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Add max() to latch and barrier

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Abstract

Add a static constexpr ptrdiff_t max() noexcept; function to classes latch and barrier, which returns the maximum number of threads that the implementation supports arriving at the latch or barrier.

2. Motivation

Both latch ([thread.latch]) and barrier ([thread.barrier]) have a constructor that takes a ptrdiff_t expected parameter that indicates how many threads need to arrive at the latch or barrier before waiting threads are unblocked. The constructors in both classes require that expected be non-negative. But they don’t place any upper limit on the value of the argument. It is well-formed for a program to create a latch or barrier with an expected count of std::numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>::max(). It is unlikely that an implementation could support that in a useful way.

Implementations of latch and barrier can have better performance without sacrificing any usefulness if the implementor is allowed to limit the expected count.

3. Wording

3.1. class latch

Change the beginning of the class summary in 32.8.3 "Class latch" [thread.latch.class] as follows:

namespace std {
  class latch {
    static constexpr ptrdiff_t max() noexcept;
    constexpr explicit latch(ptrdiff_t expected);
    // ...

Insert the following after paragraph 2 (just before the constructor) in [thread.latch.class]:

static constexpr ptrdiff_t max() noexcept;

Returns: The maximum value of counter that the implementation supports.

Change the description of the constructor in [thread.latch.class] as follows:

constexpr explicit latch(ptrdiff_t expected);

Expects: expected >= 0 is true and expected <= max() is true .

Effects: Initializes counter with expected.

Throws: Nothing.

3.2. class barrier

Change the beginning of the class summary in "Class template barrier" [thread.barrier.class] as follows:

namespace std {
  template<class CompletionFunction = see below>
  class barrier {
    using arrival_token = see below;
    static constexpr ptrdiff_t max() noexcept;
    constexpr explicit barrier(ptrdiff_t expected,
                               CompletionFunction f = CompletionFunction());
    // ...

Insert the following just after paragraph 7 (just before the constructor) in [thread.barrier.class]:

static constexpr ptrdiff_t max() noexcept;

Returns: The maximum expected count that the implementation supports.

Change the description of the constructor in [thread.barrier.class] as follows:

constexpr explicit barrier(ptrdiff_t expected,
                           CompletionFunction f = CompletionFunction());

Expects: expected >= 0 is true and expected <= max() is true .

Effects: Sets both the initial expected count for each barrier phase and the current expected count for the first phase to expected. Initializes completion with std::move(f). Starts the first phase. [Note: If expected is 0 this object can only be destroyed. -- end note ]

Throws: Any exception thrown by CompletionFunction's move constructor.