Remove Deprecated strstreams From C++26

Document #: P2867R1
Date: 2023-09-15
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: Library Evolution Incubator
Reply-to: Alisdair Meredith

1 Abstract

Annex D of the C++ Standard, deprecated features, maintains a limited and easily misused iostreams facility for char * strings in user-managed memory. This paper proposes the removing this facility from the C++ Standard Library as C++20 and C++23 have provided superior replacement facilities.

2 Revision history

R1: September 2023 (midterm mailing)

R0: Varna 2023

Original version of this document, extracted from the C++23 proposal [P2139R2].

Key changes since that earlier paper:

3 Introduction

At the start of the C++23 cycle, [P2139R2] tried to review each deprecated feature of C++, to see which we would benefit from actively removing, and which might now be better undeprecated. Consolidating all this analysis into one place was intended to ease the (L)EWG review process, but in return gave the author so much feedback that the next revision of that paper was not completed.

For the C++26 cycle there will be a concise paper tracking the overall review process, [P2863R1], but all changes to the standard will be pursued through specific papers, decoupling progress from the larger paper so that delays on a single feature do not hold up progress on all.

This paper takes up the deprecated strstream facility from the original C++98 standard, D.14 [depr.str.strstreams].

4 Origin

The char* streams were provided, pre-deprecated, in C++98 and have been considered for removal before. The underlying principle of previous reviews is that this facility not be removed until suitable replacement functionality is available in the standard for users to migrate to.

5 Analysis

C++20 landed the ability to move strings efficiently out of stringstreams in [P0408R7]. C++23 landed the spanstream library [P0448R4], which is a candidate for the replacement functionality, so for C++26 we can seriously consider removing this legacy feature, the largest and oldest deprecated feature in the standard. The Zombie Names clause provides library vendors the ability to retain support for these libraries long after the standard has stopped specifying them. Therefore the preferred recommendation of this paper is to finally remove this library from the C++26 Standard.

There remains the alternative position that this facility has been a supported shipping part of the C++ Standard for almost 30 years when C++26 ships. If we have not made serious moves to remove the library in all that time, maybe we should consider undeprecating, and taking away the shadow of doubt over any code that reaches for this facility today.

We note that there are two open issues that should be resolved as part of any attempt to undeprecate this facility:

Both issues could be closed without further work if the char * streams are removed.

6 Proposal

Remove the long deprecated char * streams from C++26.

7 Wording

Make the following changes to the C++ Working Draft. All wording is relative to [N4958], the latest draft at the time of writing.

7.1 Strike <strstream> from the list of standard headers [headers] Headers

2 The C++ standard library provides the C++ library headers, shown in Table 24.

Table 24: C++ library headers [tab:headers.cpp]

<algorithm> <format> <new> <stdexcept>
<any> <forward_list> <numbers> <stdfloat>
<array> <fstream> <numeric> <stop_token>
<atomic> <functional> <optional> <streambuf>
<barrier> <future> <ostream> <string>
<bit> <generator> <print> <string_view>
<bitset> <initializer_list> <queue> <strstream>
<charconv> <iomanip> <random> <syncstream>
<chrono> <ios> <ranges> <system_error>
<codecvt> <iosfwd> <ratio> <text_encoding>
<compare> <iostream> <rcu> <thread>
<complex> <istream> <regex> <tuple>
<concepts> <iterator> <scoped_allocator> <type_traits>
<condition_variable> <latch> <semaphore> <typeindex>
<coroutine> <limits> <set> <typeinfo>
<deque> <list> <shared_mutex> <unordered_map>
<exception> <locale> <source_location> <unordered_set>
<execution> <map> <span> <utility>
<expected> <mdspan> <spanstream> <valarray>
<filesystem> <memory> <sstream> <variant>
<flat_map> <memory_resource> <stack> <vector>
<flat_set> <mutex> <stacktrace> <version>

7.2 Add new identifiers to [zombie.names]. [zombie.names] Zombie names

1 In namespace std, the following names are reserved for previous standardization:

2 The following names are reserved as members for previous standardization, and may not be used as a name for object-like macros in portable code:

3 The name stossc is reserved as a member function following names are reserved as member functions for previous standardization, and may not be used as a name for function-like macros in portable code.

  • freeze,
  • pcount, and
  • stossc

4 The header names <ccomplex>, <ciso646>, <cstdalign>, <cstdbool>, and <ctgmath>, and <strstream> are reserved for previous standardization.

7.3 Update Annex C:

C.1.X Annex D: compatibility features [diff.cpp23.depr]

Change: Remove header <strstream> and all its contents.

Rationale: The header has been deprecated since the original C++ Standard, as its facilities required more care to user correctly than preferred to parts of the C++ Standard Library; the <spanstream> header provides an updated safer facility. Ongoing support remains at implementer’s discretion, exercising freedoms granted by [zombie.names].

Effect on original feature: A valid C++ 2023 program #include-ing the header may fail to compile. Code that uses any of the following classes by importing one of the standard library modules may fail to compile:

  • istrstream
  • ostrstream
  • strstream
  • strstreambuf

7.4 Strike all of D.14 [depr.str.strstreams] char * streams

D.14 [depr.str.strstreams] char* streams

D.14.1 [depr.strstream.syn] Header <strstream> synopsis

1 The header <strstream> defines types that associate stream buffers with character array objects and assist reading and writing such objects.

namespace std {
    class strstreambuf;
    class istrstream;
    class ostrstream;
    class strstream;

D.14.2 [depr.strstreambuf] Class strstreambuf

D.14.2.1 [depr.strstreambuf.general] General

namespace std {
  class strstreambuf : public basic_streambuf<char> {
    strstreambuf() : strstreambuf(0) {}
    explicit strstreambuf(streamsize alsize_arg);
    strstreambuf(void* (*palloc_arg)(size_t), void (*pfree_arg)(void*));
    strstreambuf(char* gnext_arg, streamsize n, char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);
    strstreambuf(const char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);
    strstreambuf(signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n,
                 signed char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);
    strstreambuf(const signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);
    strstreambuf(unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n,
                 unsigned char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);
    strstreambuf(const unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);

    virtual ~strstreambuf();

    void  freeze(bool freezefl = true);
    char* str();
    int   pcount();

    int_type overflow (int_type c = EOF) override;
    int_type pbackfail(int_type c = EOF) override;
    int_type underflow() override;
    pos_type seekoff(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir way,
                     ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
    pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp,
                     ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;
    streambuf* setbuf(char* s, streamsize n) override;

     using strstate = T1;                      // exposition only

     static const strstate allocated;          // exposition only
     static const strstate constant;           // exposition only
     static const strstate dynamic;            // exposition only
     static const strstate frozen;             // exposition only
     strstate strmode;                         // exposition only
     streamsize alsize;                        // exposition only
     void* (*palloc)(size_t);                  // exposition only
     void (*pfree)(void*);                     // exposition only

1 The class strstreambuf associates the input sequence, and possibly the output sequence, with an object of some character array type, whose elements store arbitrary values. The array object has several attributes.

2 [Note 1: For the sake of exposition, these are represented as elements of a bitmask type (indicated here as T1) called strstate. The elements are:]

3 [Note 2: For the sake of exposition, the maintained data is presented here as:]

4 Each object of class strstreambuf has a seekable area, delimited by the pointers seeklow and seekhigh. If gnext is a null pointer, the seekable area is undefined. Otherwise, seeklow equals gbeg and seekhigh is either pend, if pend is not a null pointer, or gend.

D.14.2.2 [depr.strstreambuf.cons] strstreambuf constructors

explicit strstreambuf(streamsize alsize_arg);

1 Effects: Initializes the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 147.

Table 147: strstreambuf(streamsize) effects []

strmode dynamic
alsize alsize_arg
palloc a null pointer
pfree a null pointer

2 Effects: Initializes the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 148.

Table 148: strstreambuf(void* (*)(size_t), void (*)(void*)) effects

strmode dynamic
alsize an unspecified value
palloc palloc_arg
pfree pfree_arg

strstreambuf(char* gnext_arg, streamsize n, char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);
strstreambuf(signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n,
             signed char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);
strstreambuf(unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n,
             unsigned char* pbeg_arg = nullptr);

3 Effects: Initializes the base class with streambuf(). The postconditions of this function are indicated in Table 149.

Table 149: strstreambuf(charT*, streamsize, charT*) effects [tab:depr.strstreambuf.cons.ptr]

strmode 0
alsize an unspecified value
palloc a null pointer
pfree a null pointer

4 gnext_arg shall point to the first element of an array object whose number of elements N is determined as follows:

  • If n > 0, N is n.
  • If n == 0, N is std::strlen(gnext_arg).
  • If n < 0, N is INT_MAX.1

5 If pbeg_arg is a null pointer, the function executes:

   setg(gnext_arg, gnext_arg, gnext_arg + N);

6 Otherwise, the function executes:

   setg(gnext_arg, gnext_arg, pbeg_arg);
   setp(pbeg_arg,  pbeg_arg + N);
strstreambuf(const char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);
strstreambuf(const signed char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);
strstreambuf(const unsigned char* gnext_arg, streamsize n);

7 Effects: Behaves the same as strstreambuf((char*)gnext_arg,n), except that the constructor also sets constant in strmode.

virtual ~strstreambuf();

8 Effects: Destroys an object of class strstreambuf. The function frees the dynamically allocated array object only if (strmode & allocated) != 0 and (strmode & frozen) == 0. (D.14.2.4 [depr.strstreambuf.virtuals] describes how a dynamically allocated array object is freed.)

D.14.2.3 [depr.strstreambuf.members] Member functions

void freeze(bool freezefl = true);

1 Effects: If strmode & dynamic is nonzero, alters the freeze status of the dynamic array object as follows:

  • If freezefl is true, the function sets frozen in strmode.
  • Otherwise, it clears frozen in strmode.

char* str();

2 Effects: Calls freeze(), then returns the beginning pointer for the input sequence, gbeg.

3 Remarks: The return value can be a null pointer.

int pcount() const;

4 Effects: If the next pointer for the output sequence, pnext, is a null pointer, returns zero. Otherwise, returns the current effective length of the array object as the next pointer minus the beginning pointer for the output sequence, pnext - pbeg.

D.14.2.4 [depr.strstreambuf.virtuals] strstreambuf overridden virtual functions

int_type overflow(int_type c = EOF) override;

1 Effects: Appends the character designated by c to the output sequence, if possible, in one of two ways:

  • If c != EOF and if either the output sequence has a write position available or the function makes a write position available (as described below), assigns c to *pnext++.
    Returns (unsigned char)c.
  • If c == EOF, there is no character to append.
    Returns a value other than EOF.

2 Returns EOF to indicate failure.

3 Remarks: The function can alter the number of write positions available as a result of any call.

4 To make a write position available, the function reallocates (or initially allocates) an array object with a sufficient number of elements n to hold the current array object (if any), plus at least one additional write position. How many additional write positions are made available is otherwise unspecified. If palloc is not a null pointer, the function calls (*palloc)(n) to allocate the new dynamic array object. Otherwise, it evaluates the expression new charT[n]. In either case, if the allocation fails, the function returns EOF. Otherwise, it sets allocated in strmode.

5 To free a previously existing dynamic array object whose first element address is p: If pfree is not a null pointer, the function calls (*pfree)(p). Otherwise, it evaluates the expression delete[]p.

6 If (strmode & dynamic) == 0, or if (strmode & frozen) != 0, the function cannot extend the array (reallocate it with greater length) to make a write position available.

7 Recommended practice: An implementation should consider alsize in making the decision how many additional write positions to make available.

int_type pbackfail(int_type c = EOF) override;

8 Puts back the character designated by c to the input sequence, if possible, in one of three ways:

  • If c != EOF, if the input sequence has a putback position available, and if (char)c == gnext[-1], assigns gnext - 1 to gnext.
    Returns c.
  • If c != EOF, if the input sequence has a putback position available, and if strmode & constant is zero, assigns c to *--gnext.
    Returns c.
  • If c == EOF and if the input sequence has a putback position available, assigns gnext - 1 to gnext.
    Returns a value other than EOF.

9 Returns EOF to indicate failure.

10 Remarks: If the function can succeed in more than one of these ways, it is unspecified which way is chosen. The function can alter the number of putback positions available as a result of any call.

int_type underflow() override;

11 Effects: Reads a character from the input sequence, if possible, without moving the stream position past it, as follows:

  • If the input sequence has a read position available, the function signals success by returning (unsigned char)*gnext.
  • Otherwise, if the current write next pointer pnext is not a null pointer and is greater than the current read end pointer gend, makes a read position available by assigning to gend a value greater than gnext and no greater than pnext.
    Returns (unsigned char)*gnext.

12 Returns EOF to indicate failure.

13 Remarks: The function can alter the number of read positions available as a result of any call.

pos_type seekoff(off_type off, seekdir way, openmode which = in | out) override;

14 Effects: Alters the stream position within one of the controlled sequences, if possible, as indicated in Table 150.

Table 150: seekoff positioning [tab:depr.strstreambuf.seekoff.pos]

Conditions Result
(which & ios::in) != 0 positions the input sequence
(which & ios::out) != 0 positions the output sequence
(which & (ios::in | ios::out)) == (ios::in | ios::out) and either way == ios::beg or way == ios::end positions both the input and the output sequences
Otherwise the positioning operation fails.

15 For a sequence to be positioned, if its next pointer is a null pointer, the positioning operation fails. Otherwise, the function determines newoff as indicated in Table 151.

Table 151: newoff values [tab:depr.strstreambuf.seekoff.newoff]

Condition newoff Value
way == ios::beg 0
way == ios::cur the next pointer minus the beginning pointer (xnext - xbeg).
way == ios::end seekhigh minus the beginning pointer (seekhigh - xbeg).

16 If (newoff + off) < (seeklow - xbeg) or (seekhigh - xbeg) < (newoff + off), the positioning operation fails. Otherwise, the function assigns xbeg + newoff + off to the next pointer xnext.

17 Returns: pos_type(newoff), constructed from the resultant offset newoff (of type off_type), that stores the resultant stream position, if possible. If the positioning operation fails, or if the constructed object cannot represent the resultant stream position, the return value is pos_type(off_type(-1)).

pos_type seekpos(pos_type sp, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) override;

18 Effects: Alters the stream position within one of the controlled sequences, if possible, to correspond to the stream position stored in sp (as described below).

  • If (which & ios::in) != 0, positions the input sequence.
  • If (which & ios::out) != 0, positions the output sequence.
  • If the function positions neither sequence, the positioning operation fails.

19 For a sequence to be positioned, if its next pointer is a null pointer, the positioning operation fails. Otherwise, the function determines newoff from sp.offset():

  • If newoff is an invalid stream position, has a negative value, or has a value greater than (seekhigh - seeklow), the positioning operation fails
  • Otherwise, the function adds newoff to the beginning pointer xbeg and store the result in the next pointer xnext.

20 Returns: pos_type(newoff), constructed from the resultant offset newoff (of type off_type), that stores the resultant stream position, if possible. If the positioning operation fails, or if the constructed object cannot represent the resultant stream position, the return value is pos_type(off_type(-1)).

streambuf<char>* setbuf(char* s, streamsize n) override;

21 Effects: Behavior is implementation-defined, except that setbuf(0, 0) has no effect.

D.14.3 [depr.istrstream] Class istrstream

D.14.3.1 [depr.istrstream.general] General

namespace std {
  class istrstream : public basic_istream<char> {
    explicit istrstream(const char* s);
    explicit istrstream(char* s);
    istrstream(const char* s, streamsize n);
    istrstream(char* s, streamsize n);
    virtual ~istrstream();
    strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;
    char* str();
    strstreambuf sb;            // exposition only

1 The class istrstream supports the reading of objects of class strstreambuf. It supplies a strstreambuf object to control the associated array object. For the sake of exposition, the maintained data is presented here as:

  • sb, the strstreambuf object.

D.14.3.2 [depr.istrstream.cons] istrstream constructors

explicit istrstream(const char* s);
explicit istrstream(char* s);

1 Effects: Initializes the base class with istream(&sb) and sb with strstreambuf(s, 0). s shall designate the first element of an NTBS.

istrstream(const char* s, streamsize n);
istrstream(char* s, streamsize n);

2 Effects: Initializes the base class with istream(&sb) and sb with strstreambuf(s,n). s shall designate the first element of an array whose length is n elements, and n shall be greater than zero.

D.14.3.3 [depr.istrstream.members] Member functions

strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;

1 Returns: const_cast<strstreambuf*>(&sb).

char* str();

2 Returns: rdbuf()->str().

D.14.4 [depr.ostrstream] Class ostrstream

D.14.4.1 [depr.ostrstream.general] General

namespace std {
  class ostrstream : public basic_ostream<char> {
    ostrstream(char* s, int n, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
    virtual ~ostrstream();

    strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;
    void freeze(bool freezefl = true);
    char* str();
    int pcount() const;

    strstreambuf sb;            // exposition only

1 The class ostrstream supports the writing of objects of class strstreambuf. It supplies a strstreambuf object to control the associated array object. For the sake of exposition, the maintained data is presented here as:

  • sb, the strstreambuf object.

D.14.4.2 [depr.ostrstream.cons] ostrstream constructors


1 Effects: Initializes the base class with ostream(&sb) and sb with strstreambuf().

ostrstream(char* s, int n, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);

2 Effects: Initializes the base class with ostream(&sb), and sb with one of two constructors:

  • If (mode & app) == 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements. The constructor is strstreambuf(s, n, s).
  • If (mode & app) != 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements that contains an NTBS whose first element is designated by s. The constructor is strstreambuf(s, n, s + std::strlen(s)).2

D.14.4.3 [depr.ostrstream.members] Member functions

strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;

1 Returns: (strstreambuf*)&sb.

void freeze(bool freezefl = true);

2 Effects: Calls rdbuf()->freeze(freezefl).

char* str();

3 Returns: rdbuf()->str().

int pcount() const;

4 Returns: rdbuf()->pcount().

D.14.5 [depr.strstream] Class strstream

D.14.5.1 [depr.strstream.general] General

namespace std {
  class strstream
    : public basic_iostream<char> {
    // types
    using char_type = char;
    using int_type  = char_traits<char>::int_type;
    using pos_type  = char_traits<char>::pos_type;
    using off_type  = char_traits<char>::off_type;

    // constructors/destructor
    strstream(char* s, int n,
              ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in|ios_base::out);
    virtual ~strstream();

    // members
    strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;
    void freeze(bool freezefl = true);
    int pcount() const;
    char* str();

    strstreambuf sb;            // exposition only

1 The class strstream supports reading and writing from objects of class strstreambuf. It supplies a strstreambuf object to control the associated array object. For the sake of exposition, the maintained data is presented here as:

  • sb, the strstreambuf object.

D.14.5.2 [depr.strstream.cons] strstream constructors


1 Effects: Initializes the base class with iostream(&sb).

strstream(char* s, int n,
           ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in|ios_base::out);

2 Effects: Initializes the base class with iostream(&sb), and sb with one of the two constructors:

  • If (mode & app) == 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements. The constructor is strstreambuf(s,n,s).
  • If (mode & app) != 0, then s shall designate the first element of an array of n elements that contains an NTBS whose first element is designated by s. The constructor is strstreambuf(s,n,s+ std::strlen(s)).

D.14.5.3 [depr.strstream.dest] strstream destructor

virtual ~strstream();

1 Effects: Destroys an object of class strstream.

D.14.5.4 [depr.strstream.oper] strstream operations

strstreambuf* rdbuf() const;

1 Returns: const_cast<strstreambuf*>(&sb).

void freeze(bool freezefl = true);

2 Effects: Calls rdbuf()->freeze(freezefl).

char* str();

3 Returns: rdbuf()->str().

int pcount() const;

4 Returns: rdbuf()->pcount().

7.5 Update cross-reference for stable labels for C++23

Cross-references from ISO C++ 2023

All clause and subclause labels from ISO C++ 2023 (ISO/IEC 14882:2023, Programming Languages — C++) are present in this document, with the exceptions described below.

container.gen.reqmts see

depr.istrstream removed
depr.istrstream.cons removed
depr.istrstream.general removed
depr.istrstream.members removed
depr.ostrstream removed
depr.ostrstream.cons removed
depr.ostrstream.general removed
depr.ostrstream.members removed
depr.res.on.required removed
depr.str.strstreams removed
depr.strstream removed
depr.strstream.cons removed
depr.strstream.dest removed
depr.strstream.general removed
depr.strstream.oper removed
depr.strstream.syn removed
depr.strstreambuf removed
depr.strstreambuf.cons removed
depr.strstreambuf.general removed
depr.strstreambuf.members removed
depr.strstreambuf.virtuals removed

7.6 Resolve open library issues

The following library issues should be resolved as NAD as they no longer apply to the C++ Standard due to the removal of the feature.

8 Acknowledgements

Thanks to Michael Park for the pandoc-based framework used to transform this document’s source from Markdown.

Huge thanks to Peter Sommerlad for doing all the hard work to make removal of this tricky legacy facility possible.

9 References

[LWG3095] Billy O’Neal III. strstreambuf refers to nonexistent member of fpos, fpos::offset.
[LWG3109] Jonathan Wakely. strstreambuf is copyable.
[N4958] Thomas Köppe. 2023-08-14. Working Draft, Programming Languages -- C++.
[P0408R7] Peter Sommerlad. 2019-07-18. Efficient Access to basic_stringbuf’s Buffer.
[P0448R4] Peter Sommerlad. 2021-03-01. A strstream replacement using span as buffer.
[P2139R2] Alisdair Meredith. 2020-07-15. Reviewing Deprecated Facilities of C++20 for C++23.
[P2863R1] Alisdair Meredith. 2023-08-16. Review Annex D for C++26.

  1. The function signature strlen(const char*) is declared in <cstring> (23.5.3 [cstring.syn]). The macro INT_MAX is defined in <climits> (17.3.6 [climits.syn]).↩︎

  2. The function signature strlen(const char*) is declared in <cstring> (23.5.3 [cstring.syn]).↩︎