as a numeric typeDocument #: | P2982R0 |
Date: | 2023-10-15 |
Project: | Programming Language C++ |
Audience: |
SG6 Numerics |
Reply-to: |
Mateusz Pusz (Epam
Systems) <> Chip Hogg (Aurora Innovation) <> |
This document discusses the numeric and arithmetic aspects of the
physical quantities and units library. This subject is broader than it
could be initially imagined. Arithmetic operations are not only defined
for user-facing types like
, but also for
units and their magnitudes, dimensions, quantity specifications, and
references. Each has its own requirements and constraints, and we will
describe them in the following chapters.
Note: The code examples presented in this paper may not exactly reflect the final interface design that is going to be proposed in the follow-up papers. We are still doing some small fine-tuning to improve the library.
This document consistently uses the official metrology vocabulary defined in the [ISO/IEC Guide 99] and [JCGM 200:2012].
The physical units libraries on the market typically only focus on modeling one or more systems of units. However, this is not the only system kind to model. Another, and maybe even more important is a system of quantities. The most important example here is the International System of Quantities (ISQ) defined by the series of [ISO/IEC 80000] documents.
Most of the products on the market are aware of physical dimensions. However, a dimension is not enough to describe a quantity. This has been known for a long time now.
A typical problem that most similar libraries struggle with is
supporting quantities of energy and a moment of force as independent,
strong types. The problem here arises from the fact that both of them
have exactly the same dimension
, but a totally different
physical meaning. As a result, they do not participate in same-set
operations, e.g., comparison, addition.
A similar question that we could ask ourselves is what should be the result of:
auto res = 1 * Hz + 1 * Bq + 1 * Bd;
(hertz) - a unit of
(becquerel) - a unit of
(baud) - a unit of
modulation rateAll of those quantities have the same dimension, namely
, but it is probably not wise
to allow adding, subtracting, or comparing them, as they describe vastly
different physical properties.
Last but not least, let’s see the following implementation:
class Box {
<square(si::metre)> base_;
quantity<si::metre> height_;
(quantity<si::metre> l, quantity<si::metre> w, quantity<si::metre> h) : base_(l * w), height_(h) {}
Box// ...
(2 * m, 3 * m, 1 * m); Box my_box
The above interface is far from being ideal. It does not provide any type-safety and enables potentially severe errors caused by accidental reordering of the constructor’s arguments.
It turns out that the above issues can’t be solved correctly without proper modeling of systems of quantities.
The [ISO/IEC Guide 99] says:
[ISO/IEC 80000] also explicitly notes:
Measurement units of quantities of the same quantity dimension may be designated by the same name and symbol even when the quantities are not of the same kind. For example, joule per kelvin and J/K are respectively the name and symbol of both a measurement unit of heat capacity and a measurement unit of entropy, which are generally not considered to be quantities of the same kind. However, in some cases special measurement unit names are restricted to be used with quantities of specific kind only. For example, the measurement unit ‘second to the power minus one’ (1/s) is called hertz (Hz) when used for frequencies and becquerel (Bq) when used for activities of radionuclides. As another example, the joule (J) is used as a unit of energy, but never as a unit of moment of force, i.e. the newton metre (N · m).
Those provide answers to all the issues mentioned above. More than one quantity may be defined for the same dimension:
Two quantities can’t be added, subtracted, or compared unless they belong to the same quantity kind.
The [ISO/IEC 80000] specifies hundreds of different quantities. Plenty of various kinds are provided, and often, each kind contains more than one quantity. It turns out that such quantities form a hierarchy of quantities of the same kind.
For example, here are all quantities of the kind length provided in [ISO/IEC 80000] (part 1):
Each of the above quantities expresses some kind of length, and each can be measured with meters, which is the unit defined by the [SI] for quantities of length. However, each has different properties, usage, and sometimes even a different character (position vector and displacement are vector quantities).
The below presents how such a hierarchy tree can be defined in the [mp-units] library:
inline constexpr struct dim_length : base_dimension<"L"> {} dim_length;
inline constexpr struct length : quantity_spec<dim_length> {} length;
inline constexpr struct width : quantity_spec<length> {} width;
inline constexpr auto breadth = width;
inline constexpr struct height : quantity_spec<length> {} height;
inline constexpr auto depth = height;
inline constexpr auto altitude = height;
inline constexpr struct thickness : quantity_spec<width> {} thickness;
inline constexpr struct diameter : quantity_spec<width> {} diameter;
inline constexpr struct radius : quantity_spec<width> {} radius;
inline constexpr struct radius_of_curvature : quantity_spec<radius> {} radius_of_curvature;
inline constexpr struct path_length : quantity_spec<length> {} path_length;
inline constexpr auto arc_length = path_length;
inline constexpr struct distance : quantity_spec<path_length> {} distance;
inline constexpr struct radial_distance : quantity_spec<distance> {} radial_distance;
inline constexpr struct wavelength : quantity_spec<length> {} wavelength;
inline constexpr struct position_vector : quantity_spec<length, quantity_character::vector> {} position_vector;
inline constexpr struct displacement : quantity_spec<length, quantity_character::vector> {} displacement;
In the above code:
takes the base
dimension to indicate that we are creating a base quantity that will
serve as a root for a tree of quantities of the same kind,width
and following
quantities are branches and leaves of this tree with the parent always
provided as the argument to
is an alias name for
the same quantity as width
.Please note that some quantities may be specified by [ISO/IEC 80000] as vector or tensor
(e.g. displacement
Quantity conversion rules can be defined based on the same hierarchy of quantities of kind length.
Implicit conversions
is a
is a
.static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::length));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::radius, isq::length));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::radius, isq::width));
In the [mp-units] library, implicit conversions are allowed on copy-initialization:
void foo(quantity<isq::length<m>> q);
<isq::width<m>> q1 = 42 * m;
quantity<isq::length<m>> q2 = q1; // implicit quantity conversion
quantity(q1); // implicit quantity conversion foo
Explicit conversions
is a
is a
.static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::width));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::radius));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::radius));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::width));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::radius));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::radius));
In the [mp-units] library,
explicit conversions are forced by passing the quantity to a call
operator of a quantity_spec
<isq::length<m>> q1 = 42 * m;
quantity<isq::height<m>> q2 = isq::height(q1); // explicit quantity conversion quantity
Explicit casts
is never a
, and vice versa.height
are quantities of kind
.static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::height, isq::width));
static_assert(!explicitly_convertible(isq::height, isq::width));
static_assert(castable(isq::height, isq::width));
In the [mp-units] library,
explicit casts are forced with a dedicated
<isq::width<m>> q1 = 42 * m;
quantity<isq::height<m>> q2 = quantity_cast<isq::height>(q1); // explicit quantity cast quantity
No conversion
has nothing in common
with length
.static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::time, isq::length));
static_assert(!explicitly_convertible(isq::time, isq::length));
static_assert(!castable(isq::time, isq::length));
In the [mp-units] library, even the explicit casts will not force such a conversion:
void foo(quantity<isq::length[m]>);
(quantity_cast<isq::length>(42 * s)); // Compile-time error foo
With the above rules, one can write the following short application to calculate a fuel consumption:
inline constexpr struct fuel_volume : quantity_spec<isq::volume> {} fuel_volume;
inline constexpr struct fuel_consumption : quantity_spec<fuel_volume / isq::distance> {} fuel_consumption;
const quantity fuel = fuel_volume(40. * l);
const quantity distance = isq::distance(550. * km);
const quantity<fuel_consumption[l / (mag<100> * km)]> q = fuel / distance;
::cout << "Fuel consumption: " << q << "\n"; std
The above code prints:
Fuel consumption: 7.27273 × 10⁻² l/km
Please note that, despite the dimensions of
being the same (L²),
the constructor of a quantity q
below will fail to compile when we pass an argument being the quantity
of area:
static_assert(fuel_consumption.dimension == isq::area.dimension);
const quantity<isq::area[m2]> football_field = isq::length(105 * m) * isq::width(68 * m);
const quantity<fuel_consumption[l / (mag<100> * km)]> q = football_field; // Compile-time error
[ISO/IEC Guide 99]
explicitly states that width
are quantities of the
same kind and as such they
If we take the above for granted, the only reasonable result of
1 * width + 1 * height
2 * length
, where the result of
is known as a common
quantity type. A result of such an equation is always the first common
node in a hierarchy tree of the same kind. For example:
static_assert(common_quantity_spec(isq::width, isq::height) == isq::length);
static_assert(common_quantity_spec(isq::thickness, isq::radius) == isq::width);
static_assert(common_quantity_spec(isq::distance, isq::path_length) == isq::path_length);
= isq::thickness(1 * m) + isq::radius(1 * m);
quantity q static_assert(q.quantity_spec == isq::width);
One could argue that allowing to add or compare quantities of height and width might be a safety issue, but we need to be consistent with the requirements of [ISO/IEC 80000]. Moreover, from our experience, disallowing such operations and requiring an explicit cast to a common quantity in every single place makes the code so cluttered with casts that it nearly renders the library unusable.
Fortunately, the above-mentioned conversion rules make the code safe by construction anyway. Let’s analyze the following example:
inline constexpr struct horizontal_length : quantity_spec<isq::length> {} horizontal_length;
namespace christmas {
struct gift {
<horizontal_length[m]> length;
quantity<isq::width[m]> width;
quantity<isq::height[m]> height;
::array<quantity<isq::length[m]>, 2> gift_wrapping_paper_size(const gift& g)
const auto dim1 = 2 * g.width + 2 * g.height + 0.5 * g.width;
const auto dim2 = g.length + 2 * 0.75 * g.height;
return { dim1, dim2 };
} // namespace christmas
int main()
const christmas::gift lego = { horizontal_length(40 * cm), isq::width(30 * cm), isq::height(15 * cm) };
auto paper = christmas::gift_wrapping_paper_size(lego);
::cout << "Paper needed to pack a lego box:\n";
std::cout << "- " << paper[0] << " X " << paper[1] << "\n"; // - 1.05 m X 0.625 m
std::cout << "- area = " << paper[0] * paper[1] << "\n"; // - area = 0.65625 m²
In the beginning, we introduce a custom quantity
of a kind
length, which then, together with
, are used to define
the dimensions of a Christmas gift. Next, we provide a function that
calculates the dimensions of a gift wrapping paper with some wraparound.
The result of both those expressions is a quantity of
, as this is the
closest common quantity for the arguments used in this quantity
Regarding safety, it is important to mention here, that thanks to the conversion rules provided above, it would be impossible to accidentally do the following:
void foo(quantity<horizontal_length[m]> q);
<isq::width[m]> q1 = dim1; // Compile-time error
quantity<isq::height[m]> q2{dim1}; // Compile-time error
quantity(dim1); // Compile-time error foo
The reason of compilation errors above is the fact that
is not implicitly
convertible to the quantities defined based on it. To make the above
code compile, an explicit conversion of a quantity type is needed:
void foo(quantity<horizontal_length[m]> q);
<isq::width[m]> q1 = isq::width(dim1);
quantity<isq::height[m]> q2{isq::height(dim1)};
quantity(horizontal_length(dim1)); foo
To summarize, rules for addition, subtraction, and comparison of quantities improve the library usability, while the conversion rules enhance the safety of the library compared to the libraries that do not model quantity kinds.
The same rules propagate to derived quantities. For example, we can define strongly typed horizontal length and area:
inline constexpr struct horizontal_length : quantity_spec<isq::length> {} horizontal_length;
inline constexpr struct horizontal_area : quantity_spec<isq::area, horizontal_length * isq::width> {} horizontal_area;
The first definition says that a horizontal length is a more specialized quantity than length and belongs to the same quantity kind. The second line defines a horizontal area, which is a more specialized quantity than area, so it has a more constrained recipe as well. Thanks to that:
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length, isq::length));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, horizontal_length));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length, horizontal_length));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_area, isq::area));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::area, horizontal_area));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::area, horizontal_area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::length * isq::length, isq::area));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length * isq::length, horizontal_area));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length * isq::length, horizontal_area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length * isq::width, isq::area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length * isq::width, horizontal_area));
Unfortunately, derived quantity equations often do not automatically form a hierarchy tree. This is why sometimes it is not obvious what such a tree should look like. Also, the [ISO/IEC Guide 99] explicitly states:
The division of ‘quantity’ according to ‘kind of quantity’ is, to some extent, arbitrary.
The below presents some arbitrary hierarchy of derived quantities of kind energy:
Notice, that even though all of those quantities have the same dimension and can be expressed in the same units, they have different quantity equations used to create them implicitly:
is the most
generic one and thus can be created from base quantities of
, and
. As those are also the
roots of quantities of their kinds and all other quantities are
implicitly convertible to them, it means that an
can be implicitly
constructed from any quantity having proper powers of mass, length, and
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::energy));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::height) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::energy));
is a
more “specialized” quantity than
(not every
is a
). It is why an
explicit cast is needed to convert from either
or the results of its
quantity equation.
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::energy, isq::mechanical_energy));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::energy, isq::mechanical_energy));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::mechanical_energy));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::mechanical_energy));
is not only even more specialized one but additionally, it is special in
a way that it provides its own “constrained” quantity equation. Maybe
not every mass * pow<2>(length) / pow<2>(time)
is a
but every mass * acceleration_of_free_fall * height
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::energy, gravitational_potential_energy));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::energy, gravitational_potential_energy));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), gravitational_potential_energy));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), gravitational_potential_energy));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * isq::acceleration_of_free_fall * isq::height, gravitational_potential_energy));
In the physical units library, we also need an abstraction describing an entire family of quantities of the same kind. Such quantities have not only the same dimension but also can be expressed in the same units.
To annotate a quantity to represent its kind (and not just a
hierarchy tree’s root quantity), in [mp-units] we introduced a
specifier. For
example, to express any quantity of length, we need to specify
. That
entity behaves as any quantity of its kind. This means that it is
implicitly convertible to any quantity in a tree:
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::height));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(kind_of<isq::length>, isq::height));
Additionally, the result of operations on quantity kinds is also a quantity kind:
static_assert(same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / kind_of<isq::time>, kind_of<isq::length / isq::time>>);
However, if at least one equation’s operand is not a quantity kind, the result becomes a “strong” quantity where all the kinds are converted to the hierarchy tree’s root quantities:
static_assert(!same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / isq::time, kind_of<isq::length / isq::time>>);
static_assert(same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / isq::time, isq::length / isq::time>);
Please note that only a root quantity from the hierarchy tree or the
one marked with is_kind
specifier in the quantity_spec
definition can be put as a template parameter to the
specifier. For example,
fail to compile.
Modeling a system of units is the most important feature and a selling point of every physical units library. Thanks to that, the library can protect users from performing invalid operations on quantities and provide automated conversion factors between various compatible units.
Probably all the libraries in the wild model the [SI], and many of them provide support for additional units belonging to various other systems (e.g. imperial).
Systems of quantities specify a set of quantities and equations relating to those quantities. Those equations do not take any unit or a numerical representation into account at all. In order to create a quantity, we need to add those missing pieces of information. This is where a system of units kicks in.
The [SI] is explicitly stated to be based on the ISQ. Among others, it defines seven base units, one for each base quantity. In [mp-units], this is expressed by associating a quantity kind to an unit being defined:
inline constexpr struct metre : named_unit<"m", kind_of<isq::length>> {} metre;
states explicitly that this unit has an associated quantity kind. In
other words, si::metre
scaled units based on it) can be used to express the amount of any
quantity of kind length.
Associated units are so useful and common in the [mp-units] library that they got their
own concepts
improve the interfaces.
Please note that for some systems of units (e.g., natural units), a
unit may not have an associated quantity type. For example, if we define
the speed of light constant as
c = 1
, we can define a system
where both length and time will be measured in seconds, and speed will
be a quantity measured with the unit
. In such case, the
definition will look as follows:
inline constexpr struct second : named_unit<"s"> {} second;
One of the strongest points of the [SI] system is that its units compose. This allows providing thousands of different units for hundreds of various quantities with a really small set of predefined units and prefixes. For example, one can write:
<si::metre / si::second> q; quantity
to express a quantity of speed. The resulting quantity type is implicitly inferred from the unit equation by repeating exactly the same operations on the associated quantity kinds.
Also, as units are regular values, we can easily provide a helper ad-hoc unit with:
constexpr auto mps = si::metre / si::second;
<mps> q; quantity
The [SI] provides the names for 22 common coherent units of 22 derived quantities.
Each such named derived unit is a result of a specific predefined unit equation. For example, a unit of power quantity is defined as:
inline constexpr struct watt : named_unit<"W", joule / second> {} watt;
However, a power quantity can be expressed in other units as well. For example, the following:
auto q1 = 42 * W;
::cout << q1 << "\n";
std::cout << / s) << "\n";
std::cout << * m / s) << "\n";
std::cout << * m2 / s3) << "\n"; std
42 W
42 J/s
42 N m/s
42 kg m²/s³
All of the above quantities are equivalent and mean exactly the same.
Some derived units are valid only for specific derived quantities.
For example, [SI] specifies both
derived units with the
same unit equation 1/s
. However,
it also explicitly states:
The hertz shall only be used for periodic phenomena and the becquerel shall only be used for stochastic processes in activity referred to a radionuclide.
This is why it is important for the library to allow constraining such units to be used only with a specific quantity kind:
inline constexpr struct hertz : named_unit<"Hz", one / second, kind_of<isq::frequency>> {} hertz;
inline constexpr struct becquerel : named_unit<"Bq", one / second, kind_of<isq::activity>> {} becquerel;
With the above, hertz
only be used for frequencies, while
should only be used
for quantities of activity. This means that the following equation will
not compile, improving the type-safety of the library:
auto q = 1 * Hz + 1 * Bq; // Fails to compile
Besides named units, the SI specifies also 24 prefixes
(all being a power of 10
) that
can be prepended to all named units to obtain various scaled versions of
Implementation of std::ratio
provided by all major compilers is able to express only 16 of them. This
is why, in the [mp-units], we had
to find an alternative way to represent a unit’s magnitude in a more
flexible way.
Each prefix is implemented as:
template<PrefixableUnit auto U> struct quecto_ : prefixed_unit<"q", mag_power<10, -30>, U> {};
template<PrefixableUnit auto U> inline constexpr quecto_<U> quecto;
and then a unit can be prefixed in the following way:
inline constexpr auto qm = quecto<metre>;
The usage of mag_power
only enables providing support for SI prefixes, but it can also
efficiently represent any rational magnitude. For example, [ISO/IEC 80000] (part 13) prefixes used
in the IT industry can be implemented as:
template<PrefixableUnit auto U> struct yobi_ : prefixed_unit<"Yi", mag_power<2, 80>, U> {};
template<PrefixableUnit auto U> inline constexpr yobi_<U> yobi;
Please note that we need two lines with two definitions in the case of a class template and an associated variable template. The C and C++ standards permit providing the same identifier for a class and its variable and appending the variable name after the class definition. None of this is allowed for class templates.
In the [SI], all units are either base or derived units or prefixed versions of those. However, those are not the only options possible.
For example, there is a list of off-system units accepted for use with [SI]. All of those are scaled versions of the [SI] units with ratios that can’t be explicitly expressed with predefined SI prefixes. Those include units like minute, hour, or electronvolt:
inline constexpr struct minute : named_unit<"min", mag<60> * si::second> {} minute;
inline constexpr struct hour : named_unit<"h", mag<60> * minute> {} hour;
inline constexpr struct electronvolt : named_unit<"eV",
<ratio{1'602'176'634, 1'000'000'000}> * mag_power<10, -19> * si::joule> {} electronvolt; mag
Also, units of other systems of units are often defined in terms of scaled versions of other (often SI) units. For example, the international yard is defined as:
inline constexpr struct yard : named_unit<"yd", mag<ratio{9'144, 10'000}> * si::metre> {} yard;
and then a foot
can be
defined as:
inline constexpr struct foot : named_unit<"ft", mag<ratio{1, 3}> * yard> {} foot;
For some units, a magnitude might also be irrational. The best
example here is a degree
is defined using a floating-point magnitude having a factor of the
number π (Pi):
inline constexpr struct mag_pi : magnitude<std::numbers::pi_v<long double>> {} mag_pi;
inline constexpr struct degree : named_unit<basic_symbol_text{"°", "deg"}, mag_pi / mag<180> * si::radian> {} degree;
In the [mp-units] library, units are available via their full names or through their short symbols. To use a long version it is enough to type:
#include <mp-units/systems/si/si.h>
using namespace mp_units;
= 42 * si::metre; quantity q
The same can be obtained using an optional unit symbol:
#include <mp-units/systems/si/si.h>
using namespace mp_units;
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;
= 42 * m; quantity q
Unit symbols introduce a lot of short identifiers into the current
namespace, and that is why they are opt-in. A user has to explicitly
“import” them from a dedicated
Modern C++ physical quantities and units library should expose compile-time constants for units, dimensions, and quantity types. Each of such constants should be of a different type. Said otherwise, every unit, dimension, and quantity type has a unique type and a compile-time instance. This allows us to do regular algebra on such identifiers and get proper types as results of such operations.
The operations exposed by such a library should include at least:
newton * metre
),metre / second
pow<1, 2>(metre * metre)
).To improve the usability of the library, we also recommend adding:
sqrt(metre * metre)
equivalent to
pow<1, 2>(metre * metre)
),cbrt(metre * metre * metre)
as equivalent to pow<1, 3>(metre * metre * metre)
equivalent to
one / second
).Additionally, for units only, to improve the readability of the code, it makes sense to expose the following:
equivalent to
is equivalent
to pow<3>(metre)
).The above two functions could also be considered for dimensions and
quantity types. However,
does not seem to
make much sense, and probably
should be
preferred instead.
Modern C++ physical quantities and units libraries use opaque types to improve the user experience while analyzing compile-time errors or inspecting types in a debugger. This is a huge usability improvement over the older libraries that use aliases to refer to long instantiations of class templates.
Having such strong types for entities is not enough. While doing arithmetics on them, we get derived entities, and they also should be easy to understand and correlate with the code written by the user. This is where expression templates come into play.
The library should use the same unified approach to represent the results of arithmetics on all kinds of entities. It is worth mentioning that a generic purpose expression templates library is not a good solution for a physical quantities and units library.
Let’s assume that we want to represent the results of the following two unit equations:
metre / second * second
metre * metre / metre
Both of them should result in a type equivalent to
. A general-purpose library
will probably result with the types similar to the below:
mul<div<metre, second>, second>
div<mul<metre, metre>, metre>
Comparing such types for equivalence would not only be very expensive at compile-time but would also be really confusing to the users observing them in the compilation logs. This is why we need a dedicated solution here.
In a physical quantities and units library, we need expression templates to express the results of
If the above equation results in a derived entity, we must create a type that clearly describes what we are dealing with. We need to pack a simplified expression template into some container for that. There are various possibilities here. The table below presents the types generated from unit expressions by two leading products on the market in this subject:
N⋅m |
derived_unit<metre, newton> |
UnitProduct<Meters, Newtons> |
1/s |
derived_unit<one, per<second>> |
Pow<Seconds, -1> |
km/h |
derived_unit<kilo_<metre>, per<hour>> |
UnitProduct<Kilo<Meters>, Pow<Hours, -1>> |
kg⋅m²/(s³⋅K) |
derived_unit<kilogram, pow<metre, 2>, per<kelvin, power<second, 3>>> |
UnitProduct<Pow<Meters, 2>, Kilo<Grams>, Pow<Seconds, -3>, Pow<Kelvins, -1>> |
m²/m |
metre |
Meters |
km/m |
derived_unit<kilo_<metre>, per<metre>> |
UnitProduct<Pow<Meters, -1>, Kilo<Meters>> |
m/m |
one |
UnitProduct<> |
It is a matter of taste which solution is better. While discussing
the pros and cons here, we should remember that our users often do not
have a scientific background. This is why the [mp-units] library decided to use syntax
that is as similar to the correct English language as possible. It
consistently uses the derived_
prefix for types representing derived units, dimensions, and quantity
specifications. Those are instantiated first with the contents of the
numerator followed by the entities of the denominator (if present)
enclosed in the per<...>
expression template.
The arithmetics on units, dimensions, and quantity types require a special identity value. Such value can be returned as a result of the division of the same entities, or using it should not modify the expression template on multiplication.
The [mp-units] library chose the following names here:
in the domain of
in the domain
of dimensions,dimensionless
in the domain
of quantity types.The above names were selected based on the following quote from the [ISO/IEC 80000]:
A quantity whose dimensional exponents are all equal to zero has the dimensional product denoted A0B0C0… = 1, where the symbol 1 denotes the corresponding dimension. There is no agreement on how to refer to such quantities. They have been called dimensionless quantities (although this term should now be avoided), quantities with dimension one, quantities with dimension number, or quantities with the unit one. Such quantities are dimensionally simply numbers. To avoid confusion, it is helpful to use explicit units with these quantities where possible, e.g., m/m, nmol/mol, rad, as specified in the SI Brochure.
The table below presents all the operations that can be done on units, dimensions, and quantity types in a physical quantities and units library and corresponding expression templates chosen by the [mp-units] project as their results:
Resulting template expression arguments
A * B |
A, B |
B * A |
A, B |
A * A |
power<A, 2> |
{identity} * A |
A |
A * {identity} |
A |
A / B |
A, per<B> |
A / A |
{identity} |
A / {identity} |
A |
{identity} / A |
{identity}, per<A> |
pow<2>(A) |
power<A, 2> |
pow<2>({identity}) |
{identity} |
or pow<1, 2>(A) |
power<A, 1, 2> |
pow<1, 2>({identity}) |
{identity} |
To limit the length and improve the readability of generated types, there are many rules to simplify the resulting expression template.
The resulting comma-separated arguments of multiplication are always sorted according to a specific predicate. This is why:
static_assert(A * B == B * A);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(A * B), decltype(B * A)>);
This is probably the most important of all the steps, as it allows comparing types and enables the rest of the simplification rules.
Units and dimensions have unique symbols, but ordering quantity types might not be that trivial. Although the ISQ defined in [ISO/IEC 80000] provides symbols for each quantity, there is little use for them in the C++ code. This is caused by the fact that such symbols use a lot of characters that are not available with the Unicode encoding. Most of the limitations correspond to Unicode providing only a minimal set of characters available as subscripts, which are often used to differentiate various quantities of the same kind. For example, it is impossible to encode the symbols of the following quantities:
This is why the [mp-units] library chose to use type name identifiers in such cases.
In case two of the same type identifiers are found next to each other on the argument list, they will be aggregated in one entry:
A, A |
power<A, 2> |
A, power<A, 2> |
power<A, 3> |
power<A, 1, 2>, power<A, 2> |
power<A, 5, 2> |
power<A, 1, 2>, power<A, 1, 2> |
A |
In case two of the same type identifiers are found in the numerator and denominator argument lists, they are being simplified into one entry:
A, per<A> |
{identity} |
power<A, 2>, per<A> |
A |
power<A, 3>, per<A> |
power<A, 2> |
A, per<power<A, 2>> |
{identity}, per<A> |
It is important to notice here that only the elements with exactly
the same type are being simplified. This means that, for example,
results in
, but
will not be simplified. The
resulting derived unit will preserve both symbols and their relative
magnitude. This allows us to properly print symbols of some units or
constants that require such behavior. For example, the Hubble constant
is expressed in km⋅s⁻¹⋅Mpc⁻¹
where both km
are units of
In case an expression uses two results of some other operations, the components of its arguments are repacked into one resulting type and simplified there.
For example, assuming:
constexpr auto X = A / B;
Resulting template expression arguments
X * B |
A |
X * A |
power<A, 2>, per<B> |
X * X |
power<A, 2>, per<power<B, 2>> |
X / X |
{identity} |
X / A |
{identity}, per<B> |
X / B |
A, per<power<B, 2>> |
Please note that for as long as for the ordering step in some cases, we use user-provided symbols, the aggregation, and the next steps do not benefit from those. They always use type identifiers to determine whether the operation should be performed.
Unit symbols are not guaranteed to be unique in the project. For
example, someone may use
as a symbol for a
count of samples, which, when used in a unit expression with seconds,
would cause fatal consequences
(e.g. sample * second
yield s²
, or
sample / second
would result in
Some units would provide worse text output if the ordering step used
type identifiers rather than unit symbols. For example, si::metre * si::second * cgs::second
would result in s m s
, or
newton * metre
would result in
m N
, which is not how we
typically spell this unit. However, for the sake of consistency, we may
also consider changing the algorithm used for ordering to be based on
type identifiers.
Thanks to all of the steps described above, a user may write the code like this one:
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;
= isq::speed(60. * km / h);
quantity speed = 8 * s;
quantity duration = speed / duration;
quantity acceleration1 = isq::acceleration( / s2));
quantity acceleration2 ::cout << "acceleration: " << acceleration1 << " (" << acceleration2 << ")\n"; std
the text output provides:
acceleration: 7.5 km h⁻¹ s⁻¹ (2.08333 m/s²)
The above program will produce the following types for acceleration
quantities (after stripping the
namespace for
quantity<reference<derived_quantity_spec<isq::speed, per<isq::time>>{},
derived_unit<si::kilo_<si::metre{}>, per<non_si::hour, si::second>>{}>{},
derived_unit<si::metre, per<power<si::second, 2>>>{}>{},
Another very common operation is to multiply an existing unit by a factor, creating a new, scaled unit. For example, the unit foot can be multiplied by 3, producing the unit yard.
The process also works in reverse: the ratio between any two units of the same dimension is a well-defined number. For example, the ratio between one foot and one inch is 12.
In principle, this scaling factor can be any positive real number. In [mp-units] and [Au], we have used the term “magnitude” to refer to this scaling factor. (This should not be confused with other uses of the term, such as the logarithmic “magnitude” unit commonly used in astronomy.)
In the library implementation, each unit is associated with a magnitude. However, for most units, the magnitude is a fully encapsulated implementation detail, not a user-facing value.
This is because the notion of “the” magnitude of a unit is not
generally meaningful: it has no physically observable consequence. What
is meaningful is the ratio of magnitudes between two
units of the same quantity kind. We could associate the foot,
say, with any magnitude
A magnitude is a positive real number. The best way to represent it depends on how we will use it. To derive our requirements, note that magnitudes must support every operation which units do.
Units are closed under products and rational
powers. Therefore, our magnitude representation must support these
operations natively and robustly; this is the most basic requirement. We
must also support certain irrational “ratios”, such as the
factor of
The usual approach,
, fails to satisfy
these requirements in multiple ways.
One alternative is the vector space magnitude representation. Here, we represent each magnitude as a product of powers of “basis” numbers. This is the same representation we use for dimensions, so it will naturally support all the same operations — as long as we can find a suitable basis.
Each magnitude must have a unique representation. This requirement constrains our choice of “basis” vectors: they must not be able to represent any magnitude in more than one way. Prime numbers have this property. Take any arbitrarily large (but finite) collection of primes, raise each prime to some chosen exponent, and compute the product: the result can’t be expressed by any other collection of exponents.
Already, this lets us represent every positive real number which
can represent, by
breaking the numerator and denominator into their prime factorizations.
But we can go further, and handle irrational factors such as
On the C++ implementation side, we use variadic templates to define our magnitude. Each element is a basis number raised to some rational power (which may be omitted or abbreviated as appropriate).
Here are some examples, using Astronomical Units (au), meters (m), degrees (deg), and radians (rad).
Unit ratio
vector space representation
std::ratio<149'597'870'700> |
magnitude<power_v<2, 2>(), 3, power_v<5, 2>(), 73, 877, 7789> |
Unrepresentable (overflow) | magnitude<power_v<2, 4>(), power_v<3, 2>(), power_v<5, 4>(), power_v<73, 2>(), power_v<877, 2>(), power_v<7789, 2>()> |
Unrepresentable | magnitude<2, power_v<3, 1, 2>(), 5, power_v<73, 1, 2>(), power_v<877, 1, 2>(), power_v<7789, 1, 2>()> |
Unrepresentable | magnitude<power_v<2, 2>(), power_v<3, 2>(), power_v<3.14159265358979323851e+0l, -1>(), 5> |
The variadic magnitude types have one disadvantage: they are more verbose. We may be able to hide them via opaque types with nicer names, using a similar strategy as we have for units. In any case, their major advantage is that they fulfill the requirements stated above — indeed, they are the only solution we have seen which does.
We do not want end users to specify the variadic
manually. That would be too labor intensive and error prone. Instead, we
provide construction helpers for end users.
creates the
vector space representation of the integer
. This is a simple value, so we
can multiply and divide it with other magnitudes.
For example,
mag<180> / mag<240>
produces magnitude<power_v<2, -2>(), 3>
which is
Some operations, such as addition or inequality comparison, are “common unit” operations. In order to execute them on quantities of the same dimension, we must first convert them to their common unit.
For units which are commensurable — that is, units whose ratio is a rational number — the “common unit” is the largest unit that evenly divides both. For example, the common unit of the foot and inch is the inch.
This also includes instances where neither unit is an integer
multiple of the other. For example, the common unit of the meter and the
yard does not have a name, but is equivalent to 800 micrometers. If we
call this unit U
, then there are
1250 U
per meter, and 1143
per yard.
The practical benefit of this definition is that this unit conversion will simply multiply each participating quantity by an exact integer. If we use integer types to begin with, we can continue to use them without losing precision.
Unfortunately, not every unit conversion makes this possible. No angular unit could evenly divide both degrees and radians, for example. In these instances, there is no uniquely defined notion of a “common unit”.
In our vector space representation, we can easily compute the magnitude of the common unit by taking the smallest exponent, across all participating magnitudes, for each individual basis vector — as long as we remember to use the implicit “0” exponent for any basis vector that is omitted.
The following example may help make this clear. If we use
This procedure produces the unambiguous correct answer whenever it is well defined. It also produces an answer for irrational “ratios”, where there is no uniquely defined result. This provides the practical benefit of making it easy to compare, say, an angle in degrees to one in radians, as long as at least one of them is represented in a floating point type.
In most libraries, physical constants are implemented as constant
(possibly constexpr
) quantity
values. Such an approach has some disadvantages, often resulting in
longer compilation times and a loss of precision.
When dealing with equations involving physical constants, they often occur more than once in an expression. Such a constant may appear both in a numerator and denominator of a quantity equation. As we know from fundamental physics, we can simplify such an expression by simply striking a constant out of the equation. Supporting such behavior allows a faster runtime performance and often a better precision of the resulting value.
The [mp-units] library allows and encourages implementing physical constants as regular units. With that, the constant’s value is handled at compile-time, and under favorable circumstances, it can be simplified in the same way as all other repeated units do. If it is not simplified, the value is stored in a type, and the expensive multiplication or division operations can be delayed in time until a user selects a specific unit to represent/print the data.
Such a feature often also allows the use of simpler or faster representation types in the equation. For example, instead of always multiplying a small integral value with a big floating-point constant number, we can just use the integral type all the way. Only in case a constant will not simplify in the equation, and the user will require a specific unit, such a multiplication will be lazily invoked, and the representation type will need to be expanded to facilitate that. With that, addition, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions will always be the fastest - compiled away or done on the fast arithmetic types or in out-of-order execution.
To benefit from all of the above, in the [mp-units] library, SI defining and other constants are implemented as units in the following way:
namespace si {
namespace si2019 {
inline constexpr struct speed_of_light_in_vacuum :
<"c", mag<299'792'458> * metre / second> {} speed_of_light_in_vacuum;
} // namespace si2019
inline constexpr struct magnetic_constant :
<basic_symbol_text{"μ₀", "u_0"}, mag<4> * mag_pi * mag_power<10, -7> * henry / metre> {} magnetic_constant;
} // namespace mp_units::si
With the above definitions, we can calculate vacuum permittivity as:
constexpr auto permeability_of_vacuum = 1. * si::magnetic_constant;
constexpr auto speed_of_light_in_vacuum = 1 * si::si2019::speed_of_light_in_vacuum;
<isq::permittivity_of_vacuum> auto q = 1 / (permeability_of_vacuum * pow<2>(speed_of_light_in_vacuum));
::cout << "permittivity of vacuum = " << q << " = " << / m) << "\n"; std
The above first prints the following:
permittivity of vacuum = 1 μ₀⁻¹ c⁻² = 8.85419e-12 F/m
As we can clearly see, all the calculations above were just about
multiplying and dividing the number
with the rest of the
information provided as a compile-time type. Only when a user wants a
specific SI unit as a result, the unit ratios are lazily resolved.
Another similar example can be an equation for total energy:
<isq::mechanical_energy> auto total_energy(QuantityOf<isq::momentum> auto p,
QuantityOf<isq::mass> auto m,
QuantityOf<isq::speed> auto c)
return isq::mechanical_energy(sqrt(pow<2>(p * c) + pow<2>(m * pow<2>(c))));
constexpr auto GeV = si::giga<si::electronvolt>;
constexpr QuantityOf<isq::speed> auto c = 1. * si::si2019::speed_of_light_in_vacuum;
constexpr auto c2 = pow<2>(c);
const auto p1 = isq::momentum(4. * GeV / c);
const QuantityOf<isq::mass> auto m1 = 3. * GeV / c2;
const auto E = total_energy(p1, m1, c);
::cout << "in `GeV` and `c`:\n"
std<< "p = " << p1 << "\n"
<< "m = " << m1 << "\n"
<< "E = " << E << "\n";
const auto p2 = / (m / s));
const auto m2 = / pow<2>(m / s));
const auto E2 = total_energy(p2, m2, c).in(GeV);
::cout << "\nin `GeV`:\n"
std<< "p = " << p2 << "\n"
<< "m = " << m2 << "\n"
<< "E = " << E2 << "\n";
const auto p3 = * m / s);
const auto m3 =;
const auto E3 = total_energy(p3, m3, c).in(J);
::cout << "\nin SI base units:\n"
std<< "p = " << p3 << "\n"
<< "m = " << m3 << "\n"
<< "E = " << E3 << "\n";
The above prints the following:
in `GeV` and `c`:
p = 4 GeV/c
m = 3 GeV/c²
E = 5 GeV
in `GeV`:
p = 1.33426e-08 GeV s/m
m = 3.33795e-17 GeV s²/m²
E = 5 GeV
in SI base units:
p = 2.13771e-18 kg m/s
m = 5.34799e-27 kg
E = 8.01088e-10 J
Units, dimensions, and quantity types can be checked for equivalence
with operator==
. However, what
it means to be an equivalent entity means something different for each
case here.
Equivalence is the simplest to reason about in the case of dimensions. The only thing to account for here is the point when a user would like to derive its own strong type from the library-provided one.
Please note that the library never provides strong types for derived
dimensions besides the
. For example, ISQ
defines length (L
) and time
) dimensions, but there is no
such thing as a speed dimension. It does not have its own symbol as
well. There is only a derived dimension of speed described with
. This is the reason why a
user should also not derive strong types from the derived
The equality operator for dimensions can be implemented as:
template<Dimension Lhs, Dimension Rhs>
[[nodiscard]] consteval bool operator==(Lhs, Rhs)
return std::derived_from<Lhs, Rhs> || std::derived_from<Rhs, Lhs>;
Equality for quantity types is similar to dimensions. Again, users are allowed to derive their own types but only from the named strong types provided by the library:
template<QuantitySpec Lhs, QuantitySpec Rhs>
[[nodiscard]] consteval bool operator==(Lhs, Rhs)
if constexpr (detail::NamedQuantitySpec<Lhs> && detail::NamedQuantitySpec<Rhs>)
return std::derived_from<Lhs, Rhs> || std::derived_from<Rhs, Lhs>;
return is_same_v<Lhs, Rhs>;
Equality for units is a bit more complicated. Not only watt
) should be equivalent to
kg m²/s³
but also litre
) should be equivalent to
cubic decimetre (dm³
). This is
why in this case we do not compare user-provided types but first convert
each unit to its canonical representation and then we compare if the
reference unit and the magnitude is the same:
[[nodiscard]] consteval bool operator==(Unit auto lhs, Unit auto rhs)
auto canonical_lhs = detail::get_canonical_unit(lhs);
auto canonical_rhs = detail::get_canonical_unit(rhs);
return detail::have_same_canonical_reference_unit(canonical_lhs.reference_unit, canonical_rhs.reference_unit) &&
.mag == canonical_rhs.mag;
Please note that the ordering for dimensions and quantity types has no physical sense.
We could entertain adding ordering for units, but this would work only for quantities having the same reference unit, which would be inconsistent with how equivalence works.
Let’s see the following example:
constexpr Unit auto my_unit = si::second;
if constexpr (my_unit == si::metre) {
// ...
if constexpr (my_unit > si::metre) {
// ...
if constexpr (my_unit > si::nano(si::second)) {
// ...
In the above code, the first check could be useful for some use cases. However, the second one is impossible to implement and should not compile. The third one could be considered useful, but the current version of [mp-units] does not expose such an interface to limit potential confusion. Also, it is really hard to mathematically prove that unit magnitude representation that we us in the library is greater or smaller than the other one in some cases.
class template is
the workhorse of the library. It can be considered a generalization of
, but is
not directly compatible with it.
Note: we know that probably the term “reference” will not survive too long in the Committee, but we couldn’t find a better name for it in the [mp-units] library.
[ISO/IEC Guide 99] says:
quantity - property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference. … A reference can be a measurement unit, a measurement procedure, a reference material, or a combination of such.
In the [mp-units] library a
quantity reference represents all the domain-specific meta-data about
the quantity besides its representation type and its value. A
concept is satisfied
by either of:
),reference<QuantitySpec, Unit>
class template explicitly specifying the quantity type and its
unit.A reference type is implicitly created as a result of the following expression:
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;
constexpr auto ref = isq::height[m];
The above example resulted in the following type reference<isq::height, si::metre>
being instantiated.
Reference class template also exposes arithmetic interface similar to the one that we have already discussed in case of units and quantity types. It just simply forwards the operation to its quantity type an units members. For example:
template<QuantitySpec auto Q, Unit auto U>
struct reference {
template<auto Q2, auto U2>
[[nodiscard]] friend consteval bool operator==(reference, reference<Q2, U2>)
return Q == Q2 && U == U2;
template<AssociatedUnit U2>
[[nodiscard]] friend consteval bool operator==(reference, U2 u2)
return Q == get_quantity_spec(u2) && U == u2;
template<auto Q2, auto U2>
[[nodiscard]] friend consteval reference<Q * Q2, U * U2> operator*(reference, reference<Q2, U2>)
return {};
template<AssociatedUnit U2>
[[nodiscard]] friend consteval reference<Q * get_quantity_spec(U2{}), U * U2{}> operator*(reference, U2)
return {};
// ...
Please note that all of the operators work on two
instantiations, or one
its instantiation and an
class templateBased on the ISO definition above, the
class template has the
following signature:
template<Reference auto R, RepresentationOf<get_quantity_spec(R).character> Rep = double>
class quantity;
It has only one data member of
type. Unfortunately, this
data member is publicly exposed to satisfy the C++ language requirements
for structural types. Hopefully, the language rules for structural types
will improve with time before this library gets standardized.
As we already noticed in many examples above a numerical value
multiplied or divided by the
creates the value of
class template with the
representation type and reference deduced from the types used in the
We have a few options to choose from here:
<si::metre / si::second, int> q1 = 42 * m / s;
quantity= 42 * m / s;
quantity q2
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(q1), decltype(q2)>);
static_assert(q1.quantity_spec == kind_of<isq::length / isq::time>);
<isq::speed[si::metre / si::second], int> q3 = 42 * m / s;
quantity= 42 * isq::speed[m / s];
quantity q4 = isq::speed(42 * m / s);
quantity q5
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(q3), decltype(q4)>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(q3), decltype(q5)>);
static_assert(q3.quantity_spec == isq::speed);
In case someone doesn’t like the multiply syntax or there is an
ambiguity between operator*
provided by this and other libraries, a quantity can also be created
with a dedicated factory function:
= make_quantity<isq::speed[m / s]>(42); quantity q
class template has a
converting constructor that participates in the overload resolution only
Additionally, this constructor becomes explicit if the source representation type is not convertible to the destination one.
As of today, the [mp-units] library
follows the
rules of std::chrono::duration
for value-preserving conversions. We realize that some time has
passed now and maybe we can improve in this domain. However, to our
knowledge, as of today, we do not have any tools we could use in the C++
Standard to improve that.
Below we describe the current approach.
auto q1 = 5 * km;
::cout << << '\n';
std<si::metre, int> q2 = q1; quantity
The second line above converts the current quantity to the one expressed in metres and prints its contents. The third line converts the quantity expressed in kilometers into the one measured in metres.
In both cases we assume that one can convert a quantity into another one with a unit of a higher resolution. There is no protection against overflow of the representation type. In case the target quantity ends up with a value bigger than the representation type can handle, we will be facing Undefined Behavior.
If we try similar, but this time opposite, operations to the above, both conversions should fail to compile:
auto q1 = 5 * m;
::cout << << '\n'; // Compile-time error
std<si::kilo<si::metre>, int> q2 = q1; // Compile-time error quantity
We can’t preserve the value of a source quantity when we convert it
to a one using the unit of a lower resolution while dealing with an
integral representation type for a quantity. In the example above,
converting 5
meters would result
in 0
kilometers if internal
conversion is performed using regular integer arithmetic.
While this could be a valid behavior, the problem arises when the user expects to be able to convert the quantity back to the original unit without loss of information. So the library should prevent such conversions from happening implicitly; whether the library should offer explicitly marked unsafe conversions for these cases is yet to be discussed.
To make the above conversions compile, we could use a floating-point representation type:
auto q1 = 5. * m; // source quantity uses `double` as a representation type
::cout << << '\n';
std<si::kilo<si::metre>> q2 = q1; quantity
auto q1 = 5 * m; // source quantity uses `int` as a representation type
::cout << value_cast<double>(q1).in(km) << '\n';
std<si::kilo<si::metre>> q2 = q1; // double by default quantity
The [mp-units] library
follows std::chrono::duration
logic and treats floating-point types as value-preserving.
Another possibility would be to force such a truncating conversion explicitly from the code:
auto q1 = 5 * m; // source quantity uses `int` as a representation type
::cout << q1.force_in(km) << '\n';
std<si::kilo<si::metre>, int> q2 = value_cast<km>(q1); quantity
The code above makes it clear that “something bad” may happen here if we are not extra careful.
Another case for truncation happens when we assign a quantity with a floating-point representation type to the one using an integral representation type for its value:
auto q1 = 2.5 * m;
<si::metre, int> q2 = q1; quantity
Such an operation should fail to compile as well. Again, to force such a truncation, we have to be explicit in the code:
auto q1 = 2.5 * m;
<si::metre, int> q2 = value_cast<int>(q1); quantity
As we can see, it is essential not to allow such truncating conversions to happen implicitly and a good physical quantities and units library should fail at compile-time in case a user makes such a mistake.
This chapter is just a short preview to the feature that will get its own paper in the future if the Committee is interested in exploring this path.
[ISO/IEC 80000] explicitly states:
Scalars, vectors and tensors are mathematical objects that can be used to denote certain physical quantities and their values. They are as such independent of the particular choice of a coordinate system, whereas each scalar component of a vector or a tensor and each component vector and component tensor depend on that choice.
Such distinction is important because each quantity character represents different properties and allows different operations to be done on its quantities.
For example, imagine a physical units library that allows the
creation of a speed
from both length / time
length * time
. It wouldn’t be
too safe to use such a product, right?
Now we have to realize that both of the above operations (multiplication and division) are not even mathematically defined for linear algebra types such as vectors or tensors. On the other hand, two vectors can be passed as arguments to dot and cross-product operations. The result of the first one is a scalar. The second one results in a vector that is perpendicular to both vectors passed as arguments. Again, it wouldn’t be safe to allow replacing those two operations with each other or expect the same results from both cases. This simply can’t work.
While defining quantities ISO 80000 explicitly mentions when a specific quantity has a vector or tensor character. Here are some examples:
Quantity Equation
duration |
scalar | {base quantity} |
mass |
scalar | {base quantity} |
length |
scalar | {base quantity} |
path_length |
scalar | {base quantity} |
radius |
scalar | {base quantity} |
position_vector |
vector | {base quantity} |
velocity |
vector | position_vector / duration |
acceleration |
vector | velocity / duration |
force |
vector | mass * acceleration |
power |
scalar | force ⋅ velocity |
moment_of_force |
vector | position_vector × force |
torque |
scalar | moment_of_force ⋅ {unit-vector} |
surface_tension |
scalar | |force| / length |
angular_displacement |
scalar | path_length / radius |
angular_velocity |
vector | angular_displacement / duration * {unit-vector} |
momentum |
vector | mass * velocity |
angular_momentum |
vector | position_vector × momentum |
moment_of_inertia |
tensor | angular_momentum ⊗ angular_velocity |
In the above equations:
a * b
- regular
multiplication where one of the arguments has to be scalara / b
- regular division
where the divisor has to be scalara ⋅ b
- dot product of two
vectorsa × b
- cross product of two
- magnitude of a
- a special
vector with the magnitude of
a ⊗ b
- tensor product of
two vectors or tensorsAs of now, all of the C++ physical units libraries on the market besides [mp-units] do not support the operations mentioned above. They expose only multiplication and division operators, which do not work for linear algebra-based representation types. If a user of those libraries would like to create the quantities provided in the above table properly, this would result in a compile-time error stating that multiplication and division of two linear algebra vectors is impossible.
Outside of C++ only [Pint] provides a great support in this domain.
[ISO/IEC 80000] explicitly states that dimensions are orthogonal to quantity characters:
In deriving the dimension of a quantity, no account is taken of its scalar, vector, or tensor character.
Also, it explicitly states that:
All units are scalars.
To specify that a specific quantity has a vector or tensor character
a value of quantity_character
enumeration can be appended to the
describing such a
quantity type:
inline constexpr struct position_vector : quantity_spec<length, quantity_character::vector> {} position_vector;
inline constexpr struct displacement : quantity_spec<length, quantity_character::vector> {} displacement;
With the above, all the quantities derived from
will have a correct
character determined according to the kind of operations included in the
quantity equation defining a derived quantity.
For example, velocity
in the
below definition will be defined as a vector quantity (no explicit
character override is needed):
inline constexpr struct velocity : quantity_spec<speed, position_vector / duration> {} velocity;
As we specified before, the
class template is
defined as follows:
template<Reference auto R,
<get_quantity_spec(R).character> Rep = double>
RepresentationOfclass quantity;
The second template parameter is constrained with a
concept that
checks if the provided representation type satisfies the requirements
for the character associated with this quantity type.
Unfortunately, the current version of the C++ Standard Library does not provide any types that could be used as a representation type for vector and tensor quantities. This is why users are on their own here.
However, thanks to the provided customization points, any linear algebra library types can be used as a vector or tensor quantity representation type.
To enable the usage of a user-defined type as a representation type
for vector or tensor quantities, user needs to provide a partial
specialization of is_vector
For example, here is how it can be done for the P1385 types:
#include <matrix>
using la_vector = STD_LA::fixed_size_column_vector<double, 3>;
inline constexpr bool mp_units::is_vector<la_vector> = true;
With the above, we can use
as a representation
type for our quantity:
auto q = la_vector{1, 2, 3} * isq::velocity[m / s]; Quantity
Pleas note, that the following does not work:
auto q1 = la_vector{1, 2, 3} * m / s;
Quantity auto q2 = isq::velocity(la_vector{1, 2, 3} * m / s);
Quantity <isq::velocity[m/s]> q3{la_vector{1, 2, 3} * m / s}; quantity
In all the cases above, the SI unit
m / s
has an associated scalar
quantity of
isq::length / isq::time
is not a correct
representation type for a scalar quantity so the construction fails.
Sometimes we want to use a vector quantity, but we don’t care about its direction. For example, the standard gravity acceleration constant always points down, so we might not care about this in a particular scenario. In such a case, we may want to “hack” the library to allow scalar types to be used as a representation type for scalar quantities.
For example, we can do the following:
template<class T>
requires mp_units::is_scalar<T>
inline constexpr bool mp_units::is_vector<T> = true;
which says that every type that can be used as a scalar representation is also allowed for vector quantities.
Doing the above is actually not such a big “hack” as the [ISO/IEC 80000] explicitly allows it:
A vector is a tensor of the first order and a scalar is a tensor of order zero.
Despite it being allowed by [ISO/IEC 80000], for type-safety reasons, we do not allow such a behavior by default, and a user has to opt into such scenarios explicitly.
The quantities we discussed so far always had some specific type and physical dimension. However, this is not always the case. While performing various computations, we sometimes end up with so-called “dimensionless” quantities, which [ISO/IEC Guide 99] correctly defines as quantities of dimension one:
- Quantity for which all the exponents of the factors corresponding to the base quantities in its quantity dimension are zero.
- The measurement units and values of quantities of dimension one are numbers, but such quantities convey more information than a number.
- Some quantities of dimension one are defined as the ratios of two quantities of the same kind.
- Numbers of entities are quantities of dimension one.
Dividing two quantities of the same kind always results in a quantity of dimension one. However, depending on what type of quantities we divide or what their units are, we may end up with slightly different results.
In the [mp-units] library,
dividing two quantities of the same dimension always results in a
quantity with the dimension being
. This is often
different for other physical units libraries, which may return a raw
representation type for such cases. A raw value is also always returned
from the division of two
In the initial design of this library, the resulting type of division
of two quantities was their common representation type (the same as in
case of
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(10 * km / (5 * km)), std::int64_t>);
The reasoning behind it was not providing a false impression of a
strong quantity
type for
something that looks and feels like a regular number. Also, all of the
mathematic and trigonometric functions were working fine out of the box
with such representation types, so we did not have to rewrite
, and others.
However, the feedback we got from the production usage was that such
an approach is really bad for generic programming. It is hard to handle
the result of the two quantities’ division (or multiplication) as it
might be either a quantity or a fundamental type. If we want to raise
such a result to some power, we must use
depending on the
resulting type. Those are only a few issues related to such an
Moreover, suppose we divide quantities of the same dimension but with units of significantly different magnitudes. In that case, we may end up with a really small or a huge floating-point value, which may result in losing lots of precision. Returning a dimensionless quantity from such cases allows us to benefit from all the properties of scaled units and is consistent with the rest of the library.
First, let’s analyze what happens if we divide two quantities of the same type:
constexpr QuantityOf<dimensionless> auto q = isq::height(200 * m) / isq::height(50 * m);
In such a case, we end up with a dimensionless quantity that has the following properties:
static_assert(q.quantity_spec == dimensionless);
static_assert(q.dimension == dimension_one);
static_assert(q.unit == one);
In case we would like to print its value, we would see a raw value of
in the output with no unit
being printed.
Now let’s see what happens if we divide quantities of the same dimension and unit but which have different quantity types:
constexpr QuantityOf<dimensionless> auto q = isq::work(200 * J) / isq::heat(50 * J);
Again we end up with
, but this time:
static_assert(q.quantity_spec == isq::work / isq::heat);
As shown above, the result is not of a
type anymore.
Instead, we get a quantity type derived from the performed quantity
equation. According to the [ISO/IEC 80000], work divided by heat is
the recipe for the thermodynamic efficiency quantity, thus:
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(q.quantity_spec, isq::efficiency_thermodynamics));
Please note that the quantity of
is of a kind dimensionless
, so
it is implicitly convertible to
and satisfies the
Now, let’s see what happens when we divide two quantities of the same type but different units:
constexpr QuantityOf<dimensionless> auto q = isq::height(4 * km) / isq::height(2 * m);
This time we still get a quantity of
type with a
as its dimension.
However, the resulting unit is not
static_assert(q.unit == mag_power<10, 3> * one);
In case we would print the text output of this quantity, we would not
see a raw value of 2000
, but
2 km/m
First, it may look surprising, but this is actually consistent with
the division of quantities of different dimensions. For example, if we
divide 4 * km / 2 * s
, we do not
expect km
to be “expanded” to
before the division, right? We
would expect the result of
2 km/s
, which is exactly what we
get when we divide quantities of the same kind.
This is a compelling feature that allows us to express huge or tiny ratios without the need for big and expensive representation types. With this, we can easily define things like a Hubble’s constant that uses a unit that is proportional to the ratio of kilometers per megaparsecs, which are both units of length:
inline constexpr struct hubble_constant :
<basic_symbol_text{"H₀", "H_0"}, mag<ratio{701, 10}> * si::kilo<si::metre> / si::second / si::mega<parsec>> {
named_unit} hubble_constant;
Another important use case for dimensionless quantities is to provide strong types for counts of things. For example:
quantity defined as the
number of revolutions,number_of_turns_in_a_winding
defined as the number of digit positions in which the corresponding
digits of two words of the same length are different.Thanks to assigning strong names to such quantities, later on they can be explicitly used as arguments in the quantity equations of other quantities deriving from them.
As we observed above, the most common unit for dimensionless
quantities is one
. It has the
ratio of 1
and does not output
any textual symbol.
A unit one
is special in the
entire type system of units as it is considered to be an identity
operand in the unit expression templates. This means that, for
static_assert(one * one == one);
static_assert(one * si::metre == si::metre);
static_assert(si::metre / si::metre == one);
The same is also true for
in the domains of
dimensions and quantity specifications.
Besides the unit one
, there
are a few other scaled units predefined in the library for usage with
dimensionless quantities:
inline constexpr struct percent : named_unit<"%", mag<ratio{1, 100}> * one> {} percent;
inline constexpr struct per_mille : named_unit<basic_symbol_text{"‰", "%o"}, mag<ratio(1, 1000)> * one> {} per_mille;
Special, often controversial, examples of dimensionless quantities
are an angular measure and solid angular measure quantities that are
defined in the [ISO/IEC 80000] to
be the result of a division of
arc_length / radius
area / pow<2>(radius)
respectively. Moreover, [ISO/IEC 80000] also
explicitly states that both can be expressed in the unit
. This means that both
should be of a kind of
On the other hand, [ISO/IEC 80000] also
specifies that a unit radian
be used for
, and a unit
can be used for
Those should not be mixed or used to express other types of
dimensionless quantities. This means that both
should also be quantity kinds by themselves.
Many people claim that angle being a dimensionless quantity is a
bad idea. There are proposals submitted to make an angle a base quantity
and rad
to become a base unit in
bot [SI] and [ISO/IEC 80000].
Angular quantities are not the only ones with such a “strange”
behavior. Another, but a similar case is a
specified in IEC-80000-13 that again allows expressing it in both
Those cases make dimensionless quantities an exceptional tree in the library. This is the only quantity hierarchy that contains more than one quantity kind in its tree:
To provide such support in the library, we provided an
specifier that can be
appended to the quantity specification:
inline constexpr struct angular_measure : quantity_spec<dimensionless, arc_length / radius, is_kind> {} angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct solid_angular_measure : quantity_spec<dimensionless, area / pow<2>(radius), is_kind> {} solid_angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct storage_capacity : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} storage_capacity;
With the above, we can constrain
, and
to be allowed for usage with
specific quantity kinds only:
inline constexpr struct radian : named_unit<"rad", metre / metre, kind_of<isq::angular_measure>> {} radian;
inline constexpr struct steradian : named_unit<"sr", square(metre) / square(metre), kind_of<isq::solid_angular_measure>> {} steradian;
inline constexpr struct bit : named_unit<"bit", one, kind_of<storage_capacity>> {} bit;
but still allow a usage of
and its scaled versions for
such quantities.
is a numeric wrapperIf we think about it, the
class template is just
a “smart” numeric wrapper. It exposes properly constrained set of
arithmetic operations on one or two operands.
Every single arithmetic operator is exposed by the
class template only if
the underlying representation type provides it as well and its
implementation has proper semantics (e.g. returns a reasonable
For example, in the following code,
will compile only if
exposes such an operation
as well:
= MyInt{42} * m;
quantity a = -a; quantity b
Assuming that:
is our quantity,qq
is a quantity implicitly
convertible to q
is any other
is a quantity of the
same kind as q
is a quantity of
with the unit
is a value of a type
“compatible” with q
representation type,here is the list of all the supported operators:
q += qq
q -= qq
q %= qq
q *= number
q *= one
q /= number
q /= one
q + kind
q - kind
q % kind
q * q2
q * number
number * q
q / q2
q / number
number / q
q == kind
q <=> kind
As we can see, there are plenty of operations one can do on a value
of a quantity
type. As most of
them are obvious, in the following chapters, we will discuss only the
most important or non-trivial aspects of quantity arithmetics.
Quantities can easily be added or subtracted from each other:
static_assert(1 * m + 1 * m == 2 * m);
static_assert(2 * m - 1 * m == 1 * m);
static_assert(isq::height(1 * m) + isq::height(1 * m) == isq::height(2 * m));
static_assert(isq::height(2 * m) - isq::height(1 * m) == isq::height(1 * m));
The above uses the same types for LHS, RHS, and the result, but in general, we can add, subtract, or compare the values of any quantity type as long as both quantities are of the same kind. The result of such an operation will be the common type of the arguments:
static_assert(1 * km + 1.5 * m == 1001.5 * m);
static_assert(isq::height(1 * m) + isq::width(1 * m) == isq::length(2 * m));
static_assert(isq::height(2 * m) - isq::distance(0.5 * m) == 1.5 * m);
static_assert(isq::radius(1 * m) - 0.5 * m == isq::radius(0.5 * m));
Please note that for the compound assignment operators, both arguments have to either be of the same type or the RHS has to be implicitly convertible to the LHS, as the type of LHS is always the result of such an operation:
static_assert((1 * m += 1 * km) == 1001 * m);
static_assert((isq::height(1.5 * m) -= 1 * m) == isq::height(0.5 * m));
If we break those rules, the following code will not compile:
static_assert((1 * m -= 0.5 * m) == 0.5 * m); // Compile-time error(1)
static_assert((1 * km += 1 * m) == 1001 * m); // Compile-time error(2)
static_assert((isq::height(1 * m) += isq::length(1 * m)) == 2 * m); // Compile-time error(3)
Multiplying or dividing a quantity by a number does not change its quantity type or unit. However, its representation type may change. For example:
static_assert(isq::height(3 * m) * 0.5 == isq::height(1.5 * m));
Unless we use a compound assignment operator, in which case truncating operations are again not allowed:
static_assert((isq::height(3 * m) *= 0.5) == isq::height(1.5 * m)); // Compile-time error(1)
However, suppose we multiply or divide quantities of the same or different types, or we divide a raw number by a quantity. In that case, we most probably will end up in a quantity of yet another type:
static_assert(120 * km / (2 * h) == 60 * km / h);
static_assert(isq::width(2 * m) * isq::length(2 * m) == isq::area(4 * m2));
static_assert(50 / isq::time(1 * s) == isq::frequency(50 * Hz));
An exception from the above rule happens when one of the arguments is
a dimensionless quantity. If we multiply or divide by such a quantity,
the quantity type will not change. If such a quantity has a unit
, also the unit of a quantity
will not change:
static_assert(120 * m / (2 * one) == 60 * m);
An interesting special case happens when we divide the same quantity kinds or multiply a quantity by its inverted type. In such a case, we end up with a dimensionless quantity.
static_assert(isq::height(4 * m) / isq::width(2 * m) == 2 * one); // (1)!
static_assert(5 * h / (120 * min) == 0 * one); // (2)!
static_assert(5. * h / (120 * min) == 2.5 * one);
isq::height / isq::width
, which
is a quantity of the dimensionless kind.0 * dimensionless[h / min]
. To
be consistent with the division of different quantity types, we do not
convert quantity values to a common unit before the division.The physical units library can’t do any runtime branching logic for the division operator. All logic has to be done at compile-time when the actual values are not known, and the quantity types can’t change at runtime.
If we expect
120 * km / (2 * h)
to return
60 km / h
, we have to agree with
the fact that 5 * km / (24 * h)
returns 0 km/h
. We can’t do a
range check at runtime to dynamically adjust scales and types based on
the values of provided function arguments.
This is why we often prefer floating-point representation types when dealing with units. Some popular physical units libraries even forbid integer division at all.
Now that we know how addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work, it is time to talk about modulo. What would we expect to be returned from the following quantity equation?
auto q = 5 * h % (120 * min);
Most of us would probably expect to see
1 h
60 min
as a result. And this is
where the problems start.
C++ language defines its /
and %
operators with the quotient-remainder
q = a / b;
r = a % b;
q * b + r == a;
The important property of the modulo operator is that it only works for integral representation types (it is undefined what modulo for floating-point types means). However, as we saw in the previous chapter, integral types are tricky because they often truncate the value.
From the quotient-remainder theorem, the result of modulo operation
is r = a - q * b
. Let’s see what
we get from such a quantity equation on integral representation
const quantity a = 5 * h;
const quantity b = 120 * min;
const quantity q = a / b;
const quantity r = a - q * b;
::cout << "reminder: " << r << "\n"; std
The above code outputs:
reminder: 5 h
And now, a tough question needs an answer. Do we really want modulo
operator on physical units to be consistent with the quotient-remainder
theorem and return 5 h
5 * h % (120 * min)
This is exactly why we decided not to follow this hugely surprising path in the [mp-units] library. The selected approach was also consistent with the feedback from the C++ experts. For example, this is what Richard Smith said about this issue:
I think the quotient-remainder property is a less important motivation here than other factors – the constraints on
are quite different, so they lack the inherent connection they have for integers. In particular, I would expect thatA / B
works for all quantitiesA
, whereasA % B
is only meaningful whenA
have the same dimension. It seems like a nice-to-have for the property to apply in the case where both/
are defined, but internal consistency of/
across all cases seems much more important to me.I would expect
61 min % 1 h
to be1 min
, and1 h % 59 min
to also be1 min
, so my intuition tells me that the result type ofA % B
, whereA
have the same dimension, should have the smaller unit ofA
(and if the smaller one doesn’t divide the larger one, we should either use thegcd / std::common_type
of the units ofA
or perhaps just produce an error). I think any other behavior for%
is hard to defend.On the other hand, for division it seems to me that the choice of unit should probably not affect the result, and so if we want that
5 mm / 120 min = 0 mm/min
, then5 h / 120 min == 0 hc
is a dimensionless “hexaconta”, or60x
, unit). I don’t like the idea of taking SI base units into account; that seems arbitrary and like it would do the wrong thing as often as it does the right thing, especially when the units have a multiplier that is very large or small. We could special-case the situation of a dimensionless quantity, but that could lead to problematic overflow pretty easily: a calculation such as10 s * 5 GHz * 2 uW
would overflow anint
if it produces a dimensionless quantity for10 s * 5 GHz
, but it could equally produce50 G * 2 uW = 100 kW
without any overflow, and presumably would if the terms were merely reordered.If people want to use integer-valued quantities, I think it’s fundamental that you need to know what the units of the result of an operation will be, and take that into account in how you express computations; the simplest rule for heterogeneous operators like
seems to be that the units of the result are determined by applying the operator to the units of the operands – and for homogeneous operators like+
, it seems like the only reasonable option is that you get thestd::common_type
of the units of the operands.
To summarize, the modulo operator on physical units has more in common with addition and division operators than with the quotient-remainder theorem. To avoid surprising results, the operation uses a common unit to do the calculation and provide its result:
static_assert(5 * h / (120 * min) == 0 * one);
static_assert(5 * h % (120 * min) == 60 * min);
static_assert(61 * min % (1 * h) == 1 * min);
static_assert(1 * h % (59 * min) == 1 * min);
Zero is special. It is the only number that unambiguously defines the value of any kind of quantity, regardless of its units: zero inches and zero meters and zero miles are all identical. For this reason, it’s very common to compare the value of a quantity against zero — for example, when checking the sign of a quantity, or when making sure that it’s nonzero.
We could implement such checks in the following way:
if (q1 / q2 != 0 * m / s)
// ...
The above would work (assuming we are dealing with the quantity of
speed), but it’s not ideal. If the result of
q1 / q2
is not expressed in
m / s
, we’ll incur an extra unit
conversion. Even if it is in
m / s
, it’s cumbersome to repeat
the unit in a context where it makes no difference.
We could avoid repeating the unit, and guarantee there won’t be an extra conversion, by writing:
if (auto q = q1 / q2; q !=
// ...
but that is a bit inconvenient, and inexperienced users could be unaware of this technique and its reasons.
For the above reasons, the [mp-units] library provides dedicated interfaces to compare against zero that follow the naming convention of named comparison functions in the C++ Standard Library:
Thanks to them, to save typing and not pay for unneeded conversions, our check could be implemented as follows:
if (is_neq_zero(q1 / q2))
// ...
Those functions will work with any type
that exposes a
member function returning
something comparable to T
Thanks to that, we can use them not only with quantities but also with
or any
other type that exposes such an interface.
This approach has a downside, though: it produces a set of new APIs
which users must learn. Nor are these six the only such functions that
will need to exist: for example,
are perfectly reasonable to
use with 0
regardless of the
units, but supporting them under this strategy would require adding a
new utility function for each — and coming up with a name for those
It also introduces small opportunities for error and diffs that are
harder to review, because we’re replacing a pattern that uses an
operator (say, a > 0
) with a
named function call (say,
These pitfalls motivate us to consider other approaches as well.
typeThe [Au] library takes a different approach
to this problem. It provides an empty type,
, which represents a value
of exactly 0
(in any units). It
also provides an instance ZERO
of this type. Every quantity is implicitly constructible from
Consider this example legacy (i.e., pre-units-library) code:
if (speed_squared_m2ps2 > 0) { /* ... */ }
When users upgrade to a units library, they will replace the raw
number speed_squared_m2ps2
a strongly typed quantity
. Unfortunately,
this replacement won’t compile, because quantities can’t be constructed
from raw numeric values such as
. They can fix this problem by
using the instance, ZERO
, which
encodes its value in the type:
if (speed_squared > ZERO) { /* ... */ }
This has significant advantages. It preserves the form of
the code, making the transition less error prone than replacement with a
function such as is_gt_zero
. It
also reduces the number of new comparison APIs a user must learn:
handles them all.
has one downside: it
will not work when passed across generic quantity interfaces.
’s value comes in situations
where the surrounding context makes it unambiguous which quantity type
it should construct. While it converts to any specific quantity
type, it is not itself a quantity. This could confuse users.
This downside manifests in several different ways. Here are some examples:
While refactoring the [mp-units] code to try out this approach
we found out a perfectly reasonable place where we could not replace
numerical value 0
= mean_sea_level + 0 * si::metre; // OK
msl_altitude alt = mean_sea_level + ZERO; // Compile-time error msl_altitude alt
This would not work because the
is an absolute
point origin that stores the information about the quantity type but not
its value and unit.
Callsites passing ZERO
can add friction when refactoring a concrete interface to be more
namespace v1 { void foo(quantity<si::metre> q); }
namespace v2 { void foo(QuantityOf<isq::length> auto q); }
::foo(ZERO); // OK
v1::foo(ZERO); // Compile-time error v2
In practice, this issue will be discovered at the point of
refactoring, so it mainly affects library authors, not their clients.
They can handle this by adding an overload for
, if appropriate. However,
this wouldn’t scale well for APIs with multiple parameters
where users would want to pass
For completeness, we mention that
works for addition but not
multiplication. When multiplying, we do not know what units (or even
what dimension!) is desired for the result. However, this is not a
problem in practice because users would not be motivated to write this
in the first place, as simple multiplication with
(including any necessary
units, if the result has a different dimension) would work.
= 1 * m / s;
quantity q1 = q1 + 0 * m / s; // OK
quantity q2 = q1 * (0 * s); // OK quantity q3
= 1 * m / s;
quantity q1 = q1 + ZERO; // OK
quantity q2 = q1 * ZERO; // Compile-time error quantity q3
The main concern with the
feature is that novices
might be tempted to replace every numeric value
with the instance
, becoming confused when it
doesn’t work. We could address this with easy-to-read documentation that
clarifies its use cases and mental models.
Overall, these two approaches — special functions, and a
type — represent two local
optima in design space. Each has its strengths and weaknesses; each
makes different tradeoffs. It’s currently an open question as to which
approach would be best suited for a quantity type in the standard
This chapter scoped only on the
type’s operators.
However, there are many named math functions provided in the [mp-units] library. Among others, we can
find there the following:
, and
.In the library, we can also find mp-units/random.h header file with all the pseudo-random number generators.
We plan to provide a separate paper on those in the future.
Using a concrete unit in the interface often has a lot of sense. It is especially useful if we store the data internally in the object. In such a case, we have to select a specific unit anyway.
For example, let’s consider a simple storage tank:
class StorageTank {
<horizontal_area[m2]> base_;
quantity<isq::height[m]> height_;
quantity<isq::mass_density[kg / m3]> density_ = air_density;
constexpr StorageTank(const quantity<horizontal_area[m2]>& base, const quantity<isq::height[m]>& height) :
(base), height_(height)
// ...
As the quantities provided in the function’s interface are then stored in the class, there is probably no sense in using generic interfaces here.
However, in many cases, using a specific unit in the interface is counterproductive. Let’s consider the following function:
<isq::speed[km / h]> avg_speed(quantity<isq::length[km]> distance,
quantity<isq::time[h]> duration)
return distance / duration;
Everything seems fine for now. It also works great if we call it with:
<isq::speed[km / h]> s1 = avg_speed(220 * km, 2 * h); quantity
However, if the user starts doing the following:
<isq::speed[mi / h]> s2 = avg_speed(140 * mi, 2 * h);
quantity<isq::speed[m / s]> s3 = avg_speed(20 * m, 2 * s); quantity
some issues start to be clearly visible:
The arguments must be converted to units mandated by the function’s parameters at each call. This involves potentially expensive multiplication/division operations at runtime.
After the function returns the speed in a unit of
, another potentially
expensive multiplication/division operations have to be performed to
convert the resulting quantity into a unit being the derived unit of the
initial function’s arguments.
Besides the obvious runtime cost, some unit conversions may result in a data truncation which means that the result will not be exactly equal to a direct division of the function’s arguments.
We have to use a floating-point representation type (the
class template by
default uses double
as a
representation type) which is considered value preserving. Trying to use
an integral type in this scenario will work only for
, while
will fail to compile. Failing
to compile is a good thing here as the library tries to prevent the user
from doing a clearly wrong thing. To make the code compile, the user
needs to use dedicated
like this:
<isq::speed[mi / h]> s2 = avg_speed(value_cast<km>(140 * mi), 2 * h);
quantity<isq::speed[m / s]> s3 = avg_speed((20 * m).force_in(km), (2 * s).force_in(h)); quantity
but the above will obviously provide an incorrect behavior
(e.g. division by 0
in the
evaluation of s3
A naive solution here would be to implement the function as an unconstrained function template:
auto avg_speed(auto distance, auto duration)
return distance / duration;
Beware that there are better solutions than this. The above code is too generic. Such a function template accepts everything:
will be accepted
as well (of course, this will fail in the function’s body later in the
compilation process)Much better generic code can be implemented using basic concepts provided with the library:
auto avg_speed(QuantityOf<isq::length> auto distance,
<isq::time> auto duration)
return isq::speed(distance / duration);
This explicitly states that the arguments passed by the user must not
only satisfy a Quantity
but also their quantity specification must be implicitly convertible to
accordingly. This no
longer leaves room for error while still allowing the compiler to
generate the most efficient code.
Please note that now it is safe just to use integral types all the way which again improves the runtime performance as the multiplication/division operations are often faster on integral rather than floating-point types.
The above function template resolves all of the issues described before. However, we can do even better here by additionally constraining the return type:
<isq::speed> auto avg_speed(QuantityOf<isq::length> auto distance,
QuantityOf<isq::time> auto duration)
return isq::speed(distance / duration);
Doing so has two important benefits:
, which does not provide any
hint about the thing being returned there.If we know exactly what the function does in its internals and if we know the exact argument types passed to such a function, we often know the exact type that will be returned from its invocation.
However, if we care about performance, we should often use the generic interfaces described in this chapter. A side effect is that we sometimes are unsure about the return type. Even if we know it today, it might change a week from now due to some code refactoring.
In such cases, we can again use
to denote the type:
auto s1 = avg_speed(220 * km, 2 * h);
auto s2 = avg_speed(140 * mi, 2 * h);
auto s3 = avg_speed(20 * m, 2 * s);
In this case, it is probably OK to do so as the
function name
explicitly provides the information on what to expect as a result.
In other scenarios where the returned quantity type is not so obvious, it is again helpful to constrain the type with a concept like so:
<isq::speed> auto s1 = avg_speed(220 * km, 2 * h);
QuantityOf<isq::speed> auto s2 = avg_speed(140 * mi, 2 * h);
QuantityOf<isq::speed> auto s3 = avg_speed(20 * m, 2 * s); QuantityOf
Again this explicitly provides additional information about the quantity we are dealing with in the code, and it serves as a unit test checking if the “thing” returned from a function is actually what we expected here.
Here are some more concepts exposed in the library and dependencies between them:
The library physical quantities and units library should work with any custom representation type. Those can be used to:
As of right now, we have two other concurrent proposals to SG6 in this subject on the fly ([P2993] and [P3003]), we do not provide any concrete requirements or recommendations here. Based on the results of discussions on the mentioned proposals, we will provide correct guidelines in the next revisions of this paper.
The affine space has two types of entities:
The vector described here is specific to the affine space theory and is not the same thing as the quantity of a vector character that we discussed in the before (although, in some cases, those terms may overlap).
Here are the primary operations one can do in the affine space:
It is not possible to:
Up until now, each time when we used a
in our code, we were
modeling some kind of a difference between two things:
)As we already know, a
type provides all
operations required for vector type in the affine space.
In the [mp-units] library the point abstraction is modelled by:
concept that
specifies measurement origin,quantity_point
template that specifies a point relative to a specific
predefined origin.The absolute point origin specifies where the “zero”
of our measurement’s scale is. User can specify such an origin by
deriving from the
constexpr struct mean_sea_level : absolute_point_origin<isq::altitude> {} mean_sea_level;
The quantity_point
template specifies an absolute quantity with respect to an origin:
template<Reference auto R,
<get_quantity_spec(R)> auto PO,
PointOriginFor<get_quantity_spec(R).character> Rep = double>
RepresentationOfclass quantity_point;
As we can see above, the
class template
exposes one additional parameter compared to
. The
parameter satisfies a
concept and
specifies the origin of our measurement scale.
As a point can be represented with a vector from
the origin, a quantity_point
class template can be created with the following operations:
= mean_sea_level + 42 * m;
quantity_point qp1 = 42 * m + mean_sea_level;
quantity_point qp2 = mean_sea_level - 42 * m; quantity_point qp3
It is not allowed to subtract a point from a vector
thus 42 * m - mean_sea_level
an invalid operation.
Similarly to creation of a quantity, if someone does not like the
operator-based syntax to create a
, the same results
can be achieved with
= make_quantity_point<mean_sea_level>(42 * m);
quantity_point qp4 = make_quantity_point<mean_sea_level>(-42 * m); quantity_point qp5
The provided quantity
representing an offset from the origin is stored inside the
class template
and can be obtained with a
constexpr quantity_point everest_base_camp_alt = mean_sea_level + isq::altitude(5364 * m);
static_assert(everest_base_camp_alt.quantity_from_origin() == 5364 * m);
We often do not have only one ultimate “zero” point when we measure things.
Continuing the Mount Everest trip example above, measuring all daily
hikes from the mean_sea_level
might not be efficient. Maybe we know that we are not good climbers, so
all our climbs can be represented with an 8-bit integer type allowing us
to save memory in our database of climbs? Why not use
as our
reference point?
For this purpose, we can define a
in the
following way:
constexpr struct everest_base_camp : relative_point_origin<everest_base_camp_alt> {} everest_base_camp;
The above can be used as an origin for subsequent points:
constexpr quantity_point first_climb_alt = everest_base_camp + isq::altitude(std::uint8_t{42} * m);
static_assert(first_climb_alt.quantity_from_origin() == 42 * m);
As we can see above, the
function returns a relative distance from the current point origin. In
case we would like to know the absolute altitude that we reached on this
climb, we can subtract the absolute point origin from the current
static_assert(first_climb_alt - mean_sea_level == 5406 * m);
static_assert(first_climb_alt - first_climb_alt.absolute_point_origin == 5406 * m);
As we might represent the same point with vectors
from various origins, the mp-units library provides
facilities to convert the point to the
class templates
expressed in terms of different origins.
For this purpose, we can either use:
a converting constructor:
constexpr quantity_point<isq::altitude[m], mean_sea_level, int> qp = first_climb_alt;
static_assert(qp.quantity_from_origin() == 5406 * m);
a dedicated conversion interface:
constexpr quantity_point qp = first_climb_alt.point_for(mean_sea_level);
static_assert(qp.quantity_from_origin() == 5406 * m);
It is only allowed to convert between various origins defined in
terms of the same
. Even if
it is possible to express the same point as a vector
from another
, the
library will not provide such a conversion. A custom user-defined
conversion function will be needed to add this functionality.
Said otherwise, in the [mp-units] library, there is no way to
spell how two distinct
relate to each other.
Let’s assume we will attend the CppCon conference hosted in Aurora, CO, and we want to estimate the distance we will travel. We have to take a taxi to a local airport, fly to DEN airport with a stopover in FRA, and, in the end, get a cab to the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center:
constexpr struct home : absolute_point_origin<isq::distance> {} home;
<isq::distance[km], home> home_airport = home + 15 * km;
quantity_point<isq::distance[km], home> fra_airport = home_airport + 829 * km;
quantity_point<isq::distance[km], home> den_airport = fra_airport + 8115 * km;
quantity_point<isq::distance[km], home> cppcon_venue = den_airport + 10.1 * mi; quantity_point
As we can see above, we can easily get a new point by adding a quantity to an origin or another quantity point.
If we want to find out the distance traveled between two points, we simply subtract them:
<isq::distance[km]> total = cppcon_venue - home;
quantity<isq::distance[km]> flight = den_airport - home_airport; quantity
If we would like to find out the total distance traveled by taxi as well, we have to do a bit more calculations:
<isq::distance[km]> taxi1 = home_airport - home;
quantity<isq::distance[km]> taxi2 = cppcon_venue - den_airport;
quantity<isq::distance[km]> taxi = taxi1 + taxi2; quantity
Now, if we print the results:
::cout << "Total distance: " << total << "\n";
std::cout << "Flight distance: " << flight << "\n";
std::cout << "Taxi distance: " << taxi << "\n"; std
we will see the following output:
Total distance: 8975.25 km
Flight distance: 8944 km
Taxi distance: 31.2544 km
It is not allowed to subtract two point origins defined in terms of
(e.g. mean_sea_level - mean_sea_level
as those do not contain information about the unit so we are not able to
determine a resulting quantity
Another important example of relative point origins is support of
temperature quantity points in units different than kelvin
The [SI] definition in the [mp-units] library provides two predefined point origins:
namespace si {
inline constexpr struct absolute_zero : absolute_point_origin<isq::thermodynamic_temperature> {} absolute_zero;
inline constexpr struct ice_point : relative_point_origin<absolute_zero + 273.15 * kelvin> {} ice_point;
With the above, we can be explicit what is the origin of our temperature point. For example, if we want to implement the degree Celsius scale we can do it as follows:
using Celsius_point = quantity_point<isq::Celsius_temperature[deg_C], si::ice_point>;
Notice that while stacking point origins, we can use not only
different representation types but also different units for an origin
and a point. In the above example, the relative point origin is
defined in terms of si::kelvin
while the quantity point uses
To play a bit with temperatures we can implement a simple room’s AC temperature controller in the following way:
constexpr struct room_reference_temp : relative_point_origin<si::ice_point + 21 * deg_C> {} room_reference_temp;
using room_temp = quantity_point<isq::Celsius_temperature[deg_C], room_reference_temp>;
constexpr auto step_delta = isq::Celsius_temperature(0.5 * deg_C);
constexpr int number_of_steps = 6;
= room_reference_temp - number_of_steps * step_delta;
room_temp room_low = room_reference_temp + number_of_steps * step_delta;
room_temp room_high
::println("| {:<14} | {:^18} | {:^18} | {:^18} |", "Temperature", "Room reference", "Ice point", "Absolute zero");
std::println("|{0:=^16}|{0:=^20}|{0:=^20}|{0:=^20}|", "");
auto print = [&](std::string_view label, auto v){
::println("| {:<14} | {:^18} | {:^18} | {:^18} |",
std- room_reference_temp, v - si::ice_point, v - si::absolute_zero);
label, v };
("Lowest", room_low);
print("Default", room_reference_temp);
print("Highest", room_high); print
The above prints:
| Temperature | Room reference | Ice point | Absolute zero |
| Lowest | -3 °C | 18 °C | 291.15 °C |
| Default | 0 °C | 21 °C | 294.15 °C |
| Highest | 3 °C | 24 °C | 297.15 °C |
The library does not provide a text output for quantity points, as printing just a number and a unit is not enough to adequately describe a quantity point. Often, an additional postfix is required.
For example, the text output of
42 m
may mean many things and
can also be confused with an output of a regular quantity. On the other
hand, printing 42 m AMSL
altitudes above mean sea level is a much better solution, but the
library does not have enough information to print it that way by
The following operations are not allowed in the affine space:
from a
with a scalar
2 *
DEN airport location?quantity_point
with a quantity
of different
quantity kinds
of inconvertible
of convertible
quantities but with unrelated origins
The usage of quantity_point
and affine space types in general, improves expressiveness and
type-safety of the code we write.
Special thanks and recognition goes to Epam Systems for supporting Mateusz’s membership in the ISO C++ Committee and the production of this proposal.
We would also like to thank Peter Sommerlad for providing valuable feedback that helped us shape the final version of this document.