Resolve inconsistencies in begin/end for valarray and braced initializer lists

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21
Draft Revision:


We show that some inconsistencies between non-member begin and cbegin applied to valarray and to braced initializer lists were caused by C++0x uncertainty around [stmt.ranged], and resolve these inconsistencies for C++26.

1. Changelog

2. Motivation and proposal

Casey Carter points out that the following program is supported by libstdc++ but not libc++ nor Microsoft (Godbolt):

#include <iterator>
#include <valarray>
int main() {
  std::valarray<int> v = {1,2,3};
  std::begin(v); // OK
  std::cbegin(v); // Error

This is because std::valarray defines its own non-member, non-hidden-friend overloads of std::begin and std::end. These overloads are found by the qualified call to std::begin here, but aren’t found by std::cbegin’s ADL because the primary template for std::cbegin happens to be defined before <valarray> is included. Swapping the order of #include <iterator> and #include <valarray> in this example doesn’t help, because the relevant parts of <iterator> are still transitively included by <valarray> before std::valarray’s own code.

Likewise, on all vendors (Godbolt):

#include <iterator>
int main() {
  std::begin({1,2,3}); // OK
  std::cbegin({1,2,3}); // Error

This is because {1,2,3} is a braced-initializer-list with no type; so it cannot bind to the deduced const C& in std::cbegin (defined in <iterator>). But it can bind to the initializer_list<E> in the non-member, non-hidden-friend overload std::begin(std::initializer_list<E>) (defined in <initializer_list>).

Notice that std::begin({1,2,3}) returns an iterator that will dangle at the end of the full-expression, and that the return values of std::begin({1,2,3}) and std::end({1,2,3}) do not form a range (because the two lists' backing arrays may be different). Therefore this overload’s functionality is more harmful than helpful.

Note: Be careful to distinguish the scenario of calling std::begin on an object of type initializer_list (helpful!) from calling it on a braced-initializer-list (harmful).

We propose to resolve valarray’s begin/cbegin inconsistency in favor of "make it work" and to resolve braced-initializer-list’s similar inconsistency in favor of "make it ill-formed."

3. Committee history

[N2930] "Range-Based For Loop Wording (Without Concepts)" (2009) proposed that [stmt.ranged] should consider only free function begin(x) plus a special case for built-in arrays; therefore N2930 added not only <iterator>’s std::begin but also <initializer_list>’s std::begin (because they wanted <initializer_list> not to pull in <iterator>, and initializer_list’s member function begin() wasn’t going to be found by their proposed [stmt.ranged].

Then, [N3271] "Wording for Range-Based For Loop (Option #5)" (2011) added the middle bullet point in today’s version of [stmt.ranged]:

  • if _RangeT is an array type, begin-expr and end-expr are __range and __range + __bound, respectively, where __bound is the array bound. If _RangeT is an array of unknown size or an array of incomplete type, the program is ill-formed;

  • if _RangeT is a class type, the unqualified-ids begin and end are looked up in the scope of class _RangeT as if by class member access lookup, and if either (or both) finds at least one declaration, begin-expr and end-expr are __range.begin() and __range.end(), respectively;
  • otherwise, begin-expr and end-expr are begin(__range) and end(__range), respectively, where begin and end are looked up with argument-dependent lookup. For the purposes of this name lookup, namespace std is an associated namespace.

This change meant that std::initializer_list no longer needed to provide free begin/end: The new second bullet lets us use il.begin() and il.end(), so the third bullet is never reached when decltype(__range) is initializer_list.

However, [stmt.ranged] had not yet quite internalized the fact that the for-range-initializer might not be an expression at all (i.e., it could be a braced-initializer-list); it used the name _RangeT interchangeably for the type of the expression (which might not exist) and the type of __range (which always exists). This wording was cleaned up by [CWG1274], but in the wrong direction: the now-current wording branches on the type of the for-range-initializer, not on the type of __range. This affects loops of the form for (int i : {1,2,3}), where the for-range-initializer has no type. Thus we fail to look up begin as a member, but the third bullet’s begin(__range) would be perfectly able to use the primary template of std::begin even if the overloads for std::initializer_list didn’t exist.

Of the Big Four compilers, only Microsoft gets the current subtle wording correct (Godbolt). EDG, GCC, and Clang all branch on the type of __range, not on the type of the for-range-initializer, thus enter the second bullet and use initializer_list’s member begin instead of the free function std::begin(initializer_list<E>). (P3016 proposes to make the majority rule in this case.)

Meanwhile, since the prioritized customization point in [stmt.ranged] had shifted from non-member begin to member begin, it would have made sense for std::valarray’s begin to change from a non-member to a member. But this was not done — possibly out of C++0x–era concerns that giving std::valarray member begin/end would make it "too much like a container." [LWG2058] (2011) contains comments like: "The intent of these overloads is entirely to support the new for syntax, and not to create new containers." In other words, we wanted valarray to be iterable, without looking too much like a new kind of STL container. In 2011, we didn’t have a word for that. In 2023, we do: valarray is a range, just like array or span, and there’s nothing wrong with a range having member begin and end. (P3016 proposes to make it so.)

Similarly, valarray<T>::iterator is currently ill-formed even though ranges::iterator_t<valarray<int>> is well-formed; std::rbegin(valarray) is ill-formed even though ranges::rbegin(valarray) is well-formed; and so on.

Finally, [LWG2128] added overloads of rbegin/rend for initializer_list. The primary template for rbegin doesn’t work for initializer_list because it simply calls c.rbegin() — it never attempts to do make_reverse_iterator(c.end()) because make_reverse_iterator isn’t SFINAE-friendly. LWG2128’s overloads are important because they allow us to write (Godbolt):

template<class C>
void f(const C& c) {
  using std::rbegin, std::rend;
  for (auto it = rbegin(c); it != rend(c); ++it) {}
void g(std::initializer_list<T> il) {
int main() {

These were added in <iterator>, not in <initializer_list>, because they depend on reverse_iterator.

However, notice that LWG2128 did not add two things:

4. Implementation experience

Notice that § 5.1 [stmt.ranged] is already implemented by three of the four major compiler vendors.

Arthur has implemented § 5 Proposed wording in his fork of libc++, and used it to compile both LLVM/Clang/libc++ and another large C++17 codebase. Naturally, it caused no problems except in this single test from libc++'s own test suite:

#include <initializer_list> // but not <iterator>
std::initializer_list<int> il;

This test now fails first because <iterator> was not included, and second because today’s begin(initializer_list<E>) is noexcept but the primary template begin(C&) is non-noexcept (per P0884 guidance). Of course P3016 preserves that ranges::begin(il) is noexcept.

4.1. Tony Table

#include <initializer_list>
void f(std::initializer_list<int> il) {
  auto it = std::begin(il);
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator> // for std::begin
void f(std::initializer_list<int> il) {
  auto it = std::begin(il);
S(std::initializer_list<int> il) :
  S(il.begin(), il.size()) {}
S(std::initializer_list<int> il) :
  S(il.data(), il.size()) {}
auto dangle = std::begin({1,2,3});
// no longer compiles
#include <valarray>
#include <utility>
std::valarray<int> va;
auto it = std::begin(std::as_const(va));
#include <valarray>
#include <iterator>
std::valarray<int> va;
auto it = std::cbegin(va);

5. Proposed wording

5.1. [stmt.ranged]

Modify [stmt.ranged] as follows:

1․ The range-based for statement

for ( init-statementopt
  for-range-declaration : for-range-initializer ) statement
is equivalent to
   auto&& range = for-range-initializer ;
   auto begin = begin-expr ;
   auto end = end-expr ;
   for ( ; begin != end; ++begin ) {
       for-range-declaration = * begin ;
  • (1.1) if the for-range-initializer is an expression, it is regarded as if it were surrounded by parentheses (so that a comma operator cannot be reinterpreted as delimiting two init-declarators);

  • (1.2) range, begin, and end are variables defined for exposition only; and

  • (1.3) begin-expr and end-expr are determined as follows:

    • (1.3.1) if the for-range-initializer is an expression range is of array type R, begin-expr and end-expr are range and range + N, respectively, where N is the array bound. If R is an array of unknown bound or an array of incomplete type, the program is ill-formed;

    • (1.3.2) if the for-range-initializer is an expression range is of class type C, and searches in the scope of C ([class.member.lookup]) for the names begin and end each find at least one declaration, begin-expr and end-expr are range.begin() and range.end(), respectively;

    • (1.3.3) otherwise, begin-expr and end-expr are begin(range) and end(range), respectively, where begin and end undergo argument-dependent lookup ([basic.lookup.argdep]). [Note: Ordinary unqualified lookup ([basic.lookup.unqual]) is not performed. — end note]

5.2. [valarray.syn]

Modify [valarray.syn] as follows:


  template<class T> valarray<T> tan  (const valarray<T>&);
  template<class T> valarray<T> tanh (const valarray<T>&);

  template<class T> unspecified1 begin(valarray<T>& v);
  template<class T> unspecified2 begin(const valarray<T>& v);
  template<class T> unspecified1 end(valarray<T>& v);
  template<class T> unspecified2 end(const valarray<T>& v);


3․ Any function returning a valarray<T> is permitted to return an object of another type, provided all the const member functions of valarray<T> are also applicable to this type. This return type shall not add more than two levels of template nesting over the most deeply nested argument type.

4․ Implementations introducing such replacement types shall provide additional functions and operators as follows:

  • (4.1) for every function taking a const valarray<T>& other than begin and end, identical functions taking the replacement types shall be added;

  • (4.2) for every function taking two const valarray<T>& arguments, identical functions taking every combination of const valarray<T>& and replacement types shall be added.

5․ In particular, an implementation shall allow a valarray<T> to be constructed from such replacement types and shall allow assignments and compound assignments of such types to valarray<T>, slice_array<T>, gslice_array<T>, mask_array<T> and indirect_array<T> objects.


5.3. [template.valarray.overview]

Note: We propose exposition-only iterator and const_iterator typedefs, but would love to make them non-exposition-only.

Modify [template.valarray.overview] as follows:

namespace std {
  template<class T> class valarray {
    using value_type = T;
    using iterator = unspecified; // exposition only
    using const_iterator = unspecified; // exposition only

    // [valarray.cons], construct/destroy
    explicit valarray(size_t);


  // [valarray.range], range access

  iterator begin();
  iterator end();
  const_iterator begin() const;
  const_iterator end() const;

  // [valarray.members], member functions
  void swap(valarray&) noexcept;

  size_t size() const;

  T sum() const;
  T min() const;
  T max() const;

  valarray shift (int) const;
  valarray cshift(int) const;
  valarray apply(T func(T)) const;
  valarray apply(T func(const T&)) const;
  void resize(size_t sz, T c = T());

5.4. [valarray.members]

Move the existing section [valarray.range] from its current location to make it a sibling of [valarray.members]; then modify it as follows:

28.6.10 28.6.2.x valarray range access [valarray.range]

1․ In the begin and end function templates that follow, unspecified1 is a type that The exposition-only iterator type meets the requirements of a mutable Cpp17RandomAccessIterator ([random.access.iterators]) and models contiguous_iterator ([iterator.concept.contiguous]), whose . Its value_type is the template parameter T and whose its reference type is T&. unspecified2 is a type that The exposition-only const_iterator type meets the requirements of a constant Cpp17RandomAccessIterator and models contiguous_iterator, whose . Its value_type is the template parameter T and whose its reference type is const T&.

2․ The iterators returned by begin and end for an array are guaranteed to be valid until the member function resize(size_t, T) is called for that array or until the lifetime of that array ends, whichever happens first.

template<class T> unspecified1 begin(valarray<T>& v);
template<class T> unspecified2 begin(const valarray<T>& v);
iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;

3․ Returns: An iterator referencing the first value in the array.

template<class T> unspecified1 end(valarray<T>& v);
template<class T> unspecified2 end(const valarray<T>& v);
iterator end();
const_iterator end() const;

4․ Returns: An iterator referencing one past the last value in the array. Member functions [valarray.members]

void swap(valarray& v) noexcept;

1․ Effects: *this obtains the value of v. v obtains the value of *this.

2․ Complexity: Constant.

5.5. [support.initlist]

Modify [support.initlist] as follows:


17.10.2 Header <initializer_list> synopsis [initializer.list.syn]

namespace std {
  template<class E> class initializer_list {
    using value_type      = E;
    using reference       = const E&;
    using const_reference = const E&;
    using size_type       = size_t;

    using iterator        = const E*;
    using const_iterator  = const E*;

    constexpr initializer_list() noexcept;

    constexpr const E* data() const noexcept;
    constexpr size_t size() const noexcept;     // number of elements
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;
    constexpr const E* begin() const noexcept;  // first element
    constexpr const E* end() const noexcept;    // one past the last element

  // [support.initlist.range], initializer list range access
  template<class E> constexpr const E* begin(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;
  template<class E> constexpr const E* end(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;

1․ An object of type initializer_list<E> provides access to an array of objects of type const E.

[Note: A pair of pointers or a pointer plus a length would be obvious representations for initializer_list. initializer_list is used to implement initializer lists as specified in [dcl.init.list]. Copying an initializer list initializer_list does not copy the underlying elements. — end note]

2․ If an explicit specialization or partial specialization of initializer_list is declared, the program is ill-formed.

17.10.3 Initializer list constructors [support.initlist.cons]

constexpr initializer_list() noexcept;

1․ Postconditions: size() == 0.

17.10.4 Initializer list access [support.initlist.access]

constexpr const E* begin() const noexcept;

1․ Returns: A pointer to the beginning of the array. If size() == 0 the values of begin() and end() are unspecified but they shall be identical.

constexpr const E* end() const noexcept;

2․ Returns: begin() + size().

constexpr const E* data() const noexcept;

x․ Returns: begin().

constexpr size_t size() const noexcept;

3․ Returns: The number of elements in the array.

4․ Complexity: Constant time.

[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;

x․ Returns: size() == 0.

17.10.5 Initializer list range access [support.initlist.range]

template<class E> constexpr const E* begin(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;
1․ Returns: il.begin().
template<class E> constexpr const E* end(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;
2․ Returns: il.end().

5.6. [iterator.synopsis]

Modify [iterator.synopsis] as follows:

25.2 Header synopsis[iterator.synopsis]

#include <compare>              // see [compare.syn]
#include <concepts>             // see [concepts.syn]
#include <initializer_list>     // see [initializer.list.syn]

namespace std {


  // [iterator.range], range access
  template<class C> constexpr auto begin(C& c) -> decltype(c.begin());
  template<class C> constexpr auto begin(const C& c) -> decltype(c.begin());
  template<class C> constexpr auto end(C& c) -> decltype(c.end());
  template<class C> constexpr auto end(const C& c) -> decltype(c.end());
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr T* begin(T (&array)[N]) noexcept;
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr T* end(T (&array)[N]) noexcept;
  template<class C> constexpr auto cbegin(const C& c)
    noexcept(noexcept(std::begin(c))) -> decltype(std::begin(c));
  template<class C> constexpr auto cend(const C& c)
    noexcept(noexcept(std::end(c))) -> decltype(std::end(c));
  template<class C> constexpr auto rbegin(C& c) -> decltype(c.rbegin());
  template<class C> constexpr auto rbegin(const C& c) -> decltype(c.rbegin());
  template<class C> constexpr auto rend(C& c) -> decltype(c.rend());
  template<class C> constexpr auto rend(const C& c) -> decltype(c.rend());
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr reverse_iterator<T*> rbegin(T (&array)[N])
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr reverse_iterator<T*> rend(T (&array)[N]);
  template<class E> constexpr reverse_iterator<const E*>
    rbegin(initializer_list<E> il);
  template<class E> constexpr reverse_iterator<const E*>
    rend(initializer_list<E> il);
  template<class C> constexpr auto
    crbegin(const C& c) -> decltype(std::rbegin(c));
  template<class C> constexpr auto
    crend(const C& c) -> decltype(std::rend(c));

  template<class C> constexpr auto
    size(const C& c) -> decltype(c.size());
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr size_t
    size(const T (&array)[N]) noexcept;

  template<class C> constexpr auto
    ssize(const C& c)
      -> common_type_t<ptrdiff_t, make_signed_t<decltype(c.size())>>;
  template<class T, ptrdiff_t N> constexpr ptrdiff_t
    ssize(const T (&array)[N]) noexcept;

  template<class C> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
    empty(const C& c) -> decltype(c.empty());
  template<class T, size_t N> [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool
    empty(const T (&array)[N]) noexcept;
  template<class E> [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool
    empty(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;

  template<class C> constexpr auto data(C& c) -> decltype(c.data());
  template<class C> constexpr auto data(const C& c) -> decltype(c.data());
  template<class T, size_t N> constexpr T* data(T (&array)[N]) noexcept;
  template<class E> constexpr const E* data(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;

5.7. [iterator.range]

Modify [iterator.range] as follows:


template<class E> [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool empty(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;

22․ Returns: il.size() == 0.


template<class E> constexpr const E* data(initializer_list<E> il) noexcept;

25․ Returns: il.begin().

6. Proposed straw polls

The next revision of this paper (if any) will be guided by the outcomes of these three straw polls.

Pursue the core-language change in [stmt.ranged].
Pursue the initializer_list cleanup (depends on the core-language change).
Pursue the valarray cleanup.


Informative References

Daniel Krügler. Common nonterminal for expression and braced-init-list. March 2011–October 2015. URL: https://cplusplus.github.io/CWG/issues/1274.html
Gabriel Dos Reis. valarray and begin/end. May 2011–October 2012. URL: https://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/issue2058
Dmitry Polukhin. Absence of global functions cbegin/cend. January 2012–January 2016. URL: https://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/issue2128
Doug Gregor; Beman Dawes. Range-Based For Loop Wording (Without Concepts). July 2009. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2930.html
Doug Gregor. Wording for Range-Based For Loop (Option #5). March 2011. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2011/n3271.htm