(reloc str); // OK, the pointer itself is relocated (not the pointed value)

class A
	std::string _str;
	void bar()
		foo(reloc _str); // ill-formed: _str is not a complete object and does not have local storage

5.1.4. Early end-of-scope

reloc obj simulates an early end-of-scope of obj. It does so by forbidding any further mention of the name obj which would resolve into the relocated object.

Pointers and references that pointed to obj become dangling, and we don’t try to offer any protection against that. We only protect against reusing the variable that was passed to reloc.

The program is ill-formed if reloc obj is used in an instruction and any of the following is true:

The code path evaluation performed to detect such ill-formed programs is based only on compile-time evaluations, disregarding run-time values:

Consider the following examples:

void relocate_case_01()
	const T var = getT();
	bar(reloc var);
	if (sometest(var)) // ERROR
		do_smth(var); // ERROR
var cannot be reused after the reloc call.
void relocate_case_02()
	const T var;
		const T var;
		bar(reloc var);
		do_smth(var); // ERROR, var cannot be reused after the <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`reloc`'>reloc</code> call
			const T var;
			do_smth(var); // OK
		do_smth(var); // ERROR, var cannot be reused after the <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`reloc`'>reloc</code> call
	do_smth(var); // OK
The second and forth calls to do_smth(var) are allowed because the name var does not resolve to the relocated object.
void relocate_case_03()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var))
		bar(reloc var);
		do_smth(var); // OK
do_smth(var) is allowed because the else branch is not affected by the reloc call of the if branch.
void relocate_case_04()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var))
		bar(reloc var);
		do_smth(var); // OK
	// [...]
	do_smth_else(var); // ERROR
do_smth_else(var) is an error because var is mentioned after the reloc call.
void relocate_case_05()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var))
		bar(reloc var);
		do_smth(reloc var); // OK
Both reloc are okay as they happen on different code paths.
void relocate_case_06()
	const T var = getT();
	bool relocated = false;
	if (sometest(var))
		bar(reloc var);
		relocated = true;
		do_smth(var); // OK
	// [...]
	if (!relocated)
		do_smth_else(var); // ERROR
It does not matter that the developer attempted to do the safe thing with the relocated variable. The code-path analysis disregards run-time values and explores all branches of an if block (unless in the case of if constexpr).
void relocate_case_07()
	constexpr bool relocated = my_can_relocate<T>{}();
	const T var = getT();
	if constexpr(relocated)
		bar(reloc var);
		do_smth(var); // OK
	// [...]
	if constexpr(!relocated)
		do_smth_else(var); // OK
The above example is safe because of the use of if constexpr.
void relocate_case_08()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var))
		bar(reloc var);
	do_smth(var); // OK
This example is also safe thanks to the return statement right after the reloc instruction, which prevents from running do_smth(var);.
void relocate_case_09()
	const T var = getT();
	for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
		do_smth(reloc var); // ERROR
This is ill-formed as each iteration reuses var which is declared before the loop body. Even if i were compared against 1 or even 0 (for respectively one iteration, or no iteration) then the program would still be ill-formed. Run-time values (like i) are disregarded in the code-path analysis that comes with reloc. The analysis will report that there is an optional code jump, after the do_smth call (and reloc var), which jumps to before the reloc var call and after the initialization of var. Although the jump is optional (depends on i, whose value is disregarded for this analysis) it may still happen and thus such code is ill-formed.
void relocate_case_10()
	const T var = getT();
	for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
		if (i == 9)
			do_smth(reloc var); // ERROR
			do_smth(var); // ERROR
This is ill-formed for the same reason as above. The code-path analysis will report that any iteration of the for-loop may take any branch of the if statement and potentially reuse a relocated variable.
void relocate_case_11()
	const T var = getT();
	for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
		if (i == 9) {
			do_smth(reloc var); // OK
			do_smth(var); // OK
Adding the break statement right after the reloc call makes the code snippet well-formed. Indeed the break statement forces the loop exit, which implies that the conditional jump at the end of loop (that may start the next iteration) is no longer part of the code path that follows the reloc instruction.
void relocate_case_12()
	for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
		const T var = getT();
		do_smth(reloc var); // OK
var is local to the for-loop body, so reloc is well-formed here. The next loop iteration inspected by the code path analysis will see that var is a new object that shadows that of the previous iteration.
void relocate_case_13()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var)) // ERROR
		do_smth(var); // ERROR
		do_smth(reloc var);
	goto from;
Because of the goto instruction, var may be reused after reloc var.
void relocate_case_14()
	const T var = getT();
	if (sometest(var)) // OK
		do_smth(var); // OK
		goto from;
		do_smth(reloc var);
In this scenario goto is placed in a way that does not trigger the reuse of relocated var.

5.1.5. Conditional relocation

It may happen that the reloc is invoked in the some code branches and not in others:

void foo()
    T obj = /* ... */;
    if (some_test())
        bar(reloc obj);

This code is well-formed. obj is relocated in the if branch (left in a destructed state), and not in the else branch. When obj reaches its end of scope, the function needs to know whether obj is in a destructed state in order to elide its destructor call.

This requires extra tracking, which will probably take the form of extra flags in the function stack. Given a source object, this tracking is only necessary if all the following conditions are met:

We prefer to leave the details of this tracking implementation-defined.

5.1.6. Relocation elision

Whether performed by relocation, move or copy constructor, relocation may be elided if the compiler can ensure that the source object is created at the address to be occuped by the target object. This is intended to work in much the same way as the named return value optimization; for example:

void f(std::string s);
void g() {
    std::string s;  // may be created in f’s argument slot
    f(reloc s);  // relocation may be elided

5.1.7. Discarded reloc expressions

Under some conditions the following expression is well-formed: reloc obj; (note the semi-colon).

Given the rules we established for reloc, this statement returns a temporary constructed from the source object. The temporary is then destructed at the end of the expression evaluation.

However, materializing a temporary whose only goal is to be destroyed is suboptimal. Hence, it is authorized for implementations to (as above) elide the creation of the temporary object, effectively only calling the destructor of the source object at the end of the expression evaluation. If this optimization is done, the temporary returned by reloc is not materialized.

This means that reloc obj; has the following behavior:

In particular, reloc obj; is ill-formed if the source object has no accessible relocation, move or copy constructor.

For instance this gives:

void do_something_01(std::mutex& m)
    std::lock_guard guard{m};
    if (!some_test())
        reloc guard; // ill-formed: no relocation or move constructor
        log("thread ", std::this_thread::get_id(), " failed");
void do_something_02(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard)
    if (!some_test())
        reloc guard; /* well-formed: lock is released, either by calling the 
            destructor directly, or by constructing a temporary from 
            guard (by relocation or move) and destructing it. */
        log("thread ", std::this_thread::get_id(), " failed");
void do_something_03(std::mutex& m)
    std::unique_lock guard{m};
    if (!some_test())
        reloc guard; /* well-formed: temporary is likely elided regardless of 
            do_something_03’s ABI, only calling the destructor of guard. */
        log("thread ", std::this_thread::get_id(), " failed");
    /* guard destructor is called only if it wasn’t passed to reloc. */

5.2. Relocation constructor

We introduce the relocation constructor. As relocation happens from prvalues, the constructor takes a prvalue as parameter: T(T).

This signature was picked as it completes the C++ tripartite value system. The copy constructor creates a new instance from an lvalue, the move constructor from an xvalue, and then the relocation constructor from a prvalue.

Note: a further benefit of this syntax is that it is currently ill-formed [class.copy.ctor]/5, and thus available for extension.

A point of confusion may be that the syntax implies an infinite regress: the parameter must be constructed, which requires a prior call to the relocation constructor, and so on. This is not the case; if the source object was previously a glvalue the operand of the reloc operator, it was transformed into a prvalue immediately before entering the relocation constructor, and the parameter of the relocation constructor is that same prvalue. (If the source object was already a prvalue, there is no issue; the parameter is that prvalue.)

An attractive intuition is that the parameter aliases the source object in the same way as a reference or a structured binding declaration. However, this is misleading; the lifetime of a source object glvalue has already ended and so use of a pointer or reference referring to the source object has undefined behavior, except as provided by [basic.life] and [class.cdtor].

Note: this behavior matches that for the destructor of a class type; see [basic.life] paragraph 1.

This intuition is only useful in so far as the ABI for a relocation constructor prvalue parameter is likely to be the same as that for a copy or move constructor parameter, since the prvalue parameter may have the same storage location as a previously existing glvalue.

Note: it does not matter that the ABI for the relocation constructor parameter differs from that for a prvalue parameter in normal functions, since it is not possible to take the address of a constructor.

The role of the relocation constructor is to construct a new instance by destructively stealing the resources from the source object. Unlike the move constructor, the relocation constructor needs not to leave the source object in valid state. In fact the lifetime of the source object was ended immediately prior to entering the relocation constructor, and thus the source object must simply be considered as uninitialized memory after the relocation constructor terminates. We also say that the source object is left in a destructed state. This means that the destructor of the source object must no longer be called (and will not be called, assuming the reloc operator was used).

5.2.1. Declaration

The relocation constructor can be declared (implicitly or explicitly), defaulted and deleted like any other constructor.

The relocation constructor of a class-type T implicitly gets a noexcept(true) exception specification unless:

These rules are similar to that of the destructor’s implicit exception specification.

A class-type that provides a relocation constructor has some impact on the program ABI. See the ABI section. Implicit declaration

If a class-type follows the Rule of Zero (updated to account for the relocation constructor and relocation assignment operator), then the compiler will declare a non-explicit inline public relocation constructor, i.e. if none of the following are user-declared: Deleted implicitly-declared or defaulted relocation constructor

The implicitly-declared or defaulted relocation constructor for class T is defined as deleted:

As for move constructors, a defaulted relocation constructor that is deleted is ignored by overload resolution.

Note: this means that a class with an explictly deleted relocation constructor will still be relocated if necessary, but through the move (or copy) constructor and destructor. Trivial relocation

A relocation constructor of a class type X is trivial if it is not user-provided and if:

A trivially relocatable class is one which:

Note: eligible is defined in [special].

Scalar types, trivially relocatable class types, and arrays and cv-qualified versions thereof are trivially relocatable.

we also tighten the definition of "trivial class" (and thus "trivial") to require that the class in question be trivially relocatable as well as trivially copyable. This is to ensure that if the user wants code to be called on relocation, the library does not bypass said code by, say, using memmove.

5.2.2. Definition Default definition

The default relocation constructor implementation for a class-type T depends on T's type traits.

If T is trivially relocatable then the relocation constructor effectively (ignoring padding) performs a memcpy over its entire memory layout.

Otherwise in the nominal case, the constructor implementation performs memberwise relocations.

In the relocation constructor T(T src), for each subobject s (of type S) of T, in declaration order:

When all target subobjects have been constructed, the destructors all of source subobjects are called, in reversed declaration order, omitting those that are already in a destructed state. User-provided definition

Users can provide their own definition of the relocation constructor. Special rules apply to the relocation constructor’s member initialization list: subobjects that have no user-provided initialization will be constructed by relocation or synthesized relocation, instead of being default-constructed.

In other terms, subobjects that are omitted in the member initializer list are not constructed using their default constructor, but instead are constructed using relocation from the matching source subobject. That relocation is performed either by the relocation constructor or by synthesized relocation, using the rules described in the default relocation constructor implementation. If synthesized relocation happened for a subobject, then the source subobject is not in a destructed state yet.

Before the relocation constructor body is entered, the destructors of all the source subobjects are called in reversed declaration order, omitting those that are in a destructed state. In particular a source subobject is not in a destructed state if the target subobject has a user-provided initialization in the member initialization list, hence the destructor of such subobject is always called before the constructor body is entered.

At the end of the member initialization list, the whole source object is left in a destructed state. Using the source object in the constructor body leads to an undefined behavior.

Consider the following examples:

struct T
    std::string _a, _b, _c;

    T(T src) :
        _a{std::move(src._a)}, _b{} {} /*
        1. T::_a is constructed using the move constructor.
        2. T::_b is default constructed.
        3. T::_c is constructed using std::string’s relocation constructor, from src._c.
        4. src._b and src._a are destructed (in that order) before the constructor body is entered.

struct U
    std::string _a, _b;
    U(U src) {} /*
        U relocation constructor behaves like the default definition, although it 
        counts as user-provided.

class List
    List(List src) /* _sentinel is memcpied from src._sentinel */
        /* fixup references */
        _sentinel._prev->_next = &_sentinel;
        _sentinel._next->_prev = &_sentinel;
    struct Node { Node* _prev; Node* _next; int _value; };
    Node _sentinel;

Alternatively, if the user calls a delegating constructor in place of a member initializer list, then the destructor of the source object is called right after the delegating constructor call completes.

This further means that the source object is fully destructed by the time the relocation constructor body is entered. Any operation on it may result in undefined behavior. However the source object name can still be accessed for debugging purposes (like printing its address somewhere). Compilers can still emit warnings when undefined uses of the source object are done in the constructor body.

It is not possible for users to explicitly call the relocation constructor on subobjects. This is because there is no existing syntax to do so:

This is the reason why omitted subobjects are automatically constructed by relocation, and not using their default constructor. If users want to default-construct some subobject, then they can write it explicitly: T(T src) : _a{} {} (in which case the source subobject is destroyed at the end of the initializer list).

It is for safety reasons that the relocation constructor ensures that the source object is entirely destroyed by the time the constructor’s body is reached. Had it been otherwise, then it would have been the responsibility of the users to destroy the subobjects that did not get relocated. This would likely lead to programming errors, especially when we consider synthesized relocation. Exception handling

The relocation constructor is able to handle exceptions. If an exception leaks through the relocation constructor then it guarantees that the target is not constructed and the source object is destroyed.

**This is in general undesirable, which is why the relocation constructor is noexcept if at all possible.**

As we have seen above, the relocation constructor acts in three stages: (a) target subobjects construction, (b) destruction in reversed declaration order on any source subobject that is not in a destructed state (because of synthesized relocation or user-provided initialization), (c) the function body.

Stage A: target subobjects construction

If an exception leaks through in stage (a) then:

  1. in reversed declaration order, call the destructor of all initialized subobjects.

  2. in reversed declaration order, call the destructor of the source subobjects that are not in a destructed state:

    • all subobjects whose corresponding target subobject didn’t get initialized ;

    • all subobjects whose corresponding target subobject did get initialized, but through synthesized relocation or user-provided initialization ;

    • if the initialization that threw did not happen through a relocation constructor call, then the matching subobject. (If the initialization happened by relocation then we know that the source subobject is in a destructed state.)

We call the destructor on the target subobjects first as they were constructed more recently.

Stage B: source subobjects destruction

If an exception leaks through in stage (b) then:

Stage C: constructor body

If an exception leaks through in stage (c) then all target subobjects are destroyed in reversed declaration order, like it is the case for any constructor.

Delegating constructor case

If an exception leaks through the delegating constructor then the source object is destructor is called and the exception is propagated.

Note that the target object needs not to be destroyed as the delegating constructor already took care of that. Additional parameters

As with copy and move constructors, it is permissible to add additional parameters to a relocation constructor, on condition they have a default initializer.

One case where this can be of use is if the user needs space to store information and/or resources for the duration of the relocation constructor, for a contrived example:

class T
    class Helper {
        Helper() = default;
        ~Helper() { delete p; }
        friend T;
        int* p;

    T(T src, Helper storage = {}) noexcept(false)
        : _p(storage.p = std::exchange(src._p, nullptr))
        storage.p = nullptr;

    ~T() {
        delete _p;

    int* _p;
    RelocateOnly _q;
    ThrowingRelocate _r;

In the above, T::_p does not manage its own lifetime, but the presence of T::_r means that T::T(T) is not noexcept so we need to release its resources if an exception is thrown during relocation. The presence of T::_q demonstrates that relocation cannot be synthesized.

5.2.3. Invocation

The relocation constructor is invoked as necessary to relocate a prvalue from one storage location to another. Use of the reloc operator does not guarantee that a relocation constructor (if present) will be called, since it may be elided if the compiler can arrange that the source glvalue was constructed at the appropriate address.

In particular, code of the form T x = reloc y; is highly likely to be a no-op, simply renaming an existing object. This is however likely to find use for "sealing" objects with complex initialization, replacing the idiom of immediately-invoked function expressions (IIFEs, [IIFE]):

Before After
T const x = std::invoke([&]
    T x;
    x.modify(y, z);
    return x;
T x_mut;
x_mut.modify(y, z);
T const x = reloc x_mut;

Or, consider:

C f(int i) {
    C c1, c2;
    if (i == 0)
        [[likely]] return reloc c1;  // #1
    else if (i == 1)
        [[likely]] return c1;  // #2
        [[unlikely]] return c2;  // #3

At #1 the reloc is largely redundant; the end-of-life optimization means the compiler is entitled to treat c1 as a prvalue anyway, as in #2. Indeed, the likelihood annotation encourages the compiler to construct c1 in the return slot, such that both #1 and #2 are a no-op. It is only #3 that is likely to invoke the relocation constructor.

The relocation constructor may also be invoked by library functions, for example § 6.1.2 std::destroy_relocate.

5.3. Relocation assignment operator

We further introduce the relocation assignment operator. Its signature shall be: T& T::operator=(T). Such operators may already be defined in existing codebases, but the proposed changes will not interfere with them.

Sometimes we also make mentions to the prvalue-assignment operator. It refers to the same function, but further indicates that this function existed prior to the proposal.

5.3.1. Declaration

The relocation assignment operator becomes a special member function. As such, declaring one breaks the Rule of Zero, which was not the case previously.

The relocation assignment operator may be implicitly declared, and may be defaulted or deleted. Implicit declaration

If a class-type follows the Rule of Zero, then the compiler will declare an inline public relocation assignment operator. Deleted implicitly-declared or defaulted relocation assignment operator

The implicitly-declared or defaulted relocation assignment operator for class T is defined as deleted:

A defaulted relocation assignment operator that is deleted is ignored by overload resolution.

5.3.2. Relocation assignment operator parameter relocation elision

As with the relocation constructor, it is desirable that the parameter should be the source object converted to a prvalue, and not a temporary prvalue relocated from the source object. This is particularly critical for the default definition of the operator, which (as you might suspect) performs memberwise calls to other relocation assignment operators. Without elision, that would imply recursive relocation of each subobject, down to their smallest unbreakable parts.

This, however, poses a problem, since it is possible to take the address of a relocation assignment operator, yielding a pointer (or reference) with (typical) signature T& (T::)(T), implying that the source object must occupy a parameter slot, which may not find it possible to have the same storage address as the source object, and/or which the caller may expect to destroy (see § 5.6 ABI changes).

Nevertheless, we mandate elision where possible:

Elision is performed in such a way as to avoid ABI break (more on that on the ABI section). Elision at declaration level

If elision is mandated at declaration level, then the assignment operator declaration actually declares two member functions:

The definition of the assignment operator (which is user-provided or defaulted) will serve as the definition of the eliding operator.

The non-eliding operator definition is generated by the compiler, and merely wraps the call to the eliding one:

If the address of the assignment operator is queried, then the address of the non-eliding version is returned. If the assignment operator is virtual, then only the non-eliding version is considered to be virtual and is added to the vtable entry. Elision at definition level

If elision is mandated at definition level, then the two versions of the operator are generated (eliding and non-eliding) in the translation unit where the operator is defined. The visibility of the eliding operator symbol to other translation units is implementation-defined.

The definition of the two functions are the same as if elision was mandated at declaration level.

5.3.3. Definition Default definition

The default definition of the operator, given the rules above, benefits from elision. In particular, the default definition is responsible for the destruction of its source object.

As you would expect, the default definition merely delegates to the relocation assignment operator of all its subobjects.

In T's default assignment operator, for all subobjects s of T of type S:

After all the assignment operator calls have been made, the destructors of all source subobjects that are not in a destructed state are called in reversed declaration order.

This subobject destruction phase also happens as-is during stack-unwinding if one of the assignment operators throws, effectively ensuring that the source object will be left in a destructed state. Possible user definitions

Unlike the relocation constructor, the relocation assignment operator does not rely on some special member initialization list. Instead, the assignment operator relies on existing mechanisms.

The two patterns commonly used to implement the assignment operator still work as expected.


T& operator=(T src)
    swap(*this, src);
    return *this;
    /* src destructor will still be called using normal rules */


constexpr T& operator=(T src) noexcept
    static_assert(std::is_nothrow_destructible_v<T> && 

    return *std::construct_at(this, reloc src);

Let’s have a look at what happens in this function:

This approach is likely the most efficient one, although it is not exception-safe. We recommend either the noexcept specification or the static assertions to be part of the implementation to make sure of that.

If T is trivially relocatable, then the operator is as optimal as we would like, as it merely translates into a destructor call and a memcpy call.

Union trick

If for some reason, the implementation needs to prevent the destructor call on the source object, it is still possible to perform the "union trick":

T& operator=(T src)
    union { T tmp } = { .tmp = reloc src; };
    /* do some stuff with tmp (like calling std::destroy_relocate), 
     * knowing its destructor will not be called by the language */
    return *this;

5.3.4. Invocation

T x, y;
x = reloc y;

Every call to the relocation assignment operator follows normal rules.

If the call site detects that an eliding version of the operator is available (either because the eliding happened at declaration level, or because it happened at definition level and the call site is in the same translation unit as the definition, or through link-time optimization), then which version of the operator is called is implementation-defined.

The nominal case is to call the non-eliding version. The implementation is allowed to call the eliding version instead, as long as it can elide the call to the destructor on the source object.

5.4. Overload resolution

The current overload resolution rules are not suitable for relocation by prvalue.

Indeed, consider the following scenario:

void bar(T&&);
void bar(T);

void foo(T val)
    bar(reloc val); /* ambiguous call using today’s rules */

Hence we propose a change in the overload resolution rules to prefer passing by value for prvalue arguments.

Specifically, we would amend [over.ics.rank]/3.2.3 to read:

5.5. Structured relocation

5.5.1. Discussion

auto [x, y] = foo(); sink(reloc y);, if ill-formed given the rules we established for reloc. x and y are not complete objects but aliases to some anonymous object the language creates behind the scene.

The proposal aims to provide support for relocate-only types. This support would be partial, if not impractical, without allowing some form of relocation from a structured binding. This is motivated by:

5.5.2. Structured relocation declaration

A structured relocation declaration is syntactically identical to a structured binding, with the exception that no ref-qualifiers are allowed after the auto type specifier.

T foo();
T const& bar();
T foobar();

// [...]

auto [x, y] = foo(); // matches structured relocation declaration
auto const [w, z] = bar(); // matches structured relocation declaration
auto&& [a, b] = foobar(); // structured bindings will be used

The structured relocation declaration further requires that the type of the expression that is used to initialize it supports object decomposition. If not, then the declaration is simply a structured bindings declaration and will follow structured bindings rules.

A structured relocation introduces a new complete object for each identifier declared in the brackets []. In other words, the new identifiers are not aliases like in structured bindings, but actual complete objects. As such, they can then be relocated like any other.

5.5.3. Object decomposition

As there are three binding protocols for structured bindings, there are two "object decomposition" protocols for structured relocation. If none of those two protocols matches, then the declaration is not a structured relocation declaration.

First, get_all protocol is tested, and then the data members protocol.

In what follows, let E be the type of the initializer expression (the type of the expression used to initialize the structured relocation). data members protocol

The data members protocol is quite similar to that of structured bindings. For this protocol to apply, all the following conditions must be satisfied:

If this protocol applies, then the i-th identifier is constructed by relocation or synthesized relocation (move constructor ignoring cv-qualifiers, followed by destructor call) using the i-th data member of the source object. get_all protocol

The function get_all(S) is looked-up using ADL-lookup. If there is no match, then this protocol does not apply.

If there is a match, then this function is called. The returned type is again tested against the two protocols. If get_all matches for the returned type, then we reapply it again, so on and so forth, until get_all doesn’t match and only data members does.

This follows the same recursive logic as operator->(). We recursively call get_all as long as the get_all protocol applies. When the recursion ends, we end up with a type which matches the data member protocol.

The program is ill-formed if T matches the get_all protocol but the return type of get_all(T) matches none of the two protocols. std::tuple and std::array are implementation-defined

std::pair, std::tuple, and std::array shall provide their own implementation of get_all. The return type is implementation-defined.

This allows us to write things like:

void bar(T);
void foo(std::vector<T>& v)
    /* pilfer removes a vector element at given iterator,
     * returns a pair with next valid iterator and relocated vector element. */
    auto [val, it] = v.pilfer(v.begin() + 1); /* calls get_all behind 
        the scene. */
    bar(reloc val); /* can call reloc on val as it is not a structured binding */

This code works even if T is relocate-only (no copy, no move constructor). std::decompose helper function

We propose to add a new helper function, backed-up by compiler magic: std::decompose. The aim of this function is to safely decompose an object, passed by value, into smaller parts. The parts to retrieve are passed as template parameters.

The template parameters of std::decompose are either direct base classes or pointers to non-static data members of the object to decompose.

For instance, with struct Person : public Entry { std::string name; std::unique_ptr<Details> details; };, we can write: std::decompose<Entry, &Person::details>(reloc person);

The return value of std::decompose is implementation-defined. In practice, it needs to be a struct that complies with the data member protocol. The returned object contains the desired subobjects, constructed by relocation or synthesized relocation. The subobjects of the source objects that did not get relocated are destroyed.

Special considerations are taken with regards to who should be allowed to call std::decompose, and of the risks of inadvertently breaking class invariants. We believe the following rules are enough to ensure code-safety: Possible get_all implementations

Thanks to std::decompose and std::tuple's get_all we can easily write a get_all implementation for a custom class:

class MyType

    // Possible implementation:
    static auto get_all(MyType tp)
        bool const empty = tp._nodes.empty();
        auto [nm, flg] = std::decompose<&MyType::_name, &MyType::&_flag>(reloc tp);
        return std::tuple{std::relocate, reloc nm, reloc flg, !empty};

    std::string _name;
    bool _flag;
    std::vector<Node*> _nodes;


The implementation relies on the proposed new constructor for std::tuple:

template <class... Tp>
tuple::tuple(std::relocate_t, Tp);
which captures the tuple elements by value and relocates them inside the tuple. std::relocate_t is just a tag type used for overload disambiguation.

Then, in following snippet:

MyType tp;
auto [name, flag, nodes] = reloc tp;
// equivalent to: auto [name, flag, nodes] = get_all(get_all(reloc tp));

MyType's get_all returns a tuple. get_all is defined for tuples as well, so it is called again. The second return type won’t have a get_all defined, hence the recursion stops and the data member protocol is used.

5.6. ABI changes

As noted above (§ 3.3 Unowned parameter), some platforms have a caller-destroy ABI where the calling function expects to destroy nontrivial parameters passed by value. This poses a problem for functions that wish to relocate from such parameters, and a potential ABI break.

5.6.1. relocate-only function parameters

We propose the following requirement on functions: if a function takes a parameter by value, whose type is relocate-only, then the function is responsible for the destruction of that parameter.

A relocate-only type is a type that declares a non-deleted relocation constructor, the move and copy constructors being not declared, or declared as deleted. This requirement is essential to fully support relocate-only types in the language.

This requirement might introduce an ABI break. As of today, there are no relocate-only types, so no ABI should break. In the proposed library changes, we do not make any existing type relocate-only, especially for that concern. However we do add a relocation constructor on many classes, alongside their existing copy and move constructors. In doing so, some of them may become relocate-only, should their copy and move constructors be deleted (for instance std::optional<T> with T being relocate-only).

One example is a function with signature: void foo(gsl::non_null<std::unique_ptr<int>>);. We propose to add a relocation constructor to unique_ptr, and GSL developers will likely add a relocation constructor too. That makes gsl::non_null<std::unique_ptr<int>> relocate-only, while it wasn’t before, and may cause a potential ABI break.

There is zero value of passing a gsl::non_null<std::unique_ptr> by value to a function today, so we doubt anyone would write such a function. However those functions might theoritically exist, and might have an ABI change.

Also, library vendors are encouraged to migrate to an ABI where any function that takes non-trivial parameters by value are responsible for their destruction. Then, the function definition can make the most of reloc. This is not required by the proposal.

We believe it’s up to the implementation to choose what they want to do with their ABI:

In all cases the following mitigation and migration techniques could be employed:

5.6.2. prvalue assignment operator

As mentioned above, if the class-type is relocate-only, then it may have an impact on existing prvalue-assignment operators (like it does to any function). However this change is purely opt-in. If there is an existing prvalue-assignment operator in a class, then it will prevent the implicit declaration of the relocation constructor, which will in turn prevent from the potential ABI break.

Also, the relocation assignment operator may be aliased. If aliasing occurs, then the ABI does not break as aliasing happens only on a new hidden function.

The only scenario where the ABI might break is where:

This may introduce an ABI break, detectable at link-time (aliased symbols missing):

6. Proposed library changes

6.1. Memory header

6.1.1. std::construct_at

We propose to add the following overload to std::construct_at:

template<class T>
constexpr T* construct_at( T* p, T src );

Which would be equivalent to ::new (p) T{reloc src}, except that it may be used in constant expression evaluations.

Note: this overload would be unnecessary if the § 7.3.1 More perfect forwarding direction were to be adopted; instead the existing signature should be altered to use the decltype(auto) placeholder.

6.1.2. std::destroy_relocate

We propose to add the following function in the std namespace in the memory header to perform relocation through a pointer:

template <class T>
T destroy_relocate(T* src);

The function constructs a new object by calling either the relocation constructor, the move constructor, or the copy constructor (in that order of preference), using *src as parameter while ignoring its cv-qualifiers:

The function returns the constructed value. Its definition is implementation-defined.

This function is intended to be used by library authors, to enable relocation from a memory address. For instance, extracting a value out of an optional just becomes:

T optional<T>::pilfer()
    _has_value = false;
    return std::destroy_relocate(_value_addr()); 
    // _value_addr() being a private function returning the address of the owned value

This function is not intended to be used on local objects:

void foo()
    const T val;
    bar(std::destroy_relocate(&val)); /* BAD, val destructor is called at the 
        end of its scope while it is already destructed!*/

This what motivates the name of the function. Although relocation is always a destructive operation, the name serves as a reminder to the developers.

6.1.3. std::uninitialized_relocate

We propose to introduce the following new functions in the std namespace in the memory header:

template<class InputIt, class ForwardIt>
ForwardIt uninitialized_relocate(InputIt first, InputIt last, ForwardIt d_first);

template<class ExecutionPolicy, class InputIt, class ForwardIt>
ForwardIt uninitialized_relocate(ExecutionPolicy&& policy, InputIt first, InputIt last,
	ForwardIt d_first) ;

template<class InputIt, class Size, class ForwardIt>
pair<InputIt, ForwardIt> uninitialized_relocate_n(InputIt first, Size count,
	ForwardIt d_first) ;

template<class ExecutionPolicy, class InputIt, class Size, class ForwardIt>
pair<InputIt, ForwardIt> uninitialized_relocate_n(
	ExecutionPolicy&& policy, InputIt first, Size count, ForwardIt d_first);

Those relocate elements from the range [first, last) (or the first count elements from first) to an uninitialized memory area beginning at d_first. Elements in the source range will be destructed at the end of the function (even if an exception is thrown).


If the type to relocate is trivially relocatable and both iterator types are contiguous, then both functions can be implemented as single memcpy call over the entire source range. Otherwise relocation happens element-wise, as if by calling std::destroy_relocate on each element.

If an exception is thrown by std::destroy_relocate, then the destructor of all remaining elements in the source range is called, as well as the destructor of all constructed objects in the output iterator.

6.2. Utility header

6.2.1. std::relocate

We propose to add the following tag type in the std namespace in the utility header (mainly useful with templates):

namespace std
// tag type to indicate that the parameters are passed by value
struct relocate_t {};
inline constexpr relocate_t relocate = {};

Note: this facility would be unnecessary if the § 7.3.1 More perfect forwarding direction were to be adopted; instead the existing signatures should be altered to use the decltype(auto) placeholder.

6.2.2. std::decompose

See description of the function here.

6.3. Bring relocate-only type support to the STL

6.3.1. std::pair and std::tuple

We propose to add a default relocation constructor and a default relocation assignment operator to std::pair and std::tuple.

We also porpose to add the following functions:

template <class T1, class T2>
pair<T1, T2>::pair(std::relocate_t, T1, T2); // constructs by relocation

template <class... Types>
tuple<Types...>::tuple(std::relocate_t, Types...); // constructs by relocation

template <class... Types>
template <class U1, class U2>
tuple<Types...>::tuple(std::pair<U1, U2>); // constructs by relocation

Note that we do not introduce extra template parameters for type arguments, as relocation can only happen from matching types.

6.3.2. std::optional

We propose to add the following functions to std::optional:

// relocation constructor
template <class T>

// relocation assignment operator
template <class T>
optional& optional<T>::operator=(optional);

// Converting constructor
template <class T>
optional<T>::optional(T val);

// Converting assignment
template <class T>
optional& optional<T>::operator=(T val);

 * \brief Extracts the contained value from the optional
 * The returned value is relocated from the contained value.
 * After this call the optional no longer contains any value.
 * \throws std::bad_optional_access if the optional did not contain any value.
template <class T>
T optional<T>::pilfer();

6.3.3. std::variant

// relocation constructor
template <class... Types>

// relocation assignment operator
template <class... Types>
variant& variant<Types...>::operator=(variant);

// Converting constructor
template <class... Types>
template <class T>
constexpr variant<Types...>::variant(T val);

// Converting assignment
template <class... Types>
template <class T>
variant& variant<Types...>::operator=(T);

6.3.4. std::any

// relocation constructor

// relocation assignment operator
any& any::operator=(any);

// Converting constructor
template <class T>

// Converting assignment
template <class T>
any& any::operator=(T);

6.4. Containers

All containers must provide a relocation constructor and a relocation assignment operator.

Also, in order to fully support relocate-only types, containers should provide a way to insert and remove elements by relocation.

6.4.1. Insertion overloads

Existing APIs cannot fulfill this need. They all take the element to insert as a reference parameter, while relocation requires to pass elements by value.

As such we suggest adding overloads to all insertion functions, where the element to insert is passed by value.

6.4.2. Pilfer functions

The STL does not provide any function to erase an element from a container and return it as return value.

Consider a container of relocate-only types. If an element of that container is to be "moved out" of it, it could only happen through relocation as it is the only operation supported by the type. Hence the relocated element must necessarily be simultaneously erased from the container as its lifetime ended.

This is why we propose to add various "pilfer" functions to existing containers, that erase an element and return it. The return value will be constructed by relocation (likely thanks to std::destroy_relocate).

All pilfer functions will operate the same way. First, the return value is constructed as if by std::destroy_relocate from the container element. Second, the container adjusts its size and memory to effectively erase the contained element from its internal data structures.

If an exception is emitted during the first step, then the container proceeds to erase its element nonetheless (as if in the second step) and then propagates the exception. If an exception is emitted during the second step (regardless of whether the second step was triggered normally of by an exception caught the first step), then std::terminate is called.

6.4.3. relocate_out

We further propose to add a relocate_out function to some containers. relocate_out takes three iterators as parameters. The first two are iterators that belong to the container, and define the range to relocate. The last parameter is an output iterator where the relocated elements will be constructed. This is similar the erase functions that take a range of elements, except that an extra output iterator is provided.

relocate_out is proposed to improve support of relocate-only types. Without this, it would not be possible to move a range of relocate-only elements from one container to another, without writing complex and inefficient loops calling pilfer at each iteration.

Note that there is less need for a relocate_in function as the std::insert_iterator family will have an overload to enable relocation.

relocate_out proceeds as follows:

  1. relocates the elements within range to the output iterator. The elements within range inside the container are then in a destructed state.

  2. The destructed elements are removed from the container. How this is achieved depends on the container. For instance std::vector may call std::uninitialized_relocate to move the trailing part of the container in the destructed range, and simply reduce its size.

If an exception leaks through the first step, then the second step is run to erase from the container all the elements that are in a destructed state (i.e. those which got succesfully relocated plus the one responsible for the exception) , and the exception is propagated. If an exception is emitted during the second step (regardless of whether the second step was triggered normally of by an exception caught the first step), then std::terminate is called.

6.4.4. std::vector

// pushes a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
constexpr void vector<T, Alloc>::push_back(T value);

// inserts a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
iterator vector<T, Alloc>::insert(const_iterator pos, T value);

// removes the last item from the vector and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T vector<T, Alloc>::pilfer_back();

// removes the item from the vector and returns it with the next valid iterator
template <class T, class Alloc>
std::pair<T, iterator> vector<T, Alloc>::pilfer(const_iterator pos);

// relocates items in [from, to[ into out, 
// as if by doing iteratively: *out++ = std::destroy_relocate(&*src++);
// items within range are removed from *this.
template <class T, class Alloc>
template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator vector<T, Alloc>::relocate_out(
	iterator from, iterator to, OutputIterator out);

6.4.5. std::deque

// pushes a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
constexpr void deque<T, Alloc>::push_front(T value);
template <class T, class Alloc>
constexpr void deque<T, Alloc>::push_back(T value);

// inserts a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
iterator deque<T, Alloc>::insert(const_iterator pos, T value);

// removes the last item from the queue and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T deque<T, Alloc>::pilfer_back();
// removes the first item from the queue and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T deque<T, Alloc>::pilfer_front();
// removes the item from the queue and returns it with the next valid iterator
template <class T, class Alloc>
std::pair<T, iterator> deque<T, Alloc>::pilfer(const_iterator pos);

// relocates items in [from, to[ into out. 
// items within range are removed from *this.
template <class T, class Alloc>
template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator deque<T, Alloc>::relocate_out(
	iterator from, iterator to, OutputIterator out);

6.4.6. std::list

// pushes a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::push_front(T value);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void list<T, Alloc>::push_back(T value);

// inserts a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
iterator list<T, Alloc>::insert(const_iterator pos, T value);

// removes the last item from the list and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T list<T, Alloc>::pilfer_back();
// removes the first item from the list and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T list<T, Alloc>::pilfer_front();
// removes the item from the list and returns it with the next valid iterator
template <class T, class Alloc>
std::pair<T, iterator> list<T, Alloc>::pilfer(const_iterator pos);

// relocates items in [from, to[ into out. 
// items within range are removed from *this.
template <class T, class Alloc>
template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator list<T, Alloc>::relocate_out(
	iterator from, iterator to, OutputIterator out);

6.4.7. std::forward_list

// inserts a value by relocation
template <class T, class Alloc>
iterator forward_list<T, Alloc>::insert_after(const_iterator pos,
	T value);
template <class T, class Alloc>
void forward_list<T, Alloc>::push_front(T value);

// removes the first item from the list and returns it
template <class T, class Alloc>
T forward_list<T, Alloc>::pilfer_front();
// removes the item after pos from the list and returns it with the iterator following pos
template <class T, class Alloc>
std::pair<T, iterator> forward_list<T, Alloc>::pilfer_after(const_iterator pos);

// relocates items in ]from, to[ into out. 
// items within range are removed from *this.
template <class T, class Alloc>
template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator forward_list<T, Alloc>::relocate_after(
	iterator from, iterator to, OutputIterator out);

6.4.8. set and map containers

// std::set, std::multiset, std::map, std::multimap,
// std::unordered_set, std::unordered_multiset, std::unordered_map
// and std::unordered_multimap, all aliased as 'map':
std::pair<iterator, bool> map::insert(value_type value);
iterator map::insert(const_iterator hint, value_type value);

// extract the stored value from the container
std::pair<value_type, iterator> map::pilfer(const_iterator position);

6.4.9. queues

// for std::stack, std::queue, std::priority_queue, aliased queue below:
void queue::push(T value);

// removes the next element from the queue
T queue::pilfer();

6.4.10. Iterator library

We propose to add the following overloads:

template <class Container>
back_insert_iterator<Container>& operator=( typename Container::value_type value );

template <class Container>
front_insert_iterator<Container>& operator=( typename Container::value_type value );

template <class Container>
insert_iterator<Container>& operator=( typename Container::value_type value );

6.4.11. Other STL classes

We propose to add a relocation constructor and a relocation assignment operator to all the following classes:

7. Discussions

7.1. Why a new keyword?

Alternatively, a new series of symbols could be used instead of introducing a new keyword, like: <~< obj or &< obj in place of reloc obj. However, we feel like reloc obj better conveys the intent, and has better readibility.

The introduction of a new keyword may always break existing codebases. We had a look at several well-known open source C++ projects to analyse what volume of code would break if reloc were a keyword.

For each of the following repositories, we searched for the reloc string, at word boundaries, with case-sensitivity, in all C++ source files and headers (*.cc, *.cpp, *.cxx, *.h, *.hpp, *.hh). We manually discarded matches that were not code (comments or strings). And we put that in perspective with the total number of files, lines and words of the repository.

Repository statistics are computed with the following command:

find -type f \( -name '*.h' -or -name '*.hh' -or -name '*.hpp' -or -name '*.cc' \
    -or -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.cxx' \) -exec wc -l -c {} \; \
    | awk '{ f+=1 } { l += $1 } { w += $2 } END { print "files: ", f, "; lines: ", l, "; words: ", w }'

As you can see, in the vast majority of cases, reloc is not used at all. The impact seems to be minimal, where only a few files might need to be fixed here and there. To smooth the transition, compilers may also warn that existing code will break as reloc will become a keyword in a next C++ version.

7.2. Why name the extract functions pilfer and not extract in STL containers?

std::set and std::map already have their extract function, which don’t do exactly what we want, so that’s why we introduced pilfer instead. We prefer to have the same API across all containers to make it easier to write generic code.

7.3. Future directions

We removed some of the changes we initilialy had in mind, to keep for future extensions. This proposal aims to be the bare minimum to bring support for relocate-only types.

7.3.1. More perfect forwarding

Currently, "perfect forwarding" is built on top of universal references, requiring an understanding of reference-collapsing and the use of std::forward. The present proposal improves on this by incidentally replacing std::forward with reloc, but at the same time the situation is worsened by making relocate-only types viable; such types cannot be relocated when passed by universal reference.

Before After Future
void fwd(Args&&... args)
void fwd(Args&&... args)
    do_stuff(reloc args...);
void fwd(decltype(auto)... args)
    do_stuff(reloc args...);

By allowing decltype(auto) as a placeholder-type-specifier in a parameter-declaration (i.e. relaxing [dcl.fct] paragraph 22) it would become possible to deduce each parameter to value, lvalue reference or rvalue reference according to whether the argument is of value category prvalue, lvalue or xvalue, and forward by relocation.

7.3.2. discarded reloc expression

Initilialy, discarded reloc expressions such as reloc obj; would simply translate to a call to the destructor of obj, while ensuring that the destructor won’t be called again at the end of its scope.

However this is hardly possible at the moment because of all the different ABIs that exist. If obj is an unowned parameter, then the function cannot elide the destructor call of obj that will happen on the caller-side.

We wanted the well-formedness of the code above all else (i.e. reloc obj; could not be well-formed on some implementations and not in others). As such, in this proposal, reloc obj; is only well-formed if obj is relocatable, movable or copyable.

Hence, the best we can do if obj is an unowned parameter, is to move-construct a temporary, and destruct it right after, which will trigger the desired side-effects of the destructor (e.g. release a lock if obj is a unique_lock). The destructor of obj will still be called when the function returns, but will likely do nothing as the object will be in a moved-from state.

A future proposal could make reloc obj; to just call the destructor, regardless of whether obj is an unowned parameter and of its constructors, solving those ABI issues.

7.4. Will it make C++ easier?

Even though it does come with new rules, we argue that it mostly removes the moved-from state understanding problem, as well as used-after-move errors (if reloc is used instead of std::move).


Informative References

Arthur O'Dwyer. Object relocation in terms of move plus destroy. June 2022. URL: https://rawgit.com/Quuxplusone/draft/gh-pages/d1144-object-relocation.html
Bartlomiej Filipek. IIFE for Complex Initialization - C++ Stories. October 2016. URL: https://www.cppstories.com/2016/11/iife-for-complex-initialization/
Pablo Halpern. Destructive Move. October 2014. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n4158.pdf
Denis Bider. Relocator: Efficiently moving objects. April 2016. URL: http://open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0023r0.pdf
Peter Dimov. Valueless Variants Considered Harmful. March 2016. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0308r0.html
Niall Douglas. move = bitcopies. January 2020. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p1029r3.pdf