1. Introduction
[P1494R5] "Partial program correctness"
introduced so-called observable checkpoints into the language,
as well as the function
to establish such a checkpoint in the program.
Three issues with the name
have been brought up ([Reflector], [Reddit]):
It doesn’t express intent very well, and a longer name could do that better.
Some associate it with the "observer" design pattern, but it is unrelated.
It is a short name, and using it for observable checkpoints now may impede future standardization.
1.1. How did it end up being called std :: observable
The name originated in P1494R0.
LEWG last discussed the name during its review of P1494R2 ([TeleconMinutes]).
Alternative names (including
) came up during that discussion,
but LEWG did not poll names.
The minutes of LEWG’s review of P1494R3 do not record a discussion of names.
Note: This does not mean to imply that LEWG neglected its duties. [P1494R5] itself does not discuss alternative names or request naming feedback.
EWG reviews did not poll names, and their minutes do not record a discussion of names. No further discussion of names occurred until the plenary vote at Hagenberg 2025.
Considering the situation, a name change should be polled before Sofia 2025. This needs to be done via paper or national body comment because [P1494R5] has already been approved in plenary.
2. Design
In discussions,
has emerged as a favorite suggestion.
It is a very good name because it is self-explanatory:
establishes an observable checkpoint.
std :: observable_checkpoint ()
This expresses intent as elegantly as
which documents that a point in the program is unreachable (or else ...).
Note: Various other options such as
have been discussed.
is proposed because it’s most likely to achieve consensus.
on its own makes little sense
because it’s not trying to say that a point in the program is observable, or that it is observable behavior.
is a checkpoint for prior observable behavior.
This intent should be expressed in the function name.
Furthermore it has been suggested in [Discussion] to add a feature-test macro for the library function. After all,
there is a
macro, and__cpp_lib_unreachable
andstd :: unreachable
are similar,std :: observable -
[P1494R5] adds no feature-test macro for observable checkpoints (and it shouldn’t), and
it is useful to know whether the
function exists.std :: observable_checkpoint
Note: I was unable to find any discussion of a feature-test macro in meeting minutes, so lack thereof may be an oversight, rather than conscious design.
3. Proposed wording
The following changes are relative to [N5001] with the changes in [P1494R5] applied.
In subclause [intro.abstract], modify the note attached to paragraph 5 as follows:
[ Note: A call to std :: observable _checkpoint
([utility.undefined]) is an observable checkpoint. — end note ]
In subclause [utility.syn], modify the synopsis as follows:
// [utility.undefined], undefined behavior [[ noreturn ]] void unreachable () noexcept ; void observable _checkpoint () noexcept ;
In subclause [version.syn], add a feature-test macro as follows:
#define __cpp_lib_observable_checkpoint 2025XXL // freestanding, also in <utility>
In subclause [utility.undefined],
modify the declaration of
as follows:
void observable _checkpoint () noexcept ; Effects: Establishes an observable checkpoint ([intro.abstract]).
4. Acknowledgements
Thanks to Mark Hoemmen for researching § 1.1 How did it end up being called std::observable?.