1. Changes history
1.1. R2
Incorporate to the feedback from SG1 review, Austria, 2025.
Incorporate the changes from [P3564R0]: Make calling un-customized
ill-formed on a scheduler with concurrent forward progress.bulk_unchunked -
’s execution policy parameter.bulk_unchunked -
Specify an error for the "lack of resources" case.
1.2. R1
Incorporate to the feedback from SG1 review, Poland, 2024.
Add wording section.
2. Motivation
When [P2300R10] was merged into the working draft, a subsequent review of the github issue tracker discovered several
outstanding issues relating to the use of the
algorithm that was in [P2300R10] which were not addressed during the
LEWG review. These issues mostly account for better expressing what
can and cannot do.
For most algorithms defined in [P2300R10], the default implementation typically describes the desired behavior.
However, this is not the case for
The expectation for
is that it will be customized for most use cases.
The default implementation is a common-denominator solution that is not necessarily optimal for the majority of scenarios.
The description in [exec.bulk] specifies the default implementation but does not outline any requirements for customizations.
This creates uncertainty for users regarding what they can expect when invoking
This paper addresses this issue by specifying what is permissible in a customization of
A second issue this paper seeks to resolve is the lack of an execution policy for the provided functor.
For example, imagine that we have scheduler that supports
execution policy only for parallelism (certain GPU
schedulers) and it wants to customize
. If the functor is unsuitable for the
execution policy, there is
currently no mechanism for users to express this with the current API shape.
A third issue this paper addresses is the absence of chunking in the default implementation of
Invoking the functor for every element in a range can lead to performance challenges in certain use cases.
2.1. Allowed behavior for bulk
From the specification of bulk in [exec.bulk], if we have customized
, the following are unclear:
invoke the given functor concurrently?bulk -
create decayed copies of the given functor?bulk -
create decayed copies of the values produced by the previous sender?bulk -
handle cancellation within the algorithm?bulk -
How should
respond to exceptions thrown by the given functor?bulk
2.2. Execution policy for the given functor
Similar to
([alg.foreach]) users might expect the
algorithm to take an execution policy as argument.
The execution policy would define the execution capabilities of the given function.
There are two main reasons for wanting an execution policy to accompany the function passed to
To better tailor the algorithm to the available hardware.
To improve usage in generic code.
Currently, we have hardware that supports both
execution policy semantics, as well as hardware that only supports
Standardizing the API without execution policies implies that the language chooses a default execution policy for
This decision could favor certain hardware vendors over others.
From a generic programming perspective, consider a scenario where a user implements a function like the following:
void process ( std :: vector < int >& data , auto std :: invocable < int > f ) { // call `f` for each element in `data`; try using `bulk`. // can we call `f` concurrently? }
In the body of the generic function process, we do not know the constraints imposed on
Can we assume that
can be invoked with the
execution policy?
Can it be invoked with the
execution policy?
Or should we default to the
execution policy?
Since there is no way to infer the execution policy that should apply to
, the implementation of process must be conservative and default to the
execution policy.
However, in most cases, the
execution policy would likely be more appropriate.
2.3. Chunking
The current specification of
([exec.bulk]) does not support chunking.
This limitation presents a performance issue for certain use cases.
If two iterations can potentially be executed together more efficiently than in isolation, chunking would provide a performance benefit.
Let us take an example:
std :: atomic < std :: uint32_t > sum { 0 }; std :: vector < std :: uint32_t > data ; ex :: sender auto s = ex :: bulk ( ex :: just (), std :: execution :: par , 100'000 , [ & sum , & data ]( std :: uint32_t idx ) { sum . fetch_add ( data [ idx ]); });
In this example, we perform 100,000 atomic operations. A more efficient implementation would allow a single atomic operation for each chunk of work, enabling each chunk to perform local summation. This approach might look like:
std :: atomic < std :: uint32_t > sum { 0 }; ex :: sender auto s = ex :: bulk_chunked ( ex :: just (), std :: execution :: par , 100'000 , [ & sum , & data ]( std :: uint32_t begin , std :: uint32_t end ) { std :: uint32_t partial_sum = 0 ; while ( begin != end ) { partial_sum += data [ idx ]; } sum . fetch_add ( partial_sum ); });
Other similar examples exist where grouping operations together can improve performance.
This is particularly important when the functor passed to
cannot be inlined or when the functor is expensive to invoke.
3. API
to match the following API:
// NEW: algorithm to be used as a default basis operation template < execution :: sender Predecessor , typename ExecutionPolicy , std :: integral Size , std :: invocable < Size , Size , values - sent - by ( Predecessor )... > Func > execution :: sender auto bulk_chunked ( Predecessor pred , ExecutionPolicy && pol , Size size , Func f ); // NEW: algorithm to ensure one execution agent per iteration template < execution :: sender Predecessor , std :: integral Size , std :: invocable < Size , values - sent - by ( Predecessor )... > Func > execution :: sender auto bulk_unchunked ( Predecessor pred , Size size , Func f ); template < execution :: sender Predecessor , typename ExecutionPolicy , std :: integral Size , std :: invocable < Size , values - sent - by ( Predecessor )... > Func > execution :: sender auto bulk ( Predecessor pred , ExecutionPolicy && pol , // NEW Size size , Func f ) { // Default implementation return bulk_chunked ( std :: move ( pred ), std :: forward < ExecutionPolicy > ( pol ), size , [ func = std :: move ( func )] < typename ... Vs > ( Size begin , Size end , Vs && ... vs ) noexcept ( std :: is_nothrow_invocable_v < Func , Size , Vs && ... > ) { while ( begin != end ) { f ( begin ++ , std :: forward < Vs > ( vs )...); } }); }
4. Design discussions
4.1. Use chunked version as a basis operation
To address the performance problem described in the motivation, we propose to add a chunked version for
This allows implementations to process the iteration space in chunks, and take advantage of the locality of the chunk processing.
This is useful when publishing the effects of the functor may be expensive (the example from the motivation) and when the given functor cannot be inlined.
The implementation of
can use dynamically sized chunks that adapt to the workload at hand.
For example, computing the results of a Mandelbrot fractal on a line is an unbalanced process.
Some values can be computed very fast, while others take longer to compute.
Passing a range as parameters to the functor passed to
is similar to the way Intel TBB’s
functions (see [parallel_for]).
An implementation of
can be easily built on top of
without losing performance (as shown in the Proposal section).
4.2. Also define an unchunked version
[P3564R0] explains the necessity
of having a version of
that executes each loop iteration
on a distinct execution agent:
For schedulers that promise concurrent forward progress, users need a way to take advantage of concurrent forward progress. Since
execution can do chunking, it cannot promise anything stronger than parallel forward progress.bulk -
Even for schedulers with a weaker forward progress guarantee, users sometimes have performance reasons to control the distribution of loop iterations to execution agents.
We incorporated this design suggestion from [P3564R0] into this paper and name this API
4.3. Using execution policies
As discussed in the § 2 Motivation section, not having the possibility to specify execution policies for the
algorithm is a downside.
On the one hand, defaulting to any policy other than
might lead to deadlocks.
On the other hand, defaulting to
would not match users' expectations
would take advantage of parallel execution resources.
has to have an execution policy parameter.
One criticism of this solution is that each invocation of
needs to contain an extra parameter that is typically verbose to type.
The idea considered by the authors to solve it is to provide versions of the algorithms that have the execution policies already baked in. Something like:
auto bulk_seq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_unseq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_par ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_par_unseq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_chunked_seq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_chunked_unseq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_chunked_par ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ); auto bulk_chunked_par_unseq ( auto prev , auto size , auto f );
We dropped this idea, as this isn’t scalable.
On the other hand, it’s quite easy to write a thin wrapper on top of
on the user side that calls the algorithm
with the execution policy of choice.
Something like:
auto user_bulk_par ( auto prev , auto size , auto f ) { return std :: execution :: bulk ( std :: execution :: par , prev , size , f ); }
4.4. Conflicting execution policies
For [P2500R2] design we previously agreed that there might be an execution policy attached to a
. The
question that comes to mind is what should we do if we have execution policy passed via
parameters that conflicts with
execution policy attached to a scheduler?
This is another area to explore. It’s quite obvious that execution policy passed to
describes possible parallelization
ways of
callable object, while it’s not 100% obvious what execution policy attached to a scheduler means outside of [P2500R2] proposal.
We might choose different strategies (not all of them are mutually exclusive):
Reconsider the decisions we made for [P2500R2] by stopping attaching policies to schedulers.
Reduce policies: choose the most conservative one. For example, for the passed policy
and attached policypar
we reduce it the resulting policy toseq
because it’s the most conservative one.seq -
For "peer" conflicting policies:
we might either want to reduce it tounseq
or might want to give a compile-time error.seq
Give a compile-time error right away for any pair of conflicting policies.
Anyway, exploration of this problem is out of scope of this paper.
For the purpose of this paper, we need to ensure that the way the given function is called is compatible with the execution policy passed to
4.5. Expectations on customizations
The current specification of
in [exec.bulk] doesn’t define any constraints/expectations for the customization of the algorithm.
The default implementation (a serial version of
) is expected to be very different that its customizations.
Having customizations in mind, we need to define the minimal expectations for calling
We propose the following:
to be copy-constructible.f -
to be invoked according to the specified execution policy (and don’t assume it’s going to be called serially).f -
Allow the values produced by the previous sender to be decay copied (if the values produced are copyable).
Allow the algorithm to handle cancellation requests, but don’t mandate it.
We want to require that the given functor be copy-constructible so that
requires the same type of function as a
with an execution policy.
Adding an execution policy to
would also align them with
is allowed to be invoked concurrently, then implementations may want to copy the arguments passed to it.
Another important point for a
operation is how it should react to cancellation requests.
We want to specify that
should be able to react to cancellation requests, but not make this mandatory.
It shall be also possible for vendors to completely ignore cancellation requests (if, for example, supporting cancellation would actually slow down the main uses-cases that the vendor is optimizing for).
Also, the way cancellation is implemented should be left unspecified.
Checking the cancellation token every iteration may be expensive for certain cases. A cancellation check requires an acquire memory barrier (which may be too much for really small functors), and might prevent vectorization. Thus, implementations may want to check the cancellation every N iterations; N can be a statically known number, or can be dynamically determined.
, and
are customization points, we need to specify these constraints to all three of them.
4.6. Exception handling
While there are multiple solutions to specify which errors can be thrown by
, the most sensible ones seem to be:
pick an arbitrary exception thrown by one of the invocations of
(maybe using a atomic operations to select the first thrown exception),f -
reduce the exceptions to another exception that can carry one or more of the thrown exceptions using a user-defined reduction operation (similar to using
as discussed by [P0333R0]),exception_list -
allow implementations to produce a new exception type (e.g., to represent failures outside of
, or to represent failure to transmit the original exception to the receiver)f
One should note that option 2 can be seen as a particular case of option 3.
Also, option 2 seems to be more complex than option 1, without providing any palpable benefits to the users.
The third option is very useful when implementations may fail outside of the calls to the given functor. Also, there may be cases in which exceptions cannot be transported from the place they were thrown to the place they need to be reported.
Based on the experience with the existing parallel frameworks we incline to recommend the option one because
In a parallel execution the common behavior is non-deterministic by nature. Thus, we can peak arbitrary exception to throw
Catching any exception already indicates that something went wrong, thus a good implementation might initiate a cancellation mechanism to finish already failed work as soon as possible.
On top of that, for special cases we also want to allow option 3.
5. Specification
5.1. In [execution.syn]
, add:
struct bulk_chunked_t { unspecified }; struct bulk_unchunked_t { unspecified };
, add:
inline constexpr bulk_chunked_t bulk_chunked {}; inline constexpr bulk_unchunked_t bulk_unchunked {};
5.2. In [exec.bulk]
Rename the title of the section from “execution::bulk” to “execution::bulk, execution::bulk_chunked, and execution::bulk_unchunked”.
Apply the following changes (no track changes for paragraph numbering):
, andbulk_chunked
runbulk_unchunked sa task repeatedly for every index in an index space. -
, andbulk_chunked bulk_unchunked denotes adenote pipeable sender adaptorobjectobjects . Let
be eitherbulk - algo
. For subexpressionsbulk_unchunked
, andshape
, letf
andremove_cvref_t < decltype ( policy ) >
.decltype ( auto ( shape )) IfThe expression
does not satisfydecltype (( sndr ))
, or ifsender
does not satisfyShape
, or ifintegral
does not satisfydecltype (( f ))
,movable - value
is ill-formed.bulk ( sndr , shape , f ) bulk - algo
is ill-formed if any of the following is true:( sndr , policy , shape , f ) -
does not satisfydecltype (( sndr ))
,sender -
isis_execution_policy_v < remove_cvref_t < Policy >> false
, -
does not satisfyShape
,integral -
does not model thedecltype (( f ))
doesn’t have an execution policy parameter. This should be applied to the entire wording.bulk_unchunked -
Otherwise, the expression
bulk ( sndr , shape , f ) bulk - algo
is expression-equivalent to:( sndr , policy , shape , f ) transform_sender ( get - domain - early ( sndr ), make - sender ( bulk , product - type { shape , f }, sndr )) transform_sender ( get - domain - early ( sndr ), make - sender ( bulk - algo , product - type { policy , shape , f }, sndr )) except that
is evaluated only once.sndr -
The exposition-only class template
([exec.snd.general]) is specialized forimpls - for
as follows:bulk_unchunked_t namespace std :: execution { template <> struct impls - for < bulk_t bulk - algo > : default - impls { static constexpr auto complete = see below ; }; } -
The member
is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda:impls - for < bulk_t bulk_unchunked_t >:: complete [] < class Index , class State , class Rcvr , class Tag , class ... Args > ( Index , State & state , Rcvr & rcvr , Tag , Args && ... args ) noexcept -> void requires see below { if constexpr ( same_as < Tag , set_value_t > ) { constexpr bool scheduler_available = requires { get_completion_scheduler < set_value_t > ( get_env ( rcvr )); }; if constexpr ( scheduler_available ) { constexpr auto guarantee = get_forward_progress_guarantee ( decltype ( get_completion_scheduler < set_value_t > ( get_env ( rcvr )))); static_assert ( guarantee != forward_progress_guarantee :: concurrent ); } auto & [ shape , f ] = state ; constexpr bool nothrow = noexcept ( f ( auto ( shape ), args ...)); TRY - EVAL ( rcvr , [ & ]() noexcept ( nothrow ) { for ( decltype ( auto ( shape )) i = 0 ; i < shape ; ++ i ) { f ( auto ( i ), args ...); } Tag ()( std :: move ( rcvr ), std :: forward < Args > ( args )...); }()); } else { Tag ()( std :: move ( rcvr ), std :: forward < Args > ( args )...); } } -
The expression in the requires-clause of the lambda above is
if and only if
denotes a type other thanTag
or if the expressionset_value_t
is well-formed.f ( auto ( shape ), args ...)
The member
is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda:impls - for < bulk_chunked_t >:: complete [] < class Index , class State , class Rcvr , class Tag , class ... Args > ( Index , State & state , Rcvr & rcvr , Tag , Args && ... args ) noexcept -> void requires see below { if constexpr ( same_as < Tag , set_value_t > ) { auto & [ policy , shape , f ] = state ; constexpr bool nothrow = noexcept ( f ( auto ( shape ), auto ( shape ), args ...)); TRY - EVAL ( rcvr , [ & ]() noexcept ( nothrow ) { f ( 0 , auto ( shape ), args ...); Tag ()( std :: move ( rcvr ), std :: forward < Args > ( args )...); }()); } else { Tag ()( std :: move ( rcvr ), std :: forward < Args > ( args )...); } } -
The expression in the requires-clause of the lambda above is
if and only if
denotes a type other thanTag
or if the expressionset_value_t
is well-formed.f ( auto ( shape ), auto ( shape ), args ...)
The member
is initialized with a callable object equivalent to the following lambda:impls - for < bulk_t >:: complete [] < class Index , class State , class Rcvr , class Tag , class ... Args > ( Index , State & state , Rcvr & rcvr , Tag , Args && ... args ) noexcept -> void requires see below { auto & [ policy , shape , f ] = state ; constexpr bool nothrow = noexcept ( f ( auto ( shape ), args ...)); auto new_f = [ func = std :: move ( f )] < typename ... Vs > ( Size begin , Size end , Vs & ... vs ) noexcept ( nothrow ) { while ( begin != end ) f ( begin ++ , std :: forward < Vs > ( vs )...); } impls - for < bulk_chunked_t >:: complete ( Index (), product - type { policy , shape , std :: move ( new_f )}, rcvr , Tag (), std :: forward < Args > ( args )...); } -
The expression in the requires-clause of the lambda above is
if and only if
denotes a type other thanTag
or if the expressionset_value_t
is well-formed.f ( auto ( shape ), args ...)
isbulk - algo
, orbulk_unchunked
, letbulk Letthe subexpression
denote the result of the invocationout_sndr bulk bulk - algo ( sndr , policy , shape , f )
denote a receiver such that the expressionrcvr
is well-formed. The expressionconnect ( out_sndr , rcvr )
has undefined behavior unless it creates an asynchronous operation ([async.ops]) that, when started:connect ( out_sndr , rcvr ) -
on a value completion operation, invokes
for everyf ( i , args ...)
of typei
, whereshape
is a pack of lvalue subexpressions referring to the value completion result datums of the input sender, andargs -
propagates all completion operations sent by
has a successful completion, wheresndr
is a pack of lvalue subexpressions referring to the value completion result datums ofargs
, then:sndr -
also completes successfully, then:out_sndr -
isbulk - algo
, invokesbulk
for everyf ( i , args ...)
of typei
;shape -
isbulk - algo
, invokesbulk_unchunked
on a distinct execution agent for everyf ( i , args ...)
of typei
;shape -
isbulk - algo
, invokesbulk_chunked
zero or multiple times with pairs off ( b , e , args ...)
of typee
in range [Shape
], such as for everyshape
of typei
, there is an invocation with a pairshape
, such ase
;b <= i < e
completes without_sndr
, the asynchronous operation may invoke a subset of the invocations ofset_error ( rcvr , e )
as described above before the completion signal, andf
is either:e -
an exception thrown by an invocation of
, orf -
exception if the implementation fails to allocate required resources, orbad_alloc -
an exception derived from
completes without_sndr
, the asynchronous operation may invoke a subset of the invocations ofset_stopped ( rcvr )
as described above before the completion signal;f
does not complete withsndr
, the completion signal is forwarded toset_value (...) recv -
the function
is invoked in a way that is compatible with the execution policyf
isbulk - algo
, orbulk_unchunked
, then the asynchronous operation corresponding tobulk bulk - algo
is allowed (but not required) to:( sndr , policy , shape , f ) -
complete with
if cancellation is requested (through the connected receiver);set_stopped () -
ignore cancellation requests;
make decaying copies of the values produced by the predecessor sender, if the values are copyable.
6. Polls
6.1. SG1, Hagenberg, Austria, 2025
Summary: Forward P3481R1 with the following notes:
should not have an execution policybulk_unchunked -
Calling an un-customized
is ill-formed on a concurrent schedulerbulk_unchunked -
The next revision of this paper (before LWG) needs wording for its error model
| SF | F | N | A | SA | | 8 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
6.2. SG1, Wrocław, Poland, 2024
[P3481R0] was presented at the SG1 meeting in November 2024 in Wrocław, Poland. SG1 provided the following feedback in the form of polls:
If we have chunking, we need to expose a control on the chunk size.
| SF | F | N | A | SA | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | No consensus
We need a version of the
API that presents the chunk to the callable in order to implement the parallel algorithmsbulk | SF | F | N | A | SA | | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Consensus in favor
We need a version of the bulk API that creates an execution agent per iteration.
| SF | F | N | A | SA | | 2 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | Unanimous consent
We believe / desire:
Bulk needs an execution policy to describe the callable, IF the scheduler also has an execution policy (for debugging for example) then a conservative choice should be used (
is more conservative thanseq
)par -
No SG1 concerns with the proposed exception handling
No change to status quo on default implementation of bulk being serial
No change to status quo on bulk having a predecessor
Forms of bulk needed:
->f ( i ) bulk_chunked -
->bulk_chunked f ( b , e ) -
"execution agent per iteration"f ( i )
| SF | F | N | A | SA | | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Unanimous consent