A view of 0 or 1 elements: views::maybe

Document #: P1255R7
Date: 2022-05-09
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: SG9, LEWG
Reply-to: Steve Downey
<, >

Abstract: This paper proposes views::maybe a range adaptor that produces a view with cardinality 0 or 1 which adapts copyable object types, values, and nullable types such as std::optional and pointer to object types.

1 Changes

1.1 Changes since R6

1.2 Changes since R5

1.3 Changes since R4

1.4 Changes since R3

1.5 Changes since R2

Remove Readable as part of the specification, use the useful requirements from Readable

1.6 Changes since R1

1.7 Changes since R0

Removed views::maybe_has_value and views::maybe_value, instead requiring that the nullable type be dereferenceable and contextually convertible to bool.

Concept Nullable, which is Readable and contextually convertible to bool

Hold a copy when constructing a view over a nullable rvalue.

Introduced two exposition types, one safely holding a copy, the other referring to the nullable

2 Before / After Table

    auto&& opt = possible_value();
    if (opt) {
        // a few dozen lines ...
        use(*opt); // is *opt OK ?

for (auto&& opt : views::maybe(possible_value())) {

    // a few dozen lines ...
    use(opt); // opt is OK
std::optional o{7};
if (o) {
    *o = 9;
    std::cout << "o=" << *o << " prints 9\n";
std::cout << "o=" << *o << " prints 9\n";
std::optional o{7};
for (auto&& i : views::maybe(std::ref(o))) {
    i = 9;
    std::cout << "i=" << i << " prints 9\n";
std::cout << "o=" << *o << " prints 9\n";
std::vector<int> v{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1};
auto test = [](int i) -> std::optional<int> {
    switch (i) {
      case 1:
      case 3:
      case 7:
      case 9:
    return i;
    return {};

auto&& r = v |
    ranges::views::transform(test) |
    ranges::views::filter([](auto x){return bool(x);}) |
    ranges::views::transform([](auto x){return *x;}) |
        [](int i) {
            std::cout << i;
            return i;
std::vector<int> v{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1};
auto test = [](int i) -> std::optional<int> {
    switch (i) {
      case 1:
      case 3:
      case 7:
      case 9:
    return i;
    return {};

auto&& r = v |
    ranges::views::transform(test) |
    ranges::views::transform(views::maybe) |
    ranges::views::join |
        [](int i) {
            std::cout << i;
            return i;

3 Motivation

In writing range transformation it is useful to be able to lift a value into a view that is either empty or contains the value. For types that are nullable, constructing an empty view for disengaged values and providing a view to the underlying value is useful as well. The adapter views::single fills a similar purpose for non-nullable values, lifting a single value into a view, and views::empty provides a range of no values of a given type. The type views::maybe can be used to unify single and empty into a single type for further processing. This is in particuluar useful when translating list comprehensions.

std::vector<std::optional<int>> v{
  std::optional<int>{6 * 9}};

auto r = views::join(views::transform(v, views::maybe));

for (auto i : r) {
    std::cout << i; // prints 42 and 54

In addition to range transformation pipelines, views::maybe can be used in range based for loops, allowing the nullable value to not be dereferenced within the body. This is of small value in small examples in contrast to testing the nullable in an if statement, but with longer bodies the dereference is often far away from the test. Often the first line in the body of the if is naming the dereferenced nullable, and lifting the dereference into the for loop eliminates some boilerplate code, the same way that range based for loops do.

    auto&& opt = possible_value();
    if (opt) {
        // a few dozen lines ...
        use(*opt); // is *opt OK ?

for (auto&& opt : views::maybe(possible_value())) {
    // a few dozen lines ...
    use(opt); // opt is OK

The view can be on a std::reference_wrapper, allowing the underlying nullable to be modified:

std::optional o{7};
for (auto&& i : views::maybe(std::ref(o))) {
    i = 9;
    std::cout << "i=" << i << " prints 9\n";
std::cout << "o=" << *o << " prints 9\n";

Of course, if the nullable is empty, there is nothing in the view to modify.

auto oe = std::optional<int>{};
for (int i : views::maybe(std::ref(oe)))
    std::cout << "i=" << i << '\n'; // does not print

Converting an optional type into a view can make APIs that return optional types, such a lookup operations, easier to work with in range pipelines.

std::unordered_set<int> set{1, 3, 7, 9};

auto flt = [=](int i) -> std::optional<int> {
    if (set.contains(i))
        return i;
        return {};

for (auto i : ranges::iota_view{1, 10} | ranges::views::transform(flt)) {
    for (auto j : views::maybe(i)) {
        for (auto k : ranges::iota_view(0, j))
            std::cout << '\a';
        std::cout << '\n';

// Produce 1 ring, 3 rings, 7 rings, and 9 rings

4 Lazy monadic pythagorean triples

Eric Niebler’s pythagorean triple example, using current C++ and proposed views::maybe.

// "and_then" creates a new view by applying a
// transformation to each element in an input
// range, and flattening the resulting range of
// ranges. A.k.a. bind
// (This uses one syntax for constrained lambdas
// in C++20.)
inline constexpr auto and_then = [](auto&& r, auto fun) {
    return decltype(r)(r) | std::ranges::views::transform(std::move(fun)) |

// "yield_if" takes a bool and a value and
// returns a view of zero or one elements.
inline constexpr auto yield_if = [](bool b, auto x) {
    return b ? maybe_view{std::move(x)}
             : maybe_view<decltype(x)>{};

void print_triples() {
    using std::ranges::views::iota;
    auto triples = and_then(iota(1), [](int z) {
        return and_then(iota(1, z + 1), [=](int x) {
            return and_then(iota(x, z + 1), [=](int y) {
                return yield_if(x * x + y * y == z * z,
                                std::make_tuple(x, y, z));

    // Display the first 10 triples
    for (auto triple : triples | std::ranges::views::take(10)) {
        std::cout << '(' << std::get<0>(triple) << ',' << std::get<1>(triple)
                  << ',' << std::get<2>(triple) << ')' << '\n';

The implementation of yield_if is essentially the type unification of single and empty into maybe, returning an empty on false, and a range containing one value on true.

5 Proposal

Add a range adaptor object views::maybe, returning a view over an object, capturing by value. Dor nullable objects, provide a zero size range for objects which are disengaged. A nullable object is one that is both contextually convertible to bool and for which the type produced by dereferencing is an equality preserving object. Non void pointers, std::optional, and the proposed expected [P0323R9] types all models nullable. Function pointers do not, as functions are not objects. Iterators do not generally model nullable, as they are not required to be contextually convertible to bool.

6 Design

The basis of the design is to hybridize views::single and views::empty. If the view is over a value that is not nullable it is like a single view if constructed with a value, or is of size zero otherwise. For nullable types, if the underlying object claims to hold a value, as determined by checking if the object when converted to bool is true, begin and end of the view are equivalent to the address of the held value within the underlying object and one past the underlying object. If the underlying object does not have a value, begin and end return nullptr.

7 Borrowed Range

A borrowed_range is one whose iterators cannot be invalidated by ending the lifetime of the range. For views::maybe, the iterators are T*, where T is essentially the type of the dereferenced nullable. For raw pointers and reference_wrapper over nullable types, the iterator for maybe_view points directly to the underlying object, and thus matches the semantics of borrowed_range. This means that maybe_view is conditionally borrowed. A maybe_view<shared_ptr>, however, is not a borrowed range, as it participates in ownership of the shared_ptr and might invalidate the iterators if upon the end of its lifetime it is the last owner.

An example of code that is enabled by borrowed ranges, if unlikely code:

num = 42;
int k = *std::ranges::find(views::maybe(&num), num);

Providing the facility is not a signficant cost, and conveys the semantics correctly, even if the simple examples are not hugely motivating. Particularly as there is no real implementation impact, other than providing template variable specializations for enable_borrowed_range.

8 List Comprehension Desugaring

The case for having maybe_view available is seen in desugaring list comprehensions, where they naturally show up in guard clauses.

Looking at Haskell for a formal lowering of comprehensions:

We write Desugar[ e | Q] to mean the desugaring of the comprehension [ e | Q]

Expressions: e

Lists of qualifiers: Q,R,S

– Basic forms

Desugar[ e | ] = return e

Desugar[ e | p <- e, Q ] = e >>= \p -> Desugar[ e | Q ]

Desugar[ e | e, Q ] = guard e >> \p -> Desugar[ e | Q ]


>>= is the normal bind operator

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

equivalent to

\x -> join (fmap f x)

See the abd_then function above.

>> is a bind that sequences but discards the left side

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

defined as

k >> f = k >>= (\_ -> f)

guard has the type guard :: Alternative f => Bool -> f () and is defined as

guard True  = return ()
guard False = empty

See the yield_if above.

return is a constructor for a monad over T, lifting a value into the monad. return :: Monad m => t -> m t

The pythagorean triple example above is a typical hand desugaring of a list comprehension.

 [(x,y,z) | z <- [1..x], y <- [1..z], x <- [1..y], x*x + y*y== z*z]

The guard function functions as a filter. It’s usually possible to rewrite the guard and join into a filter function, but fusing the guard conditions may not be straightforward.

9 Implementation

A publically available implementation at https://github.com/steve-downey/view_maybe based on the Ranges implementation in libstdc++ . There are no particular implementation difficulties or tricks. The declarations are essentially what is quoted in the Wording section and the implementations are described as Effects.

Compiler Explorer Link to Before/After Examples

10 Wording

10.1 Synopsis

Modify 26.2 Header synopsis

  // [range.maybe], maybe view
  template<copy_constructible T>
    requires see below
  class maybe_view;

  template <typename T>
  constexpr inline bool enable_borrowed_range<maybe_view<T*>> = true;

  template <typename T>
  constexpr inline bool enable_borrowed_range<maybe_view<reference_wrapper<T>>> = true;

  namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified maybe = unspecified; }

10.2 Maybe View [range.maybe]

10.2.1 Overview

1 maybe_view produces a view over a nullable that is either empty if the nullable is empty, or provides access to the contents of the nullable object.

2 The name views::maybe denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). For some subexpression E, the expression views::maybe(E) is expression-equivalent to:

[Note: Whenever views::maybe(E) is a valid expression, it is a prvalue whose type models view. — end note ]

3 [ Example:

  optional o{4};
  maybe_view m{o};
  for (int i : m)
    cout << i;        // prints 4

end example ]

10.2.2 Concept nullable

1 Types that:

model the exposition only nullable concept

2 Given a value i of type I, I models nullable only if the expression *i is equality-preserving. [ Note: The expression *i is required to be valid via the exposition-only nullable concept). — end note ]

3 For convienence, the exposition-only is-reference-wrapper-v is used below.

// For Exposition
    template <typename T>
    struct is_reference_wrapper : false_type {};

    template <typename T>
    struct is_reference_wrapper<reference_wrapper<T>> : true_type {};

    template <typename T>
    inline constexpr bool is_reference_wrapper_v
        = is_reference_wrapper<T>::value;
// For Exposition
template <class Ref, class ConstRef>
concept readable_references =
    is_lvalue_reference_v<Ref> &&
    is_object_v<remove_reference_t<Ref>> &&
    is_lvalue_reference_v<ConstRef> &&
    is_object_v<remove_reference_t<ConstRef>> &&
                   const remove_reference_t<Ref>*>;

template <class T>
concept nullable =
    is_object_v<T> &&
    requires(T& t, const T& ct) {
        bool(ct); // Contextually bool
        *t; // T& is deferenceable
        *ct; // const T& is deferenceable
    && readable_references<iter_reference_t<T>,        // Ref
                           iter_reference_t<const T>>; // ConstRef

template <class T>
concept wrapped_nullable =
    && nullable<typename T::type>;

10.2.3 Class template maybe_view

namespace std::ranges {
  template <copy_constructible Maybe>
    requires (nullable<Maybe> || wrapped-nullable<Maybe>)
  class maybe_view : public view_interface<maybe_view<Maybe>> {
    using T = /* see below */
    copyable-box<Maybe> value_; // exposition only (see [range.copy.wrap])

    constexpr maybe_view() = default;
    constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe const& maybe);

    constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe&& maybe);

    template<class... Args>
    requires constructible_from<Maybe, Args...>
    constexpr maybe_view(in_place_t, Args&&... args);

    constexpr T*       begin() noexcept;
    constexpr const T* begin() const noexcept;
    constexpr T*       end() noexcept;
    constexpr const T* end() const noexcept;

    constexpr size_t size() const noexcept;

    constexpr T* data() noexcept;
    constexpr const T* data() const noexcept;
// For Exposition
    using T = std::remove_reference_t<
        iter_reference_t<typename unwrap_reference_t<Maybe>>>;
constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe const& maybe);

1 Effects: Initializes value_ with maybe.

constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe&& maybe);

2 Effects: Initializes value_ with std::move(maybe).

template<class... Args>
constexpr maybe_view(in_place_t, Args&&... args);

3 Effects: Initializes value_ as if by value_{in_place, forward<Args>(args)...}.

constexpr T* begin() noexcept;
constexpr const T* begin() const noexcept;

4 Effects: Equivalent to: return data();.

constexpr T* end() noexcept;
constexpr const T* end() const noexcept;

5 Effects: Equivalent to: return data() + size();.

static constexpr size_t size() noexcept;

6 Effects: Equivalent to:

        if constexpr (is-reference-wrapper-v<Maybe>) {
            return bool(value_.get().get());
        } else {
            return bool(value_.get());


constexpr T* data() noexcept;

7 Effects: Equivalent to:

        Maybe& m = *value_;
        if constexpr (is-reference-wrapper-v<Maybe>) {
            return m.get() ? addressof(*(m.get())) : nullptr;
        } else {
            return m ? addressof(*m) : nullptr;
constexpr const T* data() const noexcept;

8 Effects: Equivalent to:

        const Maybe& m = *value_;
        if constexpr (is-reference-wrapper-v<Maybe>) {
            return m.get() ? addressof(*(m.get())) : nullptr;
        } else {
            return m ? addressof(*m) : nullptr;

11 Impact on the standard

A pure library extension, affecting no other parts of the library or language.

12 References

[N4849] Richard Smith. 2020-01-14. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++.

[P0323R9] JF Bastien, Vicente Botet. 2019-08-03. std::expected.

[P0896R3] Eric Niebler, Casey Carter, Christopher Di Bella. 2018-10-07. The One Ranges Proposal.