
Document #: P3138R0
Date: 2024-02-14
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: SG9
Reply-to: Tim Song

1 Abstract

This paper proposes the views::cache_last adaptor that caches the result of the last dereference of the underlying iterator. To support this adaptor, it also proposes a relaxation of [] for operations on input-only iterators.

2 Motivation

The motivation for this view is given in [P2760R1] and quoted below for convenience:

One of the adaptors that we considered for C++23 but ended up not pursuing was what range-v3 calls cache1 and what we’d instead like to call something like cache_last. This is an adaptor which, as the name suggests, caches the last element. The reason for this is efficiency - specifically avoiding extra work that has to be done by iterator dereferencing.

The canonical example of this is transform(f) | filter(g), where if you then iterate over the subsequent range, f will be invoked twice for every element that satisfies g:

int main()
    std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    auto even_squares = v
        | std::views::transform([](int i){
                std::print("transform: {}\n", i);
                return i * i;
        | std::views::filter([](int i){
                std::print("filter: {}\n", i);
                return i % 2 == 0;

    for (int i : even_squares) {
        std::print("Got: {}\n", i);

prints the following (note that there are 7 invocations of transform):

transform: 1
filter: 1
transform: 2
filter: 4
transform: 2
Got: 4
transform: 3
filter: 9
transform: 4
filter: 16
transform: 4
Got: 16
transform: 5
filter: 25

The solution here is to add a layer of caching:

auto even_squares = v
    | views::transform(square)
    | views::cache_last
    | views::filter(is_even);

Which will ensure that square will only be called once per element.

3 Design

3.1 Caching in operator*

This is the only reasonable place for this caching to happen. Caching in operator++ would require unnecessary overhead on every traversal if the user does not need to dereference every iterator (e.g., a striding view).

3.2 Relaxing []

Because operator* is required to be a const member function (the cost of relaxing that requirement would be prohibitive as it affects every iterator and range adaptor), yet we want to have it perform a potentially-modifying operation, our options are basically:

This paper proposes the former. Input-only iterators, in general, are poor candidates for sharing across threads because, even when copyable (and they are not required to be in C++20), they are subject to “spooky action at a distance” where incrementing one iterator invalidates all copies thereof. This is why parallel algorithms require at least forward iterators. Sharing references to the same input iterator across threads seems like a fairly contrived scenario.

Moreover, std::istreambuf_iterator already doesn’t meet this requirement in every major standard library implementation yet it does not seem to have appeared on any standard library maintainer’s radar in the decade since the publication of C++11. This further suggests that this guarantee is not relied upon in practice for input-only iterators.

It is true that we could require synchronization on operator*() const. This probably isn’t terrible expensive in this context (we only need to protect against operator* calls racing with each other, not them racing with operator++), but adding synchronization to an adaptor whose primary purpose is to improve performance seems particularly dissatisfying when that synchronization will almost never be actually necessary.

3.3 What’s the reference type?

range-v3 uses range_value_t<V>&&, but this somewhat defeats the purpose of caching if you can so easily invalidate it. Moreover, there doesn’t seem to be a reason to force an independent copy of the value_type. So long as the underlying iterator is not modified, the reference obtained from operator* should remain valid.

This paper therefore proposes range_reference_t<V>&. Note that even if the reference type is a real reference, it can be an expensive-to-compute reference, so caching could still make sense.

3.4 Properties

cache_last is never borrowed, input-only, never common, and not const-iterable.

3.5 iter_move and iter_swap

indirectly_readable and indirectly_swappable requires iter_move and iter_swap to respectively not modify i (in the 18.2 [concepts.equality] sense). Moreover, indirectly_readable requires *i to be equality-preserving. So the cache should not be invalidated by either operation. (The underlying element might be modified, but the reference itself, obtained from dereferencing the iterator, cannot.)

4 Wording

This wording is relative to [N4971].

4.1 Carve-out for input iterators from []

Edit [] p3 as indicated:

3 A C++ standard library function other than a member or friend function of a non-forward input iterator (25.3.4 [iterator.concepts], 25.3.5 [iterator.cpp17]) shall not directly or indirectly modify objects (6.9.2 [intro.multithread]) accessible by threads other than the current thread unless the objects are accessed directly or indirectly via the function’s non-const arguments, including this.

4.2 Addition to <ranges>

Add the following to 26.2 [ranges.syn], header <ranges> synopsis:

// [...]
namespace std::ranges {
  // [...]

  // [range.cache.last], to input view
  template<input_range V>
    requires view<V>
  class cache_last_view;

  namespace views {
    inline constexpr unspecified cache_last = unspecified;


4.3 cache_last

Add the following subclause to 26.7 [range.adaptors]:

26.7.? Cache last view [range.cache.last]

26.7.?.1 Overview [range.cache.last.overview]

1 cache_last_view caches the last element of its underlying sequence so that the element does not have to be recomputed on repeated access. Note 1: This is useful if computation of the element to produce is expensive. — end note ]

2 The name views::cache_last denotes a range adaptor object (26.7.2 [range.adaptor.object]). Let E be an expression. The expression views​::cache_last(E) is expression-equivalent to cache_last_view(E). [ Drafting note: Intentional CTAD to avoid double wrapping if E is already a cache_last_view. ]

26.7.?.2 Class template cache_last_view [range.cache.last.view]

template<input_range V>
  requires view<V>
class cache_last_view : public view_interface<cache_last_view<V>>{
  V base_ = V();                                                       // exposition only
  using cache_t = conditional_t<is_reference_v<range_reference_t<V>>,  // exposition only

  non-propagating-cache<cache_t> cache_;                               // exposition only

  class iterator;                                                      // exposition only
  class sentinel;                                                      // exposition only

  cache_last_view() requires default_initializable<V> = default;
  constexpr explicit cache_last_view(V base);

  constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
  constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }

  constexpr auto begin();
  constexpr auto end();

  constexpr auto size() requires sized_range<V>;
  constexpr auto size() const requires sized_range<const V>;

template<class R>
  cache_last_view(R&&) -> cache_last_view<views::all_t<R>>;
constexpr explicit cache_last_view(V base);

1 Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base).

constexpr auto begin();

2 Effects: Equivalent to:

return iterator(*this);
constexpr auto end();

3 Effects: Equivalent to:

return sentinel(*this);
constexpr auto size() requires sized_range<V>;
constexpr auto size() const requires sized_range<const V>;

4 Effects: Equivalent to:

return ranges::size(base_);

26.7.?.3 Class cache_last_view::iterator [range.cache.last.iterator]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V>
    requires view<V>
  class cache_last_view<V>::iterator {
    cache_last_view* parent_;                                 // exposition only
    iterator_t<V> current_;                                   // exposition only

    constexpr explicit iterator(cache_last_view& parent);     // exposition only

    using difference_type = range_difference_t<V>;
    using value_type = range_value_t<V>;
    using iterator_concept = input_iterator_tag;

    iterator(iterator&&) = default;
    iterator& operator=(iterator&&) = default;

    constexpr iterator_t<V> base() &&;
    constexpr const iterator_t<V>& base() const & noexcept;

    constexpr range_reference_t<V>& operator*() const;

    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr void operator++(int);

    friend constexpr range_rvalue_reference_t<V> iter_move(const iterator& i)

    friend constexpr void iter_swap(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
      noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_swap(x.current_, y.current_)))
      requires indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<V>>;
constexpr explicit iterator(cache_last_view& parent);

1 Effects: Initializes current_ with ranges::begin(parent.base_) and parent_ with addressof(parent).

constexpr iterator_t<V> base() &&;

2 Returns: std::move(current_).

constexpr const iterator_t<V>& base() const & noexcept;

3 Returns: current_.

constexpr iterator& operator++();

4 Effects: Equivalent to:

   return *this;
constexpr void operator++(int);

5 Effects: Equivalent to: ++*this;

constexpr range_reference_t<V>& operator*() const;

6 Effects: Equivalent to:

  if constexpr (is_reference_v<range_reference_t<V>>) {
    if (!parent_->cache_) {
      parent_->cache_ = addressof(as-lvalue(*current_));
    return **parent_->cache_;
  else {
    if (!parent_->cache_) {
    return *parent_->cache_;
friend constexpr range_rvalue_reference_t<V> iter_move(const iterator& i)

7 Effects: Equivalent to: return ranges::iter_move(i.current_);

friend constexpr void iter_swap(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
  noexcept(noexcept(ranges::iter_swap(x.current_, y.current_)))
  requires indirectly_swappable<iterator_t<V>>;

8 Effects: Equivalent to: ranges::iter_swap(x.current_, y.current_);

26.7.?.3 Class cache_last_view::sentinel [range.cache.last.sentinel]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V>
    requires view<V>
  class cache_last_view<V>::sentinel {
    sentinel_t<V> end_ = sentinel_t<V>();               // exposition only

    constexpr explicit sentinel(cache_last_view& parent);   // exposition only

    sentinel() = default;

    constexpr sentinel_t<V> base() const;

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const sentinel& y);
constexpr explicit sentinel(cache_last_view& parent);

1 Effects: Initializes end_ with ranges::end(parent.base_).

constexpr sentinel_t<V> base() const;

2 Returns: end_.

friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const sentinel& y);

3 Returns: x.current_ == y.end_;

5 References

[N4971] Thomas Köppe. 2023-12-18. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++.

[P2760R1] Barry Revzin. 2023-12-15. A Plan for C++26 Ranges.