Document number P3052R1
Date 2024-01-23
Audience LEWG, SG23 (Safety and Security), SG9 (Ranges)
Reply-to Hewill Kang <>



This paper provides the at() method to ranges::view_interface to provide a safe access method for the view class.

Revision history


Added wording for freestanding.


Initial revision.


Currently, the committee adopted P2821 in C++26, which adds a missing at() to std::span to consistent its API with other containers as well as std::string_view. Given that the two standard views span and string_view now have the at() method, The author thinks it's time to extend this further to generic views in <ranges>, which will bring:

  1. Consistency. P1739 brings interaction between range adaptors and span/string_view, suggesting that it makes sense to maintain API consistency. Users do not need to worry about missing functionality when converting from the first two to view such as subrange.
  2. Table — Standard range types and access APIs
    Element access operator[] at front back data
  3. Safety. Compared with standard containers, view classes do not provide any bounds checking, which makes indexing access unsafe and discourages third-party projects that focus on security. The at() method can be a turning point.


How to make all view classes provide at() (if they can)?

All range factories/adaptors in <ranges> (including std::generator) are derived from view_interface, this is intended to synthesize more members through view_interface when they model a specific range concept.

For example, a derived class that satisfies forward_range will have an available front() even if the implementation does not provide one. This makes it intuitive for users to spell something like views::single(0).front() to get the first element.

In addition, thanks to LWG 3549 reducing the size of range adaptors caused by unnecessary padding, views only need to inherit view_interface instead of view_base to be enabled. The author believes that any generic views should prefer to inherit from view_interface, such a feature of automatically inheriting functionality is very valuable.

This is what P2278 does by introducing cbegin()/cend() for views. Even though the derived class may not currently gain any benefit from view_interface, this does not mean that view_interface will not add new members or relax the constraints of some members, just as LWG 3715 makes input_ranges also have empty().

To sum up, the author believes that the implementation of at() can just by adding constrained members to view_interface.

When is at() provided?

Since at() is a random access operation, the view type needs to model random_access_range; we also need to know the size of the range for boundary checking, which requires sized_range.

What is the parameter type of the function?

There are three possible candidates for the parameter type of at().

The first is range_size_t<R>, which is the return type of ranges::size used to query range boundaries. However, since the signedness of this type is unspecified, and it is not closely related to the iterator's difference type which is involved in the implementation, the author does not consider it to be a suitable option.

So the question becomes, should the parameter type be signed i.e. range_difference_t<R>, or unsigned i.e. make-unsigned-like-t<range_difference_t<R>>? The author believes that the former is a better choice, as it maintains a consistent interface with the operator[] and eliminates the need for the additional signedness conversion.

What are the conditions for boundary checking?

When the index value n < 0 or n >= ranges::distance(r), it can be considered out of bounds.

Although the underlying iterator-based formula implies that it works with negative signed integers, e.g. subrange(v.begin() + 1, v.end())[-1] legally points to the first element, the author believes that this kind of access cannot generally be regarded as a safe operation because v.begin() is indeed excluded from the originally intended scope, in which case throwing an exception is more likely to catch user errors.

Since ranges::distance(r) is specified to return the signed value of ranges::size(r) when r is a sized_range, based on the consideration of reducing unnecessary type conversions in the previous discussion, the author prefers to use ranges::distance(r) in the condition.

Does this affect the freestanding of <ranges>?

Since view_interface::at() may throw an exception, this makes it almost impossible to support on freestanding platforms, in which case it is best to be explicitly marked as freestanding-deleted, just as span::at() and string_view::at() currently do.

This means that view_interface now needs to be changed to be partially freestanding, which does end up affecting all random-access-sized views that inherit view_interface. It might be worth considering singling them out and marking them as partially freestanding, but the author feels this is unnecessary.

Proposed change

This wording is relative to N4971.

    1. Add a new feature-test macro to 17.3.2 [version.syn]:

      #define __cpp_lib_view_interface_at 2024XXL // also in <ranges>
    2. Modify 26.2 [ranges.syn], header <ranges> synopsis, as indicated:

      #include <compare>              // see [compare.syn]
      #include <initializer_list>     // see [initializer.list.syn]
      #include <iterator>             // see [iterator.synopsis]
      namespace std::ranges {
        // [view.interface], class template view_interface
        template<class D>
          requires is_class_v<D> && same_as<D, remove_cv_t<D>>
        class view_interface;                                                             // partially freestanding
    3. Modify 26.5.3 [view.interface] as indicated:

      namespace std::ranges {
        template<class D>
          requires is_class_v<D> && same_as<D, remove_cv_t<D>>
        class view_interface {
          template<random_access_range R = D>
            constexpr decltype(auto) operator[](range_difference_t<R> n) {
              return ranges::begin(derived())[n];
          template<random_access_range R = const D>
            constexpr decltype(auto) operator[](range_difference_t<R> n) const {
              return ranges::begin(derived())[n];
          template<random_access_range R = D> requires sized_range<R>              // freestanding-deleted
            constexpr decltype(auto) at(range_difference_t<R> n);
          template<random_access_range R = const D> requires sized_range<R>        // freestanding-deleted
            constexpr decltype(auto) at(range_difference_t<R> n) const;

        template<random_access_range R = D> requires sized_range<R>
          constexpr decltype(auto) at(range_difference_t<R> n);
        template<random_access_range R = const D> requires sized_range<R>
          constexpr decltype(auto) at(range_difference_t<R> n) const;

      -?- Returns: (*this)[n].

      -?- Throws: out_of_range if n < 0 or n >= ranges::distance(derived()).


Jarrad J. Waterloo. URL:
Hannes Hauswedell. Avoid template bloat for safe_ranges in combination with ‘subrange-y’ view adaptors. URL:
[LWG 3549]
Tim Song. LWG 3549: view_interface is overspecified to derive from view_base. URL:
Barry Revzin. cbegin should always return a constant iterator. URL:
[LWG 3715]
Hewill Kang. LWG 3715: view_interface::empty is overconstrained. URL:
Ben Craig, Emil Meissner. Freestanding Library: Partial Classes. URL:


Thanks to Arthur O'Dwyer for sharing his valuable perspective on the maillist.