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Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21
Issue Tracking:
GitHub Mick235711/wg21-papers

This paper proposes the views::scan range adaptor family, which takes a range and a function that takes the current element and the current state as parameters. Basically, views::scan is a lazy view version of std::inclusive_scan, or views::transform with a stateful function. To make common usage of this adaptor easier, this paper also proposes views::partial_sum, which is views::scan with the binary function defaulted to +.

The views::scan adaptor is classified as a Tier 1 item in the Ranges plan for C++26 ([P2760R1]).

1. Revision History

1.1. R2 (2025-01 pre-Hagenberg Mailing)

1.2. R1 (2024-10 pre-Wrocław Mailing)

1.3. R0 (2024-07 post-St. Louis Mailing)

2. Motivation

The motivation for this view is given in [P2760R1] and quoted below for convenience:

If you want to take a range of elements and get a new range that is applying f to every element, that’s transform(f). But there are many cases where you need a transform to that is stateful. That is, rather than have the input to f be the current element (and require that f be regular_invocable), have the input to f be both the current element and the current state.

For instance, given the range [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], if you want to produce the range [1, 3, 6, 10, 15] - you can’t get there with transform. Instead, you need to use scan using + as the binary operator. The special case of scan over + is partial_sum.

One consideration here is how to process the first element. You might want [1, 3, 6, 10, 15] and you might want [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15] (with one extra element), the latter could be called a prescan.

This adaptor is also present in ranges-v3, where it is called views::partial_sum with the function parameter defaulted to std::plus{}. However, as [P2760R1] rightfully pointed out, partial_sum is probably not suitable for a generic operation like this that can do much more than just calculating partial sum, similar to how accumulate is not a suitable name for a general fold. Therefore, the more generic scan name is chosen to reflect the nature of this operation. (More discussion on the naming are present in the later sections.)

3. Design

3.1. What Is Being Proposed?

std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::println("{}", vec | views::scan(std::plus{})); // [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
std::println("{}", vec | views::partial_sum); // [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
std::println("{}", vec | views::scan(std::plus{}, 10)); // [11, 13, 16, 20, 25]
std::println("{}", vec | views::partial_sum(10)); // [11, 13, 16, 20, 25]

3.2. Background

Scan is a pretty common operation in functional programming. On its simplest form, scanning a sequence x0, x1, x2, ... gives you back the sequence x0, x0 + x1, x0 + x1 + x2, ..., essentially doing a prefix sum. When generalizing + to an arbitrary binary function, scan become a form of "partial" fold, in which fold-like operation is performed but with intermediate result preserved.

There are two forms of scan defined in a mathematical sense: inclusive scan and exclusive scan. An inclusive scan includes i-th term of the original sequence when computing the i-th term of the resulting sequence, while the exclusive scan does not. Inclusive scan may optionally include an initial seed s that will be used to compute the first output term, while exclusive scan requires an initial seed as the first output term directly. When summarized in a table, both forms of scan looks like this:

Original x0 x1 x2 x3
Inclusive x0 f(x0, x1) f(f(x0, x1), x2) f(f(f(x0, x1), x2), x3)
With Seed
f(s, x0) f(f(s, x0), x1) f(f(f(s, x0), x1), x2) f(f(f(f(s, x0), x1), x2), x3)
Exclusive s f(s, x0) f(f(s, x0), x1) f(f(f(s, x0), x1), x2)

We can see clearly that both forms of scan are easily interconvertible, as shifting the inclusive scan result right once, prepend the initial seed, and drop the last term gives you the exclusive scan result. Another critical characteristic of exclusive scan is that they disregard the last input term to preserve the length of the sequence.

In light of this, a third, more general scan semantics was implemented by some languages (like Haskell’s scanl): Prepend the initial seed, but does not drop the last term. This is called prescan semantics in previous revisions of this proposal, and has the notable characteristic that the resulting sequence will be one longer than the input. When applied to the sequence [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and using addition as the binary function, the three scan semantics gives the following results:

Original [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Inclusive [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
With Seed 10
[11, 13, 16, 20, 25]
With Seed 10
[10, 11, 13, 16, 20]
With Seed 10
[10, 11, 13, 16, 20, 25]

C++ STL provides std::partial_sum and std::inclusive_scan (latter since C++17) with the inclusive semantics, and std::exclusive_scan (since C++17) with the exclusive semantics. Previous revisions of this proposal proposes both the inclusive and the prescan semantics, while the current revision only proposes the inclusive semantics. As can be seen in the Prior Arts sections below, inclusive semantics is the most commonly used and provided semantic in most languages, and other two semantics can be easily constructed by manipulating the inclusive result with existing range adaptors:

exclusive_scan(rng, func, init) = concat(single(init), scan(rng, func, init) | drop_last(1))
prescan(rng, func, init) = concat(single(init), scan(rng, func, init))

Therefore, the author thinks that providing only the inclusive semantics is sufficient.

3.3. Prior Art

The scan adaptor/algorithm had made an appearance in many different libraries and languages:

Summarized in a table (without additional note, all functions provide inclusive scan semantics):

Library Signature Parameter Function With
Lazy Adaptors
range-v3 /
partial_sum (rng[, fun])
(Exclusive semantics)
(rng, init[, fun])
Proposed scan (rng, func[, init])
partial_sum (rng[, init]) N/A
Eager Algorithms
STL std::partial_sum (rng, out[, func])
std::inclusive_scan (rng, out[, func[, init]])
(Exclusive semantics)
(rng, out, init[, func])
accumulate (rng[, fun[, init=init]])
NumPy cumsum (rng) N/A
<func>.accumulate (rng)
Rust iter.scan (init, func)
Kotlin <rng>.scan (init, func)
Haskell scanl1 (func, rng)
(prescan semantics)
(func, init, rng)

3.4. Alternative Names

The author thinks views::scan and views::partial_sum are pretty good names. The former have prior example in std::[in,ex]clusive_scan and in Rust/Kotlin, and is a generic enough name that will not cause confusion. The latter also have prior example in std::partial_sum, and partial sum is definitely one of the canonical terms of describing this operation.

However, one possible naming conflict recently has arisen: std::scan ([P1729R5]). Here, the name scan refers to a completely different concept: scanning user’s input, and std::scan is proposed as an upgraded version of the scanf family and uses std::format-like syntax to parse variables from a given string input:

auto result = std::scan<std::string, int>("answer = 42", "{} = {}");
const auto& [key, value] = result->values();
// key == "answer", value == 42

As noted above, this interpretation of the name scan also has precedence in the standard library: the scanf family, so this meaning also makes some sense.

Notice that std::scan and views::scan do not conflict with each other since these two names are in different namespaces. However, it may be of interest to SG9/LEWG to rename views::scan to a different name in order to avoid user confusion about two unrelated facilities being named the same. In light of this, the following list of alternative names is provided for consideration:

Alternative names considered for views::scan: (in order of decreasing preference)

Alternative names considered for views::partial_sum: (in order of decreasing preference)

Overall, the author doesn’t find any of these options particularly intriguing and opts to propose the original naming of scan and partial_sum. This does not actually conflict with std::scan, and besides, the standard library is already adopting two meanings of scan by introducing both scanf and std::[in, ex]clusive_scan, so it shouldn’t be that much of a confusion risk to the users.

3.5. Left or Right Fold?

Theoretically, there are two possible direction of scanning a range:

// rng = [x1, x2, x3, ...]
scan_left(rng, f, i) // [x1, f(x1, x2), f(f(x1, x2), x3), ...]
scan_right(rng, f, i) // [x1, f(x2, x1), f(x3, f(x2, x1)), ...]

Both are certainly viable, which begs the question: Should we provide both?

On the one hand, ranges::fold provided both the left and the right fold version, despite the fact that right fold can be simulated by reversing the range and the function parameter order. However, here, the simulation is even easier: just reversing the order of the function parameters will turn a left scan to a right scan.

Furthermore, all of the mentioned prior arts perform left scan, and it is hard to come up with a valid use case of right scan that cannot be easily covered by left scan. Therefore, the author only proposes left scan in this proposal.

3.5.1. SG9 Review, Wrocław (2024-11)

SG9 agreed that only left scan is needed, since a right scan can be easily simulated by flipping the arguments of the function provided. The fundamental difference between fold and scan here is that fold requires both reversing the range and flipping the arguments when changing from left to right, while scan only requires the latter.

3.6. More Convenience Aliases

Obviously, there are more aliases that can be provided besides partial_sum. The three most useful aliases are:

std::vector<int> vec{3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 9, 0, 7, 5, 8}
partial_sum(vec) // [3, 7, 13, 15, 16, 25, 25, 32, 37, 45]
partial_product(vec) // [3, 12, 72, 144, 144, 1296, 0, 0, 0, 0]
running_min(vec) // [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
running_max(vec) // [3, 4, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]

Which are the results of applying std::plus{}, std::multiplies{}, ranges::min, and ranges::max.

Looking at the results, these are certainly very useful aliases, even as useful as partial_sum. However, as stated above, all of these three aliases can be achieved by simply passing the corresponding function object (currently, min/max doesn’t have a function object, but ranges::min and ranges::max become useable after [P3136R1] was adopted in Wrocław (2024-11)) as the function parameter, so I’m not sure it is worth the hassle of specification. Therefore, currently this proposal do not include the other three aliases, but the author is happy to add them should SG9/LEWG request.

As for partial_sum itself, there are several reasons why this alias should be added, that is certainly stronger than the case for product, min and max:

One remaining question is whether partial_sum should be a standalone adaptor alias, or should it be folded into scan as the default function parameter. On the one hand, range-v3’s views::partial_sum does this folding by using a function parameter defaults to std::plus{}. On the other hand, the author thinks that this will definitely cause some confusion to the users, due to the fact that a generic name like scan defaults to std::plus as its function parameter:

vec | views::scan // what should this mean?

This is similar to the scenario encountered by ranges::fold ([P2322R6]), where despite the old algorithm std::accumulate took std::plus as the default function parameter, ranges::fold still choose to not have a default. The author feels that the same should be done for views::scan (i.e. no default function), and introduce a separate views::partial_sum alias that more clearly convey the intent.

3.7. Range Properties

All three proposed views are range adaptors, i.e. can be piped into. partial_sum is just an alias for scan(std::plus{}), so it will not be mentioned in the below analysis.

3.7.1. Reference and Value Type

Consider the following:

std::vector<double> vec{1.0, 1.5, 2.0};
vec | views::scan(std::plus{}, 1);

Obviously, we expect the result to be [1.0, 2.0, 3.5, 5.5], not [1, 2, 3, 5], therefore for scan we cannot just use the initial seed’s type as the resulting range’s reference/value type.

There are two choices we can make: (for input range type Rng, function type F and initial seed type T)

  1. Just use the reference/value type of the input range. This is consistent with std::partial_sum. (range-v3 also chose this approach, using the input range’s value type as the reference type of scan_view)

  2. Be a bit clever, and use decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, ranges::range_reference_t<Rng>>>. In other words, the return type of func(init, *rng.begin()).

Note that the second option don’t really covers all kind of functions, since it is entirely plausible that func will change its return type in every invocation. However, this should be enough for nearly all normal cases, and is the decision chosen by [P2322R6] for ranges::fold_left[_first]. For scan without an initial seed, this approach can also work, by returning the return type of func(*rng.begin(), *rng.begin()).

Although the second choice is a bit complex in design, it also avoids the following footgun:

std::vector<int> vec{1, 4, 2147483647, 3};
vec | views::scan(std::plus{}, 0L);

With the first choice, the resulting range’s value type will be int, which would result in UB due to overflow. With the second choice the resulting value type will be long which is fine. (Unfortunately, if you omit the initial seed here it will still be UB, and that cannot be fixed.)

The second choice also enables the following use case:

// Assumes that std::to_string also has an overload for std::string that just returns the argument
std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3};
vec | views::scan(
    [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return std::to_string(a) + std::to_string(b); },
) // ["21", "212", "2123"]

Given that ranges::fold_left[_first] chose the second approach, the author thinks that the second approach is the correct one to pursue. In other words, the value type of scan_view will be decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, ranges::range_reference_t<Rng>>>, and the reference type will be const value_type&.

3.7.2. Category

At most forward. (In other words, forward if the input range is forward, otherwise input.)

The resulting range cannot be bidirectional, since the function parameter cannot be applied in reverse. A future extension may enable a scan with both forward and backward function parameter, but that is outside the scope of this paper.

3.7.3. Common


This is consistent with range-v3’s implementation. The reasoning is that each iterator needs to store both the current position and the current partial sum (generalized), so that the end() position’s iterator is not readily available in O(1) time.

3.7.4. Sized

If and only if the input range is sized. The reported size is always equal to the input range’s size.

Also, given that [P2846R5] is on track to be adopted for C++26, scan_view also adapted that proposal by adding reserve_hint() members who forwards the underlying view’s reserve_hint() result appropriately.

3.7.5. Const-Iterable

Similar to views::transform, if and only if the input range is const-iterable and func is const-invocable.

3.7.6. Borrowed


At least for now. Currently, views::transform is never borrowed, but after [P3117R1] determined suitable criteria for storing the function parameter in the iterator, it can be conditionally borrowed.

Theoretically, the same can be applied to scan_view to make it conditionally borrowed by storing the function and the initial value inside the iterator. However, the author would like to wait until [P3117R1] lands to make this change.

3.8. Feature Test Macro

This proposal added a new feature test macro __cpp_lib_ranges_scan, which signals the availability of both scan and partial_sum adaptors.

3.9. Freestanding

[P1642R11] included nearly everything in <ranges> into freestanding, except views::istream and the corresponding view types. However, range adaptors added after [P1642R11], like views::concat and views::enumerate did not include themselves in freestanding.

The author assumes that this is an oversight, since I cannot see any reason for those views to not be in freestanding. As a result, the range adaptor proposed by this paper will be included in freestanding. (Adding freestanding markers to the two views mentioned above is probably out of scope for this paper, but if LWG decides that this paper should also solve that oversight, the author is happy to comply.)

3.10. Future Extensions

Several future extensions to the proposed scan adaptor are possible and seen in other languages. These are outside the scope of this proposal and are only listed here as a record for inspiration.

One obvious extension is to provide a variant that allows functions that operate on indexes, similar to Kotlin’s scanIndexed member:

>>> scanIndexed(["a", "b", "c"], "start", lambda index, acc, elem: acc + f", {index}: {elem}")
["start, 0: a", "start, 0: a, 1: b", "start, 0: a, 1: b, 2: c"]

This is already achievable in C++ by using views::enumerate and manually unpacking the tuple elements inside the function. A direct scan_indexed adaptor would be more convenient but ultimately does not provide new functionalities that cannot be achieved using existing tools, so it is not proposed.

Another extension concerns the parallelism potential for the scan algorithm. At first glance, scan seems to be a completely serial algorithm that cannot be paralleled, as each term depends on the previous intermediate result. However, by iteratively performing the scanned function, the algorithm can actually be paralleled and can be completed in logarithmic time regarding to the number of elements when parallel resources are abundant. See the Wikipedia page for details.

In light of this, concerns are raised about the proposed scan adaptor in that it does not permit this kind of reorder for paralleled execution:

// Previous: two passes, two launches, each paralleled
ranges::inclusive_scan(par, rng, rng);
ranges::transform(par, rng, some_func);

// After: one pass but actually serial
ranges::transform(par, rng | views::partial_sum, some_func);

This is due to the fact that scan_view is at most forward, and thus, all the scanning operations can only be performed in sequence.

However, the author is unable to find a satisfactory solution to this problem. With the C++ iterator model, efficient paralleled algorithm execution is only possible with random access iterator/range inputs, as referring to an arbitrary point in the iteration space at a constant time is often an integral part of the algorithm. Although C++17 parallel algorithms generally only require forward iterators, in practice, most implementations (like libstdc++ and libc++) will de facto require random access iterators to enable parallelism and silently fall back to serial execution with lower categories. Existing third-party parallel libraries like OpenMP and oneTBB also nearly always require random access iterators in their algorithms.

Yet, it is impossible to make scan_view a random access range. Doing so will not only require a way to get the previous results (probably through an additional reversal functor) but also requires efficient computation of the N-th element in the output range, which by definition requires N execution of the function and thus is impossible to be made efficient. The parallel algorithm for scan requires a substantially different iterator/adaptor model that allows efficient and arbitrary chunking of inner operations, which the C++ iterator model does not permit.

This is a similar problem faced by views::filter. On its own, filter_view is at most bidirectional regardless of inputs, which makes it impossible to be execute efficiently using standard parallel algorithms and most third-party libraries as it is never random access. However, a natural parallel algorithm exists for filter_view: just filter whatever element you are processing in parallel and exit the current thread/worker if the filter returns false. Unfortunately, this is not expressible as the iterator advancement is strictly tied to the filter operation.

There are several possible mitigation strategies for this problem, but none of them are complete:

Ultimately, the C++20 range adaptor is not a good abstraction for parallelism, and complex pipelines using adaptors are inherently only able to be executed serially. The parallelism problem is not unique to scan_view, and substantial changes to both the adaptor and iterator model (perhaps somehow separate the advancement and compute stages) are required to enable sufficient parallelism opportunities even for long pipeline compositions, which are best explored in a separate proposal. Fortunately, at least the current range parallel algorithm proposal [P3179R4] wisely restricted the input to be random access, so the above scan + transform invocation will result in a compile error instead of silently degrading to serial performance.

4. Implementation Experience

The author implemented this proposal in Compiler Explorer. No significant obstacles are observed.

5. Questions To Resolve

5.1. Questions for SG9

5.2. Questions for LEWG

5.3. Questions for LWG

6. Wording

The wording below is based on [N5001] with [P2846R5] already applied on top.

Wording notes for LWG and editor:

6.1. 17.3.2 Header <version> synopsis [version.syn]

In this clause’s synopsis, insert a new macro definition in a place that respects the current alphabetical order of the synopsis, and substituting 20XXYYL by the date of adoption.

#define __cpp_lib_ranges_scan 20XXYYL // freestanding, also in <ranges>

6.2. 25.2 Header <ranges> synopsis [ranges.syn]

Modify the synopsis as follows:

// [...]
namespace std::ranges {
  // [...]
  // [range.transform], transform view
  template<input_range V, move_constructible F, bool IsInit>
    requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> &&
             regular_invocable<F&, range_reference_t<V>> &&
             can-reference<invoke_result_t<F&, range_reference_t<V>>>
  class transform_view; // freestanding

  namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified transform = unspecified; } // freestanding

  // [range.scan], scan view
  template<input_range V, move_constructible F, move_constructible T, bool IsInit>
    requires see below
  class scan_view; // freestanding

  namespace views {
    inline constexpr unspecified scan = unspecified; // freestanding
    inline constexpr unspecified prefix_sum = unspecified; // freestanding

  // [range.take], take view
  template<view> class take_view; // freestanding

  template<class T>
    constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<take_view<T>> =
      enable_borrowed_range<T>; // freestanding

  namespace views { inline constexpr unspecified take = unspecified; } // freestanding
  // [...]

Editor’s Note: Add the following subclause to 25.7 Range adaptors [range.adaptors], after 25.7.9 Transform view [range.transform]

6.3. 25.7.� Scan view [range.scan]

6.4. 25.7.�.1 Overview [range.scan.overview]

  1. scan_view presents a view that accumulates the results of applying a transformation function to the current state and each element.

  2. The name views::scan denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Given subexpressions E, F and G, the expressions views::scan(E, F) and views::scan(E, F, G) are expression-equivalent to scan_view(E, F) and scan_view(E, F, G), respectively.

[Example 1:

vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (auto&& i : std::views::scan(vec, std::plus{})) {
  std::print("{} ", i); // prints 1 3 6 10 15 
for (auto&& i : std::views::scan(vec, std::plus{}, 10)) {
  std::print("{} ", i); // prints 11 13 16 20 25 

-- end example]

  1. The name views::partial_sum denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Given subexpression E, the expressions views::partial_sum(E) and views::partial_sum(E, F) are expression-equivalent to scan_view(E, std::plus{}) and scan_view(E, std::plus{}, F), respectively.

6.5. 25.7.�.2 Class template scan_view [range.scan.view]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<typename V, typename F, typename T, typename U>
    concept scannable-impl =  // exposition only
      movable<U> &&
      convertible_to<T, U> && invocable<F&, U, range_reference_t<V>> &&
      assignable_from<U&, invoke_result_t<F&, U, range_reference_t<V>>>;

  template<typename V, typename F, typename T>
    concept scannable =  // exposition only
      invocable<F&, T, range_reference_t<V>> &&
      convertible_to<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<V>>,
             decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<V>>>> &&
      scannable-impl<V, F, T,
             decay_t<invoke_result_t<F&, T, range_reference_t<V>>>>;

  template<input_range V, move_constructible F, move_constructible T, bool IsInit = false>
    requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> && is_object_v<T> && scannable<V, F, T>
  class scan_view : public view_interface<scan_view<V, F, T, IsInit>> {
    // [range.scan.iterator], class template scan_view::iterator
    template<bool> struct iterator; // exposition only

    V base_ = V(); // exposition only
    movable-box<F> fun_; // exposition only
    movable-box<T> init_; // exposition only

    scan_view() requires default_initializable<V> && default_initializable<F> = default;
    constexpr explicit scan_view(V base, F fun) requires (!IsInit);
    constexpr explicit scan_view(V base, F fun, T init) requires IsInit;

    constexpr V base() const & requires copy_constructible<V> { return base_; }
    constexpr V base() && { return std::move(base_); }

    constexpr iterator<false> begin();
    constexpr iterator<true> begin() const
      requires range<const V> && scannable<const V, const F, T>;

    constexpr default_sentinel_t end() const noexcept { return default_sentinel; }

    constexpr auto size() requires sized_range<V> { return ranges::size(base_); }
    constexpr auto size() const requires sized_range<const V>
    { return ranges::size(base_); }

    constexpr auto reserve_hint() requires approximately_sized_range<V>
    { return ranges::reserve_hint(base_); }

    constexpr auto reserve_hint() const requires approximately_sized_range<const V>
    { return ranges::reserve_hint(base_); }

  template<class R, class F>
    scan_view(R&&, F) -> scan_view<views::all_t<R>, F, range_value_t<R>, false>;
  template<class R, class F, class T>
    scan_view(R&&, F, T) -> scan_view<views::all_t<R>, F, T, true>;
constexpr explicit scan_view(V base, F fun) requires (!IsInit);
  1. Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base) and fun_ with std::move(fun).

constexpr explicit scan_view(V base, F fun, T init) requires IsInit;
  1. Effects: Initializes base_ with std::move(base), fun_ with std::move(fun), and init_ with std::move(init).

constexpr iterator<false> begin();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to: return iterator<false>{*this, ranges::begin(base_)};

constexpr iterator<true> begin() const
  requires range<const V> && scannable<const V, const F, T>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to: return iterator<true>{*this, ranges::begin(base_)};

6.6. 25.7.�.3 Class template scan_view::iterator [range.scan.iterator]

namespace std::ranges {
  template<input_range V, move_constructible F, move_constructible T, bool IsInit>
    requires view<V> && is_object_v<F> && is_object_v<T> && scannable<V, F, T>
  template<bool Const>
  class scan_view<V, F, T, IsInit>::iterator {
    using Parent = maybe-const<Const, scan_view>; // exposition only
    using Base = maybe-const<Const, V>; // exposition only
    using ResultType = decay_t<invoke_result_t<maybe-const<Const, F>&, T, range_reference_t<Base>>>; // exposition only

    iterator_t<Base> current_ = iterator_t<Base>(); // exposition only
    Parent* parent_ = nullptr; // exposition only
    movable-box<ResultType> sum_; // exposition only

    using iterator_concept =
      conditional_t<forward_range<Base>, forward_iterator_tag, input_iterator_tag>;
    using iterator_category = see below; // present only if Base models forward_range
    using value_type = ResultType;
    using difference_type = range_difference_t<Base>;

    iterator() requires default_initializable<iterator_t<Base>> = default;
    constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, iterator_t<Base> current);
    constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i)
      requires Const && convertible_to<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Base>>;

    constexpr const iterator_t<Base>& base() const & noexcept { return current_; }
    constexpr iterator_t<Base> base() && { return std::move(current_); }

    constexpr const value_type& operator*() const { return *sum_; }

    constexpr iterator& operator++();
    constexpr void operator++(int);
    constexpr iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<Base>;

    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
      requires equality_comparable<iterator_t<Base>>;
    friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, default_sentinel_t);
  1. If Base does not model forward_range there is no member iterator_category. Otherwise, the typedef-name iterator_category denotes:

constexpr iterator(Parent& parent, iterator_t<Base> current);
  1. Effects: Initializes current_ with std::move(current) and parent_ with addressof(parent). Then, equivalent to:

if (current_ == ranges::end(parent_->base_)) return;
if constexpr (IsInit) {
  sum_ = invoke(*parent_->fun_, *parent_->init_, *current_);
} else {
  sum_ = *current_;
constexpr iterator(iterator<!Const> i)
  requires Const && convertible_to<iterator_t<V>, iterator_t<Base>>;
  1. Effects: Initializes current_ with std::move(i.current_), parent_ with i.parent_, and sum_ with std::move(i.sum_).

constexpr iterator& operator++();
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

if (++current_ != ranges::end(parent_->base_)) {
  sum_ = invoke(*parent_->fun_, std::move(*sum_), *current_);
return *this;
constexpr void operator++(int);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to ++*this.

constexpr iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<Base>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to:

auto tmp = *this;
return tmp;
friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, const iterator& y)
  requires equality_comparable<iterator_t<Base>>;
  1. Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ == y.current_;

friend constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& x, default_sentinel_t);
  1. Effects: Equivalent to: return x.current_ == ranges::end(x.parent_->base_);

7. Poll Results

7.1. SG9 Review, Wrocław (2024-11)

Poll 1: We want a view with a convenient spelling for the semantics of std::inclusive_scan without initial value.
Strongly Favor Favor Neutral Against Strongly Against
1 5 3 0 0

Poll 2: We want a view with a convenient spelling for the semantics of std::inclusive_scan with initial value.

Strongly Favor Favor Neutral Against Strongly Against
1 7 1 0 0

Poll 3: We want a view with a convenient spelling for the semantics of std::exclusive_scan (which would always require an initial value).

Strongly Favor Favor Neutral Against Strongly Against
0 3 6 1 0

Poll 4: We want a view with a convenient spelling for the semantics of views::prescan as proposed in the paper ([P3351R1]) (std::exclusive_scan plus the final sum).

Strongly Favor Favor Neutral Against Strongly Against
1 2 4 2 0

8. Historical Records

NOTE: These sections are now obsolete and no longer affects the current design. They only serve as a historical record.

8.1. Why Three Adaptors? (Obsolete)

An immediately obvious question is why choose three names, instead of opting for a single views::scan adaptor with overloads that take initial seed and/or function parameter? Such a design will look like this (greatly simplified):

struct scan_closure
    template<ranges::input_range Rng, typename T, std::copy_constructible Fun = std::plus>
    requires /* ... */
    constexpr operator()(Rng&& rng, const T& init, Func func = {})
    { /* ... */ }
    template<ranges::input_range Rng, std::copy_constructible Fun = std::plus>
    requires /* ... */
    constexpr operator()(Rng&& rng, Func func = {})
    { /* ... */ }
inline constexpr scan_closure scan{};

Unfortunately, this does not work due to the same kind of ambiguity that caused views::join_with ([P2441R2]) to choose a different name instead of overload with views::join. Specifically, imagine someone writes a custom vector that replicates all the original interface, but introduced operator+ to mean range concatenation and broadcast:

template<typename T>
struct my_vector : public std::vector<T>
    using std::vector<T>::vector;

    // broadcast: [1, 2, 3] + 10 = [11, 12, 13]
    friend my_vector operator+(my_vector vec, const T& value)
        for (auto& elem : vec) elem += value;
        return vec;
    friend my_vector operator+(const T& value, my_vector vec) { /* Same */ }

    // range concatenation: [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    friend my_vector operator+(my_vector vec, const my_vector& vec2)
        return vec;
    // operator+= implementation omitted

Although one could argue that this is a misuse of operator+ overloading, this is definitely plausible code one could write. Now consider:

my_vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3}, vec2{4, 5};
views::partial_sum(vec); // [1, 3, 6]
vec2 | views::partial_sum(vec);
// [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7], [10, 11, 12]] (!!)

The second invocation, vec2 | views::partial_sum(vec), is equivalent to partial_sum(vec2, vec), therefore interpreted as "using vec as the initial seed, and add each element of vec2 to it". Unfortunately, we cannot differentiate the two cases, since they both invoke partial_sum(vec). This ambiguity equally affects views::scan, since scan(vec, plus{}) and vec2 | scan(vec, plus{}) are also ambiguous.

There are several approaches we can adopt to handle this ambiguity:

Option 1: Bail out. Simply don’t support the initial seed case, or just declare that anything satisfy range that comes in the first argument will be treated as the input range.

Option 2: Reorder arguments and bail out. We can switch the function and the initial seed argument, such that the signature is scan(rng, func, init), and declare that anything satisfy range that comes in the first argument will be treated as the input range.

Option 3: Choose separate name for scan with and without initial seed.

The author prefers Option 3 as it is the least surprising option that has no potential of conflicts. For now, the author decides that scan with an initial seed should be called views::prescan, as suggested in [P2760R1], and partial_sum should not support initial seed at all. The rationale for this decision is that people who want partial_sum with initial seed can simply call prescan(init, std::plus{}), so instead of coming up a name that is potentially longer and harder to memorize the author felt that this is the best approach.

8.1.1. SG9 Review, Wrocław (2024-11)

Members of SG9 expressed preference for Option 2, because of several reasons:


Normative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 17 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/n5001
Barry Revzin. A Plan for C++26 Ranges. 15 December 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2760r1
Yihe Li. views::scan. 9 October 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3351r1

Informative References

Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 5 August 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/n4988
Ben Craig. Freestanding Library: Easy [utilities], [ranges], and [iterators]. 1 July 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p1642r11
Elias Kosunen, Victor Zverovich. Text Parsing. 15 October 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p1729r5
Barry Revzin, Conor Hoekstra, Tim Song. A Plan for C++23 Ranges. 18 February 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2214r2
Barry Revzin. ranges::fold. 22 April 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2322r6
Barry Revzin. views::join_with. 28 January 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2441r2
Corentin Jabot. reserve_hint: Eagerly reserving memory for not-quite-sized lazy ranges. 27 November 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p2846r5
Zach Laine, Barry Revzin, Jonathan Müller. Extending Conditionally Borrowed. 15 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3117r1
Tim Song. Retiring niebloids. 18 November 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3136r1
Ruslan Arutyunyan, Alexey Kukanov, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. C++ parallel range algorithms. 11 December 2024. URL: https://wg21.link/p3179r4