Better lookups for map and unordered_map

Document #: P3091R0
Date: 2024-02-06 10:36 EST
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWGI
Reply-to: Pablo Halpern

1 Abstract

The most convenient way to look up an element of a map or unordered_map is to use the index operator, i.e., theMap[key]. This operator has a number of limitations, however: 1) it does not work for const containers, 2) it does not work if the mapped type is not default-constructible, 3) it modifies the container if the key is not found 4) a default-constructed value is not always the desired value when the key is not found. These limitations often require that the user resort to using the find member function, which returns an iterator that points to a pair and typically leads to more complex code having at least one if statement and/or duplicate lookup operations. This paper take inspiration from other languages, especially Python, and proposes three simple member functions (get, get_ref, and get_as) that simplify lookups for map and unordered_map in situations where the index operator is suboptimal.

2 Motivation

Just about every modern computer language has, as part of the language or its standard library, one or more associative containers that uniquely associates a key with a mapped value, variously called map, hash_map, dictionary, or something similar. In C++ we have std::map, std::unordered_map, and eventually (per [P0429R9] and [P2767R2]) std::flat_map. The easy-to-write and easy-to-read expression for getting a value for an associated key is simply, theMap[key]; in other words, a mapped value is retrieved (and often set) using the index operator, which returns a reference to the value associated with the key. Unfortunately, the index operator in the C++ associative containers has a number of shortcomings compared to many other languages:

Consider a std::map named theMap, that maps an integer key to a floating-point value, modeling a sparse array of double. If we want to find the largest of the double values mapped to the integer keys in the range 1 to 100, we might be tempted to write the following loop:

double largest = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
  largest = std::max(largest, theMap[i]);

If theMap is const, the loop will not compile. If any of the keys in the range [1, 100] are absent from the map, then theMap[i] will return a default-constructed double having value 0.0, which might or might not be desirable, depending on whether we want to treat missing values as truly having value 0.0 or whether they should be ignored (or, equivalently, treated as having value -INF). Finally if, before executing this loop, theMap contains only, say, 5 entries, at the end of the loop it will contain at least 100 entries, most of which will have zero values.

There are alternatives that avoid all of these shortcomings, but the alternatives are significantly less elegant, and therefore more error prone. For example, the at member function looks a lot like operator[] and has none of the above shortcomings, but missing keys are handled by throwing exceptions, making it impractical for situations other than when the key is almost certain to exist. Moreover, a try-catch block within a loop is rarely a clean way to structure code:

double largest = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
  try {
    largest = std::max(largest,;
  } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { }

The above code would work with a const map, would ignore missing elements (rather than treating them as zeros), and would not populate the map with useless entries, but many would argue that the loop is inelegant, at best. In most C++ implementations, it would be extremely inefficient unless key misses are rare.

The other obvious alternative uses the find member function:

double largest = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
  auto iter = theMap.find(i);
  if (iter != theMap.end())
    largest = std::max(largest, iter->second);

This version of the loop is only slightly more verbose than our starting point and avoids all of the issues, but the use of iterators, the need to call two member functions (find and end), and having to extract the second element of the element pair for what should be a simple operation increases the cognitive load on both the programmer and the reader. Moreover, a generic use of find can yield a subtle bug. Consider function template f:

template <class Key, class Value>
void f(const Key& k, const std::map<Key, Value>& aMap)
  Value obj = some-default-obj-value-expression;
  auto iter = aMap.find(k);
  if (iter != aMap.end())
    obj = iter->second;
  // code that uses `obj` ...

The above code will not compile unless Value is copy-assignable. Worse, unless tested with a non-assignable type, the bug could go undetected for a long time. One fix would be initialize obj in a single expression:

Value obj = aMap.count(k) ? : some-default-obj-value-expression;

While correct, this solution involves two lookup operations: One for the count and one for the at. A better fix requires a bit more code:

auto iter = aMap.find(k);
Value obj = iter != aMap.end() ? iter->second : some-default-obj-value-expression;

Note that the last solution again involves iterator, pair, and a conditional expression, which is a far cry from the simplicity of operator[].

3 Proposed feature

3.1 Overview

What’s desired is a simple member function that, given a key, returns the mapped value if the key exists and a specified alternative if the value does not exist. Inspired by a similar member of Python dictionaries, I propose a get member function and related get_ref and get_as<T> member functions for all C++ dictionary-like associative containers. A slightly simplified version of set of the proposed prototypes is:

// Return by value
template <class... Args>
  mapped_type get(const key_type& key, Args&&... args) const;

// Return by reference
template <class Arg>
  common_reference_t<mapped_type&,       Arg&> get_ref(const key_type& key, Arg& ref);

template <class Arg>
  common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, Arg&> get_ref(const key_type& key, Arg& ref) const;

// Return as a specific type
template <class R, class... Args>
  R get_as(const key_type& key, Args&&... args);

template <class R, class... Args>
  R get_as(const key_type& key, Args&&... args) const;

In each case, if key is found, the corresponding mapped value is returned, otherwise, an alternative return value is constructed from the remaining arguments. The differences among the proposed member functions are in the way that the return types are determined.

3.2 The get member function

The proposed get member is the simplest to use and is suitable for types having relatively inexpensive copy constructors. If the key is found, the return value is a copy of the mapped value, otherwise the return value is constructed from args. If the key is not found and args is an empty pack, then the return value is default constructed.

Returning by value is not as expensive as it once was because the materialization rules (formerly copy elision rules) mean that fewer temporaries are created. Moreover, returning by value allows the alternative value to be specified as a prvalue such as the literal -1 or nullptr.

3.3 The get_ref member function

Sometimes returning a reference to the mapped item is desirable, either for efficiency (to avoid an expensive copy constructor) or functionality (if you want to modify the item or inspect its address). The get_ref member provides the necessary functionality. Consider an example where we modify mapped values through the reference returned from get_ref:

std::map<std::string, int> theMap;
// ...
// Increment the entries matching `names`, but only if they are already in `theMap`.
for (const auto& name : names) {
  int temp = 0;  // Value is irrelevant
  ++theMap.get_ref(name, temp);  // increment through reference
  // Possibly-modified value of `temp` is discarded here.

Note that the second argument to get_ref must be a single lvalue, in this case a local variable that will be discarded whether or not it is modified.

The function’s interface is designed to avoid accidentally binding an rvalue to a const reference argument, even when the map is const. For example, the temporary object created when converting a string literal argument to std::string would go out of scope before ref goes out of scope (lifetime extension is not transitive). The interface is designed so that this error will be caught at compile time:

void f(const std::map<int, std::string>& theMap) {
  const std::string& ref = theMap.get_ref(0, "zero");  // ERROR: temporary `std::string("zero")`
  // ...

Finally, the return type for get_ref is the common reference type between mapped_type& (or const mapped_type&) and the reference passed as the second argument. This definition makes it easy to generate a meaningful result when mixing cv-qualifications or when mixing base-class references with derived-class references in a single call:

void g(const std::map<int, int>& theMap)
  // ...
  int alt = 0;
  auto& ref = theMap.get_ref(key, alt);  // `ref` has type `const int&`
  // ...

The result of get_ref is const if either or both of the map or alternative reference are const. Thus ref is const in the example above because theMap is a const lvalue, even though alt is non-const. A similar normalization occurs when mixing base-class and derived-class references:

std::map<int, Derived> theMap;
// ...
Base alt{ ... };
auto& ref = theMap.get_ref(key, alt);  // `ref` has type `Base&`

3.4 The get_as member function

The get_as member allows the user to specify the desired return type. It is useful when the desired type is convertible from the mapped type and where a more efficient construction is possible for the alternative value. A ubiquitous example is std::string_view, which can be constructed efficiently from a std::string or a char array. The get_as member allows the mapped_type to be std::string and the alternative value to be char[] without generating extra temporary values:

std::map<int, std::string> theMap;
// ...
std::string_view sv = theMap.get_as<std::string_view>(key, "none");

The above example creates the resulting std::string_view from either the std::string stored in the map or the const char[5] passed as the alternative value, without creating an intervening std::string. It would be inefficient to convert the char array to std::string before converting it to a std::string_view and it would create lifetime issues:

// BUG: Dangling reference converting returned temporary `string` to `string_view`
std::string_view sv = theMap.get(key, "none");

// ERROR: cannot bind temporary `string` to `string&` parameter
std::string_view sv = theMap.get_ref(key, "none");

If the specified return type is a reference type, then get_as behaves much like get_ref except that the return type is exactly the specified type, rather than the deduced common reference type between the map and the alternative argument:

std::map<int, int> theMap;
const int zero = 0;

auto& v1 = theMap.get_as<int&>(0, zero);       // ERROR: `const` mismatch
auto& v2 = theMap.get_as<const int&>(0, zero); // OK

4 Before/After Comparisons

The following tables shows how operations are simplified using the proposed new member functions. In these examples K, T, and U are object types; m is an object of (possibly cv-) std::map<K, T>, unordered_map<K, T> or flat_map<K, T>, k is a value compatible with K, v is an lvalue of type (possibly cv-) T, and a1..aN are arguments that can used to construct an object of type T.

auto iter = m.find(k);
T x = iter == m.end() ? T{} : iter->second;
T x = m.get(k);
auto iter = m.find(k);
T x = iter == m.end() ? T{a1...aN} : iter->second;
T x = m.get(k, a1...aN);
T v;
auto iter = m.find(k);
T& x = iter == m.end() ? v : iter->second;
T v;
T& x = m.get_ref(k, v);
std::map<K, std::vector<U>> m{ ... };
auto iter = m.find(k);
std::span<U> x = iter == m.end() ? std::span<U>{} : iter->second;
std::map<K, std::vector<U>> m{ ... };
std::span<U> x = m.get_as<std::span<U>>(k);
std::map<K, std::vector<U>> m{ ... };
const std::array<U, N> preset{ ... };
auto iter = m.find(k);
std::span<const U> x = iter == m.end() ? std::span<const U>{preset} : iter->second;
std::map<K, std::vector<U>> m{ ... };
const std::array<U, N> preset{ ... };
std::span<const U> x = m.get_as<std::span<const U>>(k, preset);
std::unordered_map<K, U*> m{ ... };
auto iter = m.find(k);
if (iter != m.end()) {
  U* p = iter->second;
  // ...
std::unordered_map<K, U*> m{ ... };
U* p = m.get(k, nullptr);
if (p) {
  // ...
auto iter = m.find(k);
if (iter != m.end()) {
  T& r = iter->second;
  // ...
T not_found;
T& r = m.get_ref(k, not_found);
if (&r != &not_found) {
  // ...

5 Alternatives considered

5.1 Names

The name get is borrowed from the Python dictionary member of the same name. Other names considered were lookup, lookup_or, and get_or; the latter two follow the precedent of std::optional<T>::value_or. The get name was selected for conciseness and familiarity.

5.2 Return optional or expected

Some of the deficiencies of operator[] could be addressed by adding a member function that returns an optional<mapped_type> object:

// ALTERNATIVE (not proposed)
auto get(const key_type& k) const -> optional<mapped_type>;

Better yet, if [P2988R1] is adopted, it could return an optional<T&>:

// ALTERNATIVE (not proposed) with `optional<T&>` per [P2988R1]
auto get(const key_type& k)       -> optional<mapped_type&>;
auto get(const key_type& k) const -> optional<const mapped_type&>;

While this approach solves the issues listed in the motivation section of this paper, typical use would require an if statement (making it almost as verbose to use as find), or the use of value_or, making it syntactically similar to, but more complicated, than the proposed get member.

Returning T (proposed)
Returning optional<T> (not proposed)
product *= theMap.get(k, 1);
product *= theMap.get(k).value_or(1);

In the second column, a call to get, followed by a call to value_or on the returned optional causes the mapped value to be copied twice: first into the optional value, then again into the temporary returned by value_or. Even if optional<T&> is adopted, per [P2988R1], there would be no equivalent to get_ref (because [P2988R1] currently has value_or return by value, even for a reference value_type) or get_as. Ultimately, it was decided that the get interface returning optional does not provide a substantial advantage over the proposed interface, especially in the absence of optional references.

5.3 Combining get and get_ref into a single function

If the Args parameter pack happens to consist of a single lvalue reference that is compatible with mapped_type&, it would be possible to return a reference instead of a value, obviating get_ref as a separate function. Such a “simplification” was seen as confusing, especially to a human reader, who must analyze the code carefully to determine whether non-const operations on the returned entity might change a value in the original map.

5.4 Using get_as<mapped_type&> instead of get_ref

During development of the reference implementation for this proposal, get_as was seen as sufficient for returning a reference to a member object. Trying to use the library in usage examples turned up some disadvantages, however:

The introduction of get_ref made the code easier to read and write, which is the point of this entire paper.

5.5 Rvalue overloads

I considered adding an rvalue-reference overload for get_ref that would accept rvalue reference alternative and return an rvalue reference. None of the other element lookup functions are overloaded in this way, however (e.g., std::move(m)[k] does not return an rvalue reference), so an rvalue overload would be novel and inconsistent. If, in the future, operator[] and at were to be enhanced with rvalue overloads, then get_ref should be, as well.

5.6 Free functions instead of members

It is possible to provide the functionality described in this paper using namespace-scope functions, without modifying std::map and std::unordered_map:

template <class Map, class K, class... Args>
  typename Map::mapped_type get(Map& m, const K& k, Args&&... args);

auto x = get(m, k, a1...aN);

One benefit to this approach is that the get template can handle any dictionary type that follows the general formula of std::map (i.e., having a mapped_type, and a find that returns an iterator pointing to a key-value pair). Such an approach has disadvantages, however:

In the end, it seemed wise to stick to member functions.

6 Implementation Experience

An implementation, with tests and usage examples, can be found at

7 Wording

Changes are relative to the 2023-12-18 working draft, [N4971].

In [map.overview]1/2, insert the get, get_ref, and get_as element-access members:

// [map.access], element access
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& x);
mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& x);
template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& x);
mapped_type& at(const key_type& x);
const mapped_type& at(const key_type& x) const;
template<class K> mapped_type& at(const K& x);
template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& x) const;
template <class... Args> mapped_type get(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class K, class... Args> mapped_type get(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref);
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref) const;
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type& , U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref);
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref) const;
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

Wording question: In my reference implementation, I declared all of these functions as [[nodiscard]], but the standard currently seems to use that attribute very parsimoniously, mostly (but not exclusively) in situations where a resource might leak or where a function returning a result could be confused with a function that modifies its input. These functions fit neither criteria, should they be [[nodiscard]] or not?

At the end of [map.access], add these descriptions:

template <class... Args> mapped_type get(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class K, class... Args> mapped_type get(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

Constraints: For the second overload, the qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type.

Returns: get_as<mapped_type>(x, std::forward<Args>(args)...).

template <class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref);
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref) const;
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type& , U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref);
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref) const;

Constraints: For the third and fourth overloads, the qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type.


  • The expression find(x) is well-formed.
  • The result type is a reference type.
  • find(x)->second and ref are both convertible to the result type.

Preconditions: The expression find(x) has well-defined behavior.

Returns: find(x)->second if find(x) == end() is false, otherwise ref.

Throws: nothing

Complexity: Logarithmic

Editorial comment: The last two mandates are expressed in English rather than code because to express them in code would involve a hard-to-read construction like is_convertible_v<decltype((find(x)->second)), common_reference_t<decltype((find(x)->second)), U&>. This could be simplified using some “Let CV_MAPPED_TYPE be…” language if LWG prefers it.

template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

Constraints: For the third and fourth overloads, the qualified-id Compare::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type.


  • The expression find(x) is well-formed.
  • find(x)->second is convertible to R.
  • is_constructible<R, Args...> is true.
  • If R is a reference type, then sizeof...(Args) is 1 and is_lvalue_reference_v<Args...> is true.

Preconditions: The expression find(x) has well-defined behavior.

Returns: find(x)->second if find(x) == end() is false, otherwise R(std::forward<Args>(args)...).

Throws: nothing unless the result object’s constructor throws.

Complexity: Logarithmic

In []/3, insert the get, get_ref, and get_as element-access members:

// [], element access
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& x);
mapped_type& operator[](key_type&& x);
template<class K> mapped_type& operator[](K&& x);
mapped_type& at(const key_type& x);
const mapped_type& at(const key_type& x) const;
template<class K> mapped_type& at(const K& x);
template<class K> const mapped_type& at(const K& x) const;
template <class... Args> mapped_type get(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class K, class... Args> mapped_type get(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref);
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref) const;
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type& , U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref);
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref) const;
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

At the end of [], add these descriptions:

template <class... Args> mapped_type get(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class K, class... Args> mapped_type get(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

Constraints: For the second overload, the qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types.

Returns: get_as<mapped_type>(x, std::forward<Args>(args)...).

template <class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref);
template <class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const key_type& x, U& ref) const;
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<mapped_type& , U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref);
template <class K, class U>
    common_reference_t<const mapped_type&, U&> get_ref(const K& x, U& ref) const;

Constraints: For the third and fourth overloads, the qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types.


  • The expression find(x) is well-formed.
  • The result type is a reference type.
  • find(x)->second and ref are both convertible to the result type.

Preconditions: The expression find(x) has well-defined behavior.

Returns: find(x)->second if find(x) == end() is false, otherwise ref.

Throws: nothing

Complexity: Logarithmic

template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class... Args> R get_as(const key_type& x, Args&&... args) const;
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args);
template <class R, class K, class... Args> R get_as(const K& x, Args&&... args) const;

Constraints: For the third and fourth overloads, the qualified-ids Hash::is_transparent and Pred::is_transparent are valid and denote types.


  • The expression find(x) is well-formed.
  • find(x)->second is convertible to R.
  • is_constructible<R, Args...> is true.
  • If R is a reference type, then sizeof...(Args) is 1 and is_lvalue_reference_v<Args...> is true.

Preconditions: The expression find(x) has well-defined behavior.

Returns: find(x)->second if find(x) == end() is false, otherwise R(std::forward<Args>(args)...).

Throws: nothing unless the result object’s constructor throws.

Complexity: Logarithmic

8 References

[N4971] Thomas Köppe. 2023-12-18. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++.
[P0429R9] Zach Laine. 2022-06-17. A Standard flat_map.
[P2767R2] Arthur O’Dwyer. 2023-12-09. flat_map/flat_set omnibus.
[P2988R1] Steve Downey, Peter Sommerlad. 2024-01-05. std::optional<T&>.

  1. All citations to the Standard are to working draft N4971 unless otherwise specified.↩︎