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P0394-r4: Hotel Parallelifornia: terminate() for Parallel Algorithms Exception Handling

(Berkeley Lab)

You can throw any time you like, but the exceptions can never leave.

1. Background

P0333r0 Improving Parallel Algorithm Exception Handling states:

The exception handling behavior of parallel algorithms invoked with par_unseq (the parallel_unsequenced_execution_policy) is inconsistent with the exception handling behavior of the other two execution policies specified in the IS (seq AKA sequential_execution_policy and par AKA parallel_execution_policy).

25.2.4 [algorithms.parallel.exception] states that if an element access function exits via an uncaught exception in a parallel algorithm invoked under the par_unseq execution policy, terminate() will be called. This is inconsistent with the other two policies, which would exit by throwing either the uncaught exception or an exception_list containing (at least) the uncaught exception.

2. SG1 Feedback on P0333

P0333r0 proposed addressing this problem by allowing par_unseq element access functions to throw exceptions. SG1’s discussion in Oulu concludes that throwing exceptions pessimizes code which cannot be proven to not throw, e.g. when invoking opaque functions which aren’t marked as noexcept (see Example #2). Invoking terminate() greatly simplifies code generation in these cases.

We therefore propose to fix the inconsistency by making all parallel algorithms invoke terminate() if element access functions exit via an uncaught exception. This has the added benefit of removing the need for exception_list. A parallel algorithm is still allowed to throw bad_alloc (if it fails to acquire temporary memory resources for parallel execution), but nothing else may be thrown. There is existing precedent for calling terminate() when an exception escapes from thread, main() or a transaction in the Transaction TS.

Removing the need for exception_list solves outstanding design concerns with exception_list which were raised at Jacksonville during the discussion of P0024 The Parallelism TS Should be Standardized. Specifically, there was concern about having an exception_list which was not constructible by users. The consensus in LEWG at Jacksonville was to give exception_list user-accessible constructors and mutators for C++17.

D0322r1 exception_list proposed a possible design for a user-constructible exception_list. Designing this exception_list, is a difficult task. exception_list derives from exception, and in a parallel context it could potentially be caught in multiple threads concurrently. Thus, any exception_list design would need to be thread-safe. To ensure thread-safety and to maintain consistency with all other standard exceptions, the authors of D0322r1 felt it was necessary for exception_list to be immutable. The standard library does not currently have immutable containers; exception_list would be the first, and thus would be exploring an entirely new design space. At Oulu, the authors of D0322r1 and LEWG felt that there was not sufficient time before C++17 to decide on a design for immutable containers in the standard library. By removing the need for exception_list, it is not necessary for it to be fixed in time for C++17.

Further issues with exception_list include:

3. SG1 Feedback on D0394

SG1 reviewed D0394 on Wednesday morning at Oulu. A straw poll was taken about forwarding this to LEWG for C++17:

12 5 1 0 0

4. LEWG Feedback on D0394

LEWG reviewed D0394 on Thursday morning at Oulu. A straw poll was taken about forwarding this to LWG for C++17:

13 1 2 0 0

5. LWG Feedback on D0394

LEWG reviewed D0394 on Thursday evening at Oulu. A straw poll was taken about sending this to plenary for C++17:

7 6 0 0 0

6. Proposed Wording Change

Add the following clause after (1.12) [except.terminate]:

— when execution of the initial function of a thread exits via an exception (, or
— when execution of an element access function (25.2.1) of a parallel algorithm exits via an exception (25.2.4), or

Apply the following changes to [headers] paragraph 2:

The C++ standard library provides 60 61 C++ library headers, as shown in Table 14.

In [headers], delete <exception_list> from Table 14.

In 18.1 [support.general], delete the row for exception lists from Table 29.

Delete 18.8.8 [support.exception.list].

Apply the following changes to 25.2.4 [algorithms.parallel.exceptions] paragraph 2:

During the execution of a parallel algorithm, if the invocation of an element access function exits via an uncaught exception, terminate() is called. the behavior of the program is determined by the type of execution policy used to invoke the algorithm:

7. Examples

1.) Example of recursively walking an exception_list. The ordering of the list is unspecified. Currently there is no standard library facility to help unpack an exception_list.

void walk(const exception_ptr& e) {
    try {
    } catch (const range_error& r) {
        cout << "found a range error\n";
    } catch (const exception_list& y) {
        for (auto d : y)

void example(Iter first, Iter last, bool (*p)(const Foo&)) {
    try {
        return none_of(par, first, last, p);
    } catch (...) {

2.) Example of how opaque calls can force a vectorizing SIMD compiler to pessimize a function by forcing it to prepare for divergence of control flow.

struct foo
    void bar(); // Won’t throw, but not noexcept
    void bar_noexcept() noexcept;

void initialize(vector<foo>& v)
    #pragma omp simd
    for (auto& e : v)
        foo f;

        // .bar() might exit via exception. If it does, the exception boils
        // up into this context and we have to do stack unwinding before 
        // initialize exits via an uncaught exception.
        // This can lead to a divergence of control flow. Multiple SIMD lanes
        // will be executing .bar() concurrently, but only one of them may
        // throw. This requires masking all the way up the call chain within
        // the SIMD region. This is blisteringly expensive, especially on SIMD
        // architectures without full masking support.

        e = f;

void initialize_faster(vector<foo>& v)
    #pragma omp simd
    for (auto& e : v)
        foo f;

        // We do not need to worry about .bar() exiting by uncaught exception,
        // so we do not need to prepare for any divergence of control flow.


        e = f;

8. Acknowledgments

Our thanks to Pablo Halpern, Alisdair Meredith and various members of both SG1 and LEWG for their contributions to this proposal.